•2 weeks later•
Michael Cole:What you you think about Sasha,AJ?Why do you think she's interfering with your matches?
AJ:She's a coward.That's all she is.And I really don't care why she doesn't like me.Cause if she wants to start something I will sure as hell end it for her.
I glared at her in the ring.
She held Nikki's face and punched her while looking at me.
AJ:She knows I'm competition and that's why she'll never have this.
I say holding up my championship.
Sasha went for the Bank Statement while keeping her eyes on me.
Nikki couldn't handle it and she tapped.
Sasha got up and smirked.
She pointed to herself.
Sasha:That title is mine!
She shouted from the ring.
I just gave her a smile.
AJ:I ain't even gonna go down to your level puddin.
I say skipping backstage with my belt.
AJ:How's your neck?
Nikki:Okay-ish.I was so close to biting her freakin hand off.
We laughed.
Dolph:Hey ladies.
I rolled my eyes.
Dolph:I just wanted to talk to crazy over here.
AJ:Well 'crazy' doesn't wanna talk to you.
I fold my arms.
Dolph:Look I have to tell you something about Randy.
He rolled his eyes and Nikki stepped aside.
AJ:I'm listening.
Dolph:Look he likes you okay but you can't fall for him.He just wants to use you.
AJ:Why should I believe anything you say?
Dolph:I don't know but just don't.He's nothing but a snake.
AJ:What I do with my life,is my business Ziggler not yours.
Dolph:Well I tried.
He says walking away.
Why should I believe him?
Alexa:Yeah,you go bish.
We high five.
Becky:Fuck a bank statement,just slay your black widow.
AJ:Yeah you know it.
Brie:Hey isn't that Dean.
Suddenly I feel heart sore and like I want to cry.
See after that flight Dean has never spoken to me again.
He ignores me like I'm nothing.
I don't know what I did but I even though I like him and not gonna suck his ass.
Sasha walks towards our table as she plays with Dean's hand that's around her shoulder.
Sasha:Better watch out AJ.I'm coming for that title.
She winked and Dean completely turned his face the other way.
AJ:Oh that's funny.I don't remember asking you?
Everybody makes the sound when you get burnt.
Nikki:Ouuu snap.
She just rolls her eyes.
Sasha:You think I'm gonna beat her right?
She looks up at Dean who looks like he doesn't want to answer.
Dean:You're gonna win darlin.
My blood boiled when he called her that!
To make me more angry she gives Dean a kiss.
I get out of my seat and walk away.
I sit down on a crate and feel a tear slip down my eye.
Why doesn't he care anymore?
Randy:Hey you okay?
He startled me and I quickly wipe away my tears.
AJ:I'm fine.
Randy:Is it Dean?
I start crying again and I feel him hug me.
Randy:It's okay,life happens.I mean never get to attached to someone everyone wakes up with different feeling everyday.
Randy strokes my back uncomfortably close to my butt.
He reaches down and grabs my butt.
I smack his hand away.
AJ:What do you think you're doing?!
Randy:Oh come on,you know you feel the same.
He tries to kiss me but I slap him.
AJ:I don't I consider you as a friend!Nothing more!No!
Randy:Nobody tells me no-
Roman:What's a viper when you knock it's fangs down its throat?
Roman appeared and Randy gulped.
Roman:A worthless little worm.
Randy:Oh Roman,I-I-
Roman walked in front of me and blocked Randy from me.
Roman:You were just leaving.
Randy didn't even say anything he just walked away.
Roman:You okay tiny?
AJ:I think so,thank you.
I hug him.
Roman:What are friends for?
AJ:Mmh.I have to be very careful about choosing my friends.
I laughed and roll my eyes.
Roman:Why what's wrong?Is somebody messing with you?I will spear them.
He says and he hops onto the crate next to me.
AJ:I highly doubt you'll spear your best friend.
I say not looking at him.
Roman:Dean?What did he do?
AJ:That's the problem.He does nothing when he sees me,he doesn't talk to me anymore,he doesn't even look at me anymore!I don't know what I ever did to him!
I cry into Romans chest.
AJ:I just don't know Ro.I mean we have this sun and moon thing going on.I think he's the sun but he doesn't think I'm the moon.
Roman:Why would you be the moon?You don't like Dea-Oh wait a second you like Dean!
I just nod my head as another tear slips down my cheek.
AJ:Stupid little AJ fell in love with the sun but he's the sun and thinks Sasha is the moon.I feel like nothing without him.
Roman:Well I think you're the moon.All this time he was there for you to make you shine.
AJ:Is he the sun?
Roman:No babygirl he was the darkness.Now talk to him,at least tell him how you feel.
AJ:What if he doesn't feel the same?
Roman:At least you know you tried.
He shrugged and smiled.
Roman:Like that one time I heard you had a crush on me.
I turn red.
Roman:It's okay it happens buddy.
He pinches my cheek.
AJ:Thanks for being there for me Ro.
Roman:Anytime,now go get your man.
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