Ah, Shit
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***Mark's POV***
"Hello?" I answer my phone through the drone of my unenthusiastic day. I'm exhausted. We have been putting in extra hours to seal a sweet ass deal.
Coincidentally, Grey is sealing his own sweet ass deal. That deal is Mak. I can hear them destroying furniture all the way down the office hall.
Waiting, impatiently, for the caller to respond to my greeting, I stand up to close my door. I'm almost positive the person on the other end of my receiver doesn't need to hear this. Nobody does, not that I mind. It's hot.
"This is Gail Mitchell at Mercy General. I was trying to get ahold of either Grey or Makil Parker. Their phones are going straight to voicemail. I have an urgent message from Tatyana Washington. She said, and I quote, "I'm not doing this alone. Get the fucking daddies." The nurse sighs diligently before a giggle filters through the phone.
That sounds par for the course.
Hanging up the phone, I immediately dial Grey. I call three times before the asshole finally answers. By the time I get the words out, all I hear is "Ah, shit" come from the other end.
Knowing that I have his full attention, I hang up. Alerting the rest of our friends and family, I grab everything we will need before heading down to the elevator. I meet the fathers-to-be inside of the deluxe elevator, smirking at the state they are in. With a quick text, I inform Seb to grab all their bags including the overnight ones that contain spare clothes.
"Great timing." A laugh bubbles from my mouth when both Grey and Mak start fixing their hair. Their shirts are goners.
"Don't worry, Seb is bringing you two some more suitable clothing. Fucking office affairs." I smile broadly remembering all the times these two used to skirted around their feelings. To think they thought they were fooling anyone is a damn joke. They reeked of love from the moment their eyes met.
"Thank you. For always being our right hand man, thank you." Grey hugs me roughly before Mak joins in on the love fest. I pat their backs with joy. I'm fucking proud to have their backs.
The ride to the hospital is pure insanity. Grey misses the turn, back tracking to the hospital while cursing profanities for his frazzled nerves. I attempt to calm the two of them down with no luck whatsoever. I know Martin will rein in the madness. I will just leave it to him.
By the time we finally park, Grey practically drags Mak to the labor and delivery floor. I take my time; there is no use in all of us being ridiculously scattered during all of this.
Martin and Amelia show the fathers to the correct hall. I take a seat beside Seb. Kip and Mario stand to the side with grins that could split their cheeks. Gavin bounces on his toes before he alerts us all that he is going to help.
I would argue with the kid, but it's his friend and his hospital. I doubt anyone is going to be able to push him from that delivery room. Alex wishes Gavin well as he accepts that his boy is a nurse first.
My eyes pop wide open when Amelia and Martin come back as a party of three. Lani graces us with a smile and a small wave. I jump from my seat to engulf her in a welcoming hug.
"I missed you too, Mark." Lani swats at me as I squeeze her tighter.
"How did you get here so fast?" Seb comes to my side so he can softly hug Mak's only college friend.
"Taty and I have been texting all day. She said she thought she was contracting. I made an executive decision. I got in about an hour ago. I would say I had perfect timing." Her arrogance is charming. She's right. Mak is going to be so excited.
"Glad you made it." Kip and Mario pass Lani around before Alex charms her with a kiss to the back of her hand. I would do anything to have Gavin walk in right now. That shit would stir a storm that God himself couldn't silence. I will just make sure that this pic makes it's way to our small friend.
Smiling ruefully, I slide my phone back into my pocket. I love when Alex is in trouble. Gavin drags his tantrum out for days. Alex is the worst at groveling. Gav gives him fucking hell, too.
"Shit starter." Martin fist bumps me as I show him the pic. I can see Alex glaring at me. It's going to be so fucking epic.
"Save it for after the baby is here." Alex rolls his eyes. No doubt, Alex is dreading the day when I drop the pic. I'm so excited. This is gold.
"So, any news? Have we started dilating?" Lani takes a seat while asking for an update. I would have thought she would know more than us. I guess not.
"She's at a two. Her water broke so there is no going back." Amelia practically squeals as she claps her hand. I won't even bluff, I am fucking ready to see Mak as a daddy. He has needed this day for far too long.
"Gavin will keep us in the loop. I threatened his life." Mario laces his fingers together, stretching his bulging arms to reach behind his head. He leans back in the chair as he presses his head against the wall. His ankle rests over his knee.
"Any bets on a name?" Kip looks around. We shrug, some of us shaking our head. Grey and Mak have given us radio silence each time we have badgered them for a name. They say it's a surprise. Well, duh, because they won't fucking tell us.
"Something classy with a classic vibe." Alex looks to us for confirmation. No go.
"Nah, Mak will try to hybrid something. You'll see." I smile knowingly. I think I know the boy better than everyone else.
"Something gender neutral. Mak wouldn't want to pressure his son into being anything that the boy doesn't want to be." Mario shoots a bird at me when I glare. He is probably right.
"Whatever it is, it will be perfect." Martin looks at each of us with so much pride shining in his eyes. I'm not really sure which of his sons he holds on a higher pedestal. Mak has burrowed his way straight into Daddy Parker's heart.
Lani just giggles while we throw out not so educated guesses. I assume that she has her own ideas, yet she is unwilling to partake in our game to pass time.
Alex stands up abruptly, quickly making his way to the door. He opens the thing just as Gav comes barreling in. With rushed breaths Gavin tries to suck all of the oxygen out of the room.
"She's at an eight. I gotta get back in there. It won't be long. Love you guys. It's baby time." As quickly as the boy appears he disappears. His antics leave us all standing to our feet. We chuckle at his excitement.
A nurse pops her head in right after we get to our feet. With a flick of her hand, she has us all following her down the busy halls of the maternity ward. We stop in front of the nursery, anticipating the newest Parker's arrival.
It seems like hours pass as we wait. The time doesn't have mercy upon the large entourage that impatiently taps heels against the white tile floors. Amelia flicks her nails against one another as she searches the glass wall for her first grandchild.
With hushed breaths no one speaks. We watch as tiny newborns are carried around. Some are in their little bassinets sleeping while others scream their tiny lungs out. The tiny humans aren't very happy with the poking and prodding.
All eyes follow the door as it opens wide. Through the glass we see Grey follow a nurse carrying a small bundle that gets everyone gasping. The gorgeous baby sleeps soundly while covered in a soft hospital blanket that appears to be the wrong the fucking color.
All of us turn to one another with questioning glances. Our confusion is halted when Mak joins us on our side of the wall. He smiles widely with wet cheeks.
"She's a girl." Mak leans down with his palms resting on his knees. He pants as if he has just endured a marathon. I guess that would be a good analogy for whatever the fuck just happened.
"Um. How?" Seb asks the question that all of us have been wondering.
A burst of laughter from Mak's lips causes all of us to watch even more intently. I need answers.
"Apparently, mistakes happen. Something about swelling and the umbilical cord. Doesn't matter. She's fucking perfect. Look at her. She's absolutely perfect." Looking up, I see Grey point to Mak, beckoning him to come take his place. As they swap positions, we take a moment to really look at the tiny angel as both daddies pose for an impromptu picture from the nurses.
The smiles on their faces tell me that they could care less that they have a whole room full of blue and absolutely nothing to dress a little girl in. They look happier than I could ever imagine.
Amelia's squeal is so loud that the nurses chuckle from the other side of the glass. Amelia fans herself, wiping the tears away quickly. I give her a hug after Martin finally lets her go.
"Congratulations." I whisper between the both of them.
"I'm a little shocked. However, I'm kind of really happy. I have a princess to spoil." Martin makes the comment that gets the whole group to laugh loudly. No doubt, this baby will be well loved. No doubt at all.
Grey comes to our side being greeted with congratulations that are far more convoluted than clear. When the noise dies down, I pull my brother into a bear hug. My hand presses his head to my shoulder tightly. I whisper I love yous and congratulations again and again.
"Thank you. I'm so damn happy. A little girl. I can't believe it." Grey wipes his eyes as he turns his attention back to his daughter. If Grey looks happy, Mak looks like he holds the moon. Mak lavishes the baby in what I can only imagine is coos as his lips move with a soft o sound.
"Do we have a name?" Lani types away on her phone excessively as she speaks the question towards the daddy.
"We will announce it as soon as Mak gets back to us." Grey's eyes say we are going to be pleasantly blessed. I have no doubt.
It takes a little while for Mak to come back. We watch as he takes lessons from the nurse on clothing the tiny baby. He helped with a bath and even fed a teenie tiny bottle to the suckling baby's hungry mouth.
By the time he gives her to the nurse, I realize I'm fucking starving. I'm hoping we can have this reveal over a hot sandwich or at least a cold glass of water.
"Let's go down to the cafeteria. We have to wait for the lawyers to get here. Tatyana is in recovery. The baby needs some shots that I am not thrilled to watch." Mak leads the procession down the halls towards the cafeteria. Thank God.
My eyes practically water when the scent of food hits my nose. I almost laugh as all of us rush towards the bar where the server fills our plates with fish and grits. I am so damn excited to sink my teeth into the mouthwatering filets. They smell fucking fantastic.
As we sit down with our drinks and food, all eyes look to the new fathers for the answer to the name question. Grey chuckles as he hands the reins over to Mak who looks about ready to bust at the seams.
"Her name is Cara Helena Parker." Mak rolls the name off of his tongue elegantly. I have no idea what it means. I just know that the pride in which he says it tells me that it is perfect.
"Beloved Light." Alex whispers the words with revelry. The meaning sinks in, touching my heart in a place I wouldn't have expected. I get it. It's perfect.
"I love it." Amelia stands to kiss Mak and Grey softly on their cheeks.
"I knew I wanted a child. I just didn't know I needed this child. I'm so glad the adoptions fell through. I couldn't imagine being called Daddy by any other." Mak smiles so sweetly I just want to melt. Fucking finally. Mak has finally got his blessing in this thing he has endured called life.
"Congratulations." I pull Mak to me with a warm hug. I couldn't imagine anyone ever being so deserving as this man.
"I love you." Grey bends down, kissing Mak softly. Mak practically melts against the soft reassurance. My eyes could roll at the absurdity of Mak needing that particular reassurance. All the same, Grey continuously reassures his husband of his utter adoration.
We eat with light chatter as Lani explains that she is leaving to swap some of the gifs for more appropriately colored articles. Gavin returns, informing us that Grey and a Mak can meet with the lawyers who have arrived.
As we leave the cafeteria, we head towards the labor and delivery hall to check on the girl who made the decision that has blessed us all so abundantly. To think, one person's "ah, shit" moment has spawned awe in the lives of so many.
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