I'm still around + my instagram
It's been awhile since I posted something on here, I'm still admitted to the mental hospital. It's been hell to say the least.
If you haven't followed me on Instagram then you are probably way out of the loop on what's happened lately because I give daily updates on me, my situation and Aris as well.
A lot of my updates were put on my Instagram story so they by now have expired, so it'll be a bit confusing if I don't make certain things clear if you were to follow me as of now, so I'll explain the main things that have happened since I talked to y'all last.
1) So a few days ago Aris got sick, like very sick. He was throwing up constantly and had all these bad symptoms and I didn't know why. The staff didn't give a shit so that made shit worse. He was very very skinny, he hadn't eaten in days at the time. So after hours of him suffering he finally got transferred to the hospital wing and got admitted there for about 2 days. I wasn't allowed to see him given that patients aren't allowed to leave their wards without a valid reason or staff member to escort them wherever needed. This nurse (Jane) that recently started working in my ward had shown a little more compassion than any of the other staff members so I knew she was the only chance I got in seeing Aris.
Believe me, not knowing how he was when he got transferred was very scary. When he was with me he was shaking, sweating, vomiting, coughing, and more than anything he was crying from the pain. Keep in mind he rarely eats. So he was throwing up stomach acid which burned his throat immensely. He was so afraid that he started talking about death. Which isn't really like him, so that made me worry even more.
Anyway, I knew Jane would at least tell me how he was doing if I talked to her. But unfortunately she wasn't working that day so I had to wait until the next day.
Long story short he turned out to be okay, he was malnourished and had some sort of infection or flu I have no idea, he wasn't paying attention when the doctor told him and when I kept asking about it he didn't want to bring it up so I dropped it. Right now he's doing better and was given proper antibiotics to get him back on his feet.
2) I'm giving y'all the very short version to this. Me and Aris have gotten closer and closer as time went on. So yesterday I made the decision to not sweep my feelings under a carpet any longer. I've been doing it for 19 years and after all the shit I've been through, A part of me still believes that not everyone is a monster. So as of yesterday, me and Aris are now together.
3) my ex decided to visit me. The story to that is on my Instagram page
4) there is now a piano in the common room, Jane had put a request in to get one and now we do. I taught myself how to play ages and ages ago, so I played a few times to see what I had remembered, there is a video on my Instagram page of me playing it if you wanted to see that
And I think that's it? I hope I'm not missing anything more important. I just wanted to update y'all since I haven't been active on here for awhile.
If you want to follow my fucked up journey, my Instagram name is sapphireinkk
Thanks for the support and love <3
- Jasper
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