21:《The Sun And The Moon pt2》
The present
Oh yeah,that's how we got here.
Fighting in the rain.
My heart breaking everytime I see them together.
It hurts.
Because after everything we've been through,
All the sadness,the laughs and the feelings we shared,
It hurts he would just pick her over me.
But then again,he's madly in love with her right!
I sigh as I walk into my hotel room.
Normally Dean would be here.
Waiting for me,telling me a dirty joke.
But I'm gonna have to get used of him not being here with me.
Because he loves Sasha and he'll never love me the way he loves her.
Dean P.O.V
Dean:Hey Sasha.
Dean:Would you help me put all these decorations away?
Sasha:Just because it's your birthday doesn't mean I have to help you.Do it yourself!
She scoffed.
It hurts but I'm used to it so I ignore it.
Dean:Okay babe.
Sasha:Good.Now I'm busy can you move away from the TV?
I sigh and walk away to pack the decorations away.
I pictured it differently.
Wait,actually I always picture it differently.
But it's the same,just the same all the time.
She'll never love me the way I love her.
She'll just never see me the same way.
I need some space with my brothers.
Dean:I'm going to see Roman babe.
•Roman's hotel•
Roman:Damn man you look horrible!
Dean:Wow thanks!
Roman:I'm just saying,looks like you haven't slept in a while.
Dean:Well Sasha did ask me to take her shopping at 3 in the morning.
Roman:Dude,you need to stop let her using you like that.
Dean:I can't help it.
I sighed feeling hopeless.
Roman:Yes you can.You need to try.I think this is so unhealthy for you.
Dean:Well then you don't know what's true love.
I scoff.
Roman:That's not true love Dean.Does Sasha love you the way you love her?Would she die for you like how you would die for her?Does she think you're the sun like how you think she's the moon?
Romam:Man stop.
I'm kinda shocked by this because he usually never yells at me.
Roman:Just stop man!You know she doesn't feel the same!Stop!Just leave her!
Dean:It's easier said than done!I love her Roman!I can't stop!She's the only love I've ever known!
I say getting in his face.
Roman:Well she's just using you!You're nothing but a toy to her!
Can't you see it man!
Dean:I can't!
Roman:It's not Sasha!It's not her!She ain't the one!She's fuckin using you!
Roman's expression softens when I look hurt.
Dean:You think I don't know that Ro?I know she uses me,I know she doesn't feel anything for me and I know she doesn't love me the way I love her.
I sigh and walk to his window.
And he puts his hand on my shoulder.
Roman:Look man I'm sorry I said those things.I just hate seeing my brother being used like this.I just want to see you happy,there's someone out there Dean who feels exactly the same.
He says in a 'duh' tone.
Dean:Why AJ?She likes me but it's nothing she can't get over.
He chuckles.
Roman:Do you see what I mean by 'she's feels the same way you do'?
Dean:No I don't,mind explaining.
Roman:Well you see.You love Sasha so much but she doesn't feel it as much as you do.
And AJ loves you so much but you don't feel it as much as she does.
Dean:She loves me?
Roman:And just the way Sasha thinks you'll just get over her,is the same way you think AJ will just get over you.
He just makes so much of sense.
Roman:You're the sun and you think Sasha is the moon but you're wrong ,AJ is the moon Dean.She can't shine without you bro...and you?You'd just be lonely in the sky without her.
Dean:So what do I do now?
Roman:We'll that's simple.
He chuckles.
Roman:Go tell her how you feel,tell her that you're sorry for not considering how she felt.Most importantly tell her you love her.
I nod and smile.
Dean:Thank you man,sorry for shouting at yah.
Roman:It's okay dude,we're two alpha males butting heads.Now go get em tiger.
I nod.
Strangely a part of 'The sun and the moon' kept repeating in my head.
The moon chose not to breathe because not seeing the sun today is a pain worse than death.
AJ not having me around is slowly consuming her.She doesn't act the same.She's lost herself.
It became clear that the sun would die to let his true love breathe.
I would have to let Sasha go and let AJ breathe again.
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