12:《A Change》
AJ:My head's still spinning.
I say as we pull up on the mountain peak.
Dean:Mines too.
He says as we both get out of the car.
AJ:So what'd you wanna show me?
I asked smiling.
Dean:Look up.
He says pointing above.
I do and see a sky full of stars and of course,the luminous moon.
Dean:Thought I change you're mind about liking the sun.
He laughed while laying down on the grass and patting the space next to him for me to lay.
And so I lay next to him while staring at the night sky.
Dean:So I've been reading that book you learnt me.
AJ:You actually reading?Yeah right.
I laughed.
Dean:I'm serious,why else did I borrow the book?
AJ:To pretend that you were interested.
Dean:Oh darlin.
He laughed.
Dean:I ain't like them fake ones out there.I'm a real one.
AJ:Yeah I know.
I giggled and there was silence between us as we looked up at the sky.
Until Dean broke the silence.
Dean:I wonder what Sasha's gonna say.I hope it's a yes.
AJ:I'm sure she will,don't think about it too much though.
Dean:I'm not I'm just wondering.You know if I do get her what if I'm not good enough for her?
AJ:Nonsense.Just be yourself.
Dean:But it's being myself that got me dumped in the first place.
AJ:A girl should love a guy for who he is,otherwise it ain't love.
Dean:Yeah but what if,the guy loves her so much,he would change everything about himself for her.
I didn't like him saying that.I don't like him doubting himself like that.Sasha doesn't derserve him in the first place.
Dean:You know,maybe I'm the sun and she's the moon like the story.
I frowned at that idea.
Sasha ain't beautiful she's just pretty.
She ain't genuine she's fake.
She ain't luminous she's dark.
Dean:Only difference is,in this story the moon doesn't love the sun so much.
AJ:Dean listen to yourself,you should like a love sick 15 year old.
I laughed.
Dean:I can't help it.I think she's put a spell on me.
AJ:Black magic.
I cough.
Dean:I'm serious.
He laughed.
AJ:I just don't get you Dean,how can you love someone like her.
You could her the venom in my voice when I said her.
Dean:I don't know,I just do.
AJ:I liked Roman the once.
I said out of nowhere to bring in some humor.
AJ:Yeah but it wasn't anything serious,I mean who wouldn't like him the first time they see him.
He laughs along with me.
Dean:That's true.But Brie has got him tied down now.
He chuckles.
AJ:If I was Brie,I'd do the same.
Dean:You're a looney one aren't you?
AJ:Yeah but you love it.
Dean:Yeah I do.I really do.
•The Next Day•
Kurt:AJ,I needed to ask you something.
AJ:Yeah sure boss man.
Kurt:Meet me in my office in the next ten minutes.Oh and bring Dean too.
I say skipping back to the Shield's locker room.
AJ:Hey guys!
Roman:Hey babygirl.
Dean:Hey darlin,what's up.
AJ:Kurt needs to speak to me.I hope I didn't do anything wrong.
I laughed because everytime Kurt wants to speak to me,I always jump to conclusions.
AJ:I mean maybe it's because I haven't had a lot of title shot matches right?
Roman:Maybe or maybe he wants you to do a storyline or something.
AJ:I hope so,oh and he wants to see you too Dean.
Dean:Oh poop.
•Kurt's Office•
Kurt:Take a seat guys.
I smiled nervously.
Kurt:Relax you ain't in trouble.
I feel less tense.
Kurt:So AJ you know how you're always hanging around the Shield?
Kurt:Well the universe has noticed.
Dean:Go on.
Kurt:So I decided to make you the Forth member of the shield.
I was filled with happiness and shock.
Me?being part of the best tag team ever!?
AJ:Oh my goodness!
Kurt:You okay with it?
AJ:Oh course I am,it's like a dream come true!
Dean:Yass my best friend is gonna be in my team.
We fist bumped.
Kurt:But that's gonna have to change.
He asked confused.
AJ:If Dean and I can't be friends anymore then count me out.
I say with a serious face.
Kurt:I didn't say that now did I?
He laughed.
Kurt:The fans,well universe have also noticed how close you are.
AJ:Geez,why do they keep on noticing things.
We all laugh.
Kurt:So you two will not be best friends or just roomates anymore but you have to be a couple.Onscreen.
Couple!?No no no!Those things never work out!Never!
Dean:Like a couple couple?
Kurt:Yes,do you know how many DeanLee shippers are out there?Even more than that Daige!
AJ:Daige?Who's that?
I mumble the Dean.
Dean:You know Dean and Paige.
AJ:Paige?What's so good about Paige and you?I don't-
Kurt cleared his throat.
Kurt:So here is your scripts.You will be debuting tonight.
•The Shields locker room•
Roman:That's wonderful news!
AJ:I know I know.I'm just worried.
Seth:About what?
AJ:Well right now he's vibing with Sasha and I don't want Sasha to turn him down just because of me or this dumb butt storyline.
Roman:Relax!Dean and you are best friends and everyone knows it.Even Sasha.She'll understand it's just onscreen.
AJ:I don't give a rats ass about what she thinks!I just need to know that Dean is okay with it.
Seth:He's okay with it!Plus there's nothing he really can do about it.
Seth shrugs.
Dean:Hey AJ could I talk to you?
Dean surprises me from behind.
AJ:Yeah sure.
I walk behind Dean.
AJ:What did she say?
Dean:All she said is she needs another week to think about it.
AJ:Another week!?What the fuck is wrong with that fugly bitch!What!I mean it's not like you asked her to marry you it's just-and I should stop talking now.
I say as I see Dean laughing at me.
Dean:You ready for this storyline?
AJ:Well as long as you're okay with it.I just don't want it to be awkward or affect our friendship.
Dean:It'll only be awkward if you want it to be,just relax.
He says laughing with me.
AJ:You're right,best friends for life?
Dean:Best friends for life.
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