beau; benson's gotcha day!
*Beau adopts Benson and Benson officially becomes a Sloane! Send suggestions! Love • Bree 💓*
Today is the BIG day! Beau is officially adopting his foster child, Benson. Beau has been fostering Benson since he was nine months old and Benson is now an active two years old. However, today is the day! Benson is officially becoming a Sloane!
Beau is happy to have his parents, Debbie and Michael and his best friend Molly to be here with him during this special today. Debbie and Michael are so excited to be officially be Benson's grandparents!
Beau is getting Benson all dressed and ready!
"You look so handsome today, Benny!" Molly says as Benson smiles ear to ear.
"Say thank you, Auntie Molly!" Beau says as he styles Benson's light brown hair.
"Fank you!" Benson says with a cheeky grin.
"You're welcome, cutie! Can I have a hug?" Molly asks Benson.
"Ya!" Benson says as he hugs Molly tightly.
"Aw, you are such a sweet boy." Beau says as he takes a picture of Molly and Benson together.
*Benson's outfit*
Debbie and Michael walk into Beau's apartment with flowers and balloons.
"Mom Mom! Poppy!" Benson says as he runs over to Debbie and Michael.
"Hi, Benny! I missed you so much buddy!" Debbie says as she hugs Benson tightly.
"Missed you too!" Benson says hugging Debbie.
Debbie then kisses Benson a few times making Benson smile.
"Hey, Ben! You look so nice!" Michael says to Benson as he picks him up and tickles him.
"You look so cute today! Did Daddy style your hair?" Debbie asks Benson.
"Yea! Da da did it!" Benson says jumping up and down with excitement.
"He is talking so well!" Debbie says with a cheeky grin.
"Yeah, he is! He's still a little behind but he's getting there! I'm proud of him!" Beau says proudly.
"Today is the big day! How are you feeling?" Michael asks his son Beau as he hugs him.
"I feel really nervous actually! What if the judge denies me Benson?" Beau says to his parents.
"The judge isn't going to deny you Benson, Beau. You have raised him since he was a nine months old! His case worker knows how well you have raised Benson and how happy Benson is with you. I wouldn't worry." Debbie says as she hugs Beau.
"I wouldn't either, Beau. You have proven that you are an amazing father to Benson and Benson is thriving because of it." Michael says to Beau.
Benson runs around the apartment with Molly chasing after him and giggling loudly.
"Your Dad and I got this for you!" Debbie says handing Beau a necklace.
Beau opens the gray necklace box and smiles at the necklace. The necklace has Benson's name, his birth stone and the today's date.
*Imagine is says Benson Michael Sloane 3•13•18*
"Aww! Thank you so much, mom and dad! I love this!" Beau says as he hugs his mom and dad tightly.
"You're welcome! Today is such a special day, so your dad and I wanted to give you something to remember this special day and for Benson to have as a memory as well." Debbie says with a cheeky smile.
"Well, we gotta get moving! We don't wanna be late for court!" Beau says as he, Debbie, Michael, Benson and Molly leave the apartment.
Beau, Benson, Debbie, Michael and Molly have made it to the Los Angeles court house!
"We are here! Woohoo!" Molly says filming Beau holding Benson.
"Benson, I wanna take your picture with the sign I made on these steps!" Beau says letting Benson walk around.
"Otay, Da da!" Benson says as he walks up a few steps.
Beau then hands Benson the sign to hold.
"Hold it up, bud! Mom Mom and Poppy are going to take your picture." Beau says to Benson.
Benson holds up the sign and giggles.
"Benny! Look at me!" Debbie says as she takes pictures of Benson holding his sign.
"Say cheese!" Michael says as Benson smiles ear to ear.
"CHEESE!" Benson says for a few pictures.
Beau then bends down to Benson's level as Debbie is and Michael take more pictures.
"B and B!" Debbie says with a big smile.
"You guys look SO CUTE!" Molly says with s big grin.
Beau, Benson, Molly, Debbie and Michael have walked into the court houses. They are now waiting for their case to be heard by the judge.
"Time now?" Benson asks Beau.
"Not yet, buddy! We have to wait our turn!" Beau says as he holds Benson in his lap.
"Boo." Benson says making Beau giggle.
"We have to be patient, bud." Beau says, kissing Benson.
"Benny, do you wanna look at the fish tank over here?" Molly asks Benson cursorily.
"Yeah!" Benson says getting out of Beau's lap.
"Go ahead, bud! Have fun!" Beau says as Benson walks over to the fish tank with Molly.
"Now we wait." Beau says as he takes a deep breath.
"Don't get anxious, Beau. It's okay." Debbie says with a grin and rubs her back.
After an hour wait, it is time for Benson's case!
Beau, Benson, Michael and Debbie all walk into the empty court room. Molly begins to film the special moment for Beau and Benson to remember in the future.
"We have to sit right here, Benny! Do you wanna sit on my lap?" Beau asks Benson.
"Ya!" Benson says as he sits on Beau's lap.
Beau kisses Benson's cheek and bounces him on his leg making Benson giggle.
Beau's lawyer walks in and sits next to him. She waves at Benson and Benson giggles. Debbie and Michael also sit next to Beau. Debbie holds Beau's hand and kisses it.
"Are you ready for today?" Beau's lawyer asks Beau.
"I've been waiting for this day ever since he was put in my arms as a nine month old baby." Beau says making everybody awe.
"He is a very lucky boy to have you as a dad." Beau's lawyer says with a grin.
The lawyer talks with the judge for a few minutes and then the adoption proceedings begin!
"We are here today to certify the adoption of two year old Benson! Hello, Benson!" The judge says to Benson.
"Hi!" Benson says as he happily waves at the judge making Beau, Debbie, Molly and Michael chuckle.
The judge begins to ask simple questions to Beau and Beau answers them. The questions are mostly yes and no questions. Benson happily sits on Beau's lap and he is eating a pack of fruit snacks.
"These papers right here will certify Benson's adoption!" The judge says as Beau lawyer is giving the paper work.
Beau's lawyer brings the paper work over and goes over them with Beau before he signs them. Molly smiles as she films Beau signing all of the papers.
Beau's lawyer hands all the signed papers to the judge.
"Does anyone here today object to this adoption?" The judge asks and nobody says anything.
"I hereby announce the adoption of Benson Michael Sloane!" The judge says happily as she signs the paper, sealing the adoption.
Debbie, Michael, Molly and Beau's lawyer all cheer.
"Your a Sloane now, bud!" Beau says as Benson cheers in excitement.
"Yay!" Benson says as he claps his hands with excitement.
Beau and Benson walk over to the judge to talk with her.
"Congratulations!" The judge says as she shakes Beau's hand.
"Thank you so much!" Beau says with a big smile.
"Hi!" Benson says happily.
Benson and Beau talk with the judge and thank her. Debbie takes a few pictures of Benson, the judge and Beau together!
Beau, Benson, Molly, Debbie and Michael all walk out of the court room very happy.
"Let's get in a pray circle and pray." Debbie says as she, Beau, Benson, Molly and Michael get in a prayer circle.
"Let's pray for Benson's birth mom and birth dad today. Let's pray that they are healthy again and has healed. And we thank them for giving us this beautiful boy to raise and nurture forever." Michael says.
"Amen." Molly, Beau, Michael and Debbie say in unison.
"You are a Sloane! Benson Michael Sloane!" Beau says as Benson smiles.
"Let's go home and celebrate!" Molly says winking at Debbie and Michael since they know the plan.
Beau's friends are at his place to celebrate Benson's adoption! His best friend Molly decide to throw him a small party to celebrate this special day!
Beau's friends Maya, Franny, Margie,
Hannah M, Hannah T, Leah, Laura, McKenna, Rachael, Ali, Keke, Mayuly, Matthew, Josh, David and Mario have all arrived and are waiting for Beau and Benson to come home!
Molly, Debbie, Michael, Benson and Beau walk into the apartment.
"SURPRISE!" All the guests say as they cheer happily as they throw confetti happily.
"Oh my gosh! A gotcha day party! This is so sweet! Thank you guys so so much!" Beau says as he tries not to cry.
"Bwoons!" Benson says as he looks at all of the colorful balloons.
"Balloons! That's right, Benny!" Debbie says as Benson jumps up and down in excitement.
"Benson! Look at this yummy cake! It looks so so good!" Beau says as Benson runs over to look at the cake.
"Cake! I wuv to eat cake, Da da!" Benson says to Beau.
"I love cake too, bud! You have to eat something for dinner before cake, okay?" Beau says to Benson.
"Okay Da da!" Benson says to Beau, kissing Benson's cheek.
Beau walks around the apartment to talk to all of his friends while Benson runs around and plays with his toys.
Throughout the party, Beau and Benson talk with friends, open up presents, and eat yummy food!
All of Beau's friends hug, kiss and take many pictures with Benson. Benson feels very loved today!
After a long busy day, Beau is happy to cuddle his two year old in his bed. Benson is asleep and is curled up next to him. Beau rubs Benson's back and kisses his forehead.
"I love you, baby boy. Welcome to your forever home." Beau whispers as he smiles at Benson.
Beau posts five pictures on his Instagram. The first picture is of Beau holding Benson outside the courthouse, the second picture is of Beau with his mom Debbie, dad Michael with Benson outside the courthouse. The third picture is of Beau, Benson and the judge smiling, the fourth picture is of Benson with his sign that Beau made, and the fifth picture is of Beau hugging Benson. He writes the caption as: "As of today, I am officially a father! Welcome to the Sloane family, Benson! I'm so grateful that I get to be your dad forever and ever!! Happy gotcha day, Benson Michael Sloane! 💙"
Debbie posts a picture of herself and Benson together. Debbie is kissing Benson's cheek and Benson is smiling. She writes the caption as: "Officially a Mom Mom to this handsome boy! Beau fostered this little boy for almost a year and he's officially a Sloane! Happy gotcha day, Benson Michael! I can't wait to spoil him rotten! ❤️"
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