~ Jack ~
"Do you have to go?" Mark pouted.
"Mark, if I don't go then the police will keep searching for me and my mother will only get..... More mad" I told him as I put my shoes on and gripped the doorknob with my right hand.
Mark only sighed, clearly unhappy.
I thought to myself in silence for what felt like awhile but in reality it was only a few minutes, I knew my mother was going to give me a good beating when I got home. But if I were to stay longer with Mark, the beatings would only get worse.
"But don't you want to stay?" He asked, taking hold of my left hand.
I let go of the door and fully face him, looking into his sad doe eyes. I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tight. I don't know if I'll see him tomorrow, depends on how nice my mother is on the beatings. But judging that I 'ran away', she will most likely beat me until unconscious.
Fine with me, I deserve it.
We part from the hug and I sadly smile at him. He looks like he wanted to say something but no words could come out.
"What is it Mark?" I ask. Still holding my arms lightly around his neck as his lay around my waist.
He looks down thinking for a minute, then meets with my gaze once again.
"Um... W-..what does this make us...?" He stuttered nervously.
I took in what he said and thought about it.
"That's a good question.. I don't know Mark," I shrug.
"What do you want it to be?" I ask, giving a half smile looking into his chocolatey eyes.
He sighed. Not in an irritated or angered kinda way, more like in a way that he knew his final decision.
"Will uh..Will you be my b-boyfriend?" He stuttered.
I smiled and hugged him.
"Of course I will" I giggled.
We broke apart, I already missed his warmth. I know I'll get bruises that will last until next week so there will be no way of hiding them from Mark. I know he'll question me and worry.
"Mark listen to me, I know you have been trying to get me to... Vent.. And I haven't necessarily been cooperating b-"
"Jack hey no, that's okay, I know you are uncomfortable with telling me yo-"
"Mark let me finish,"
"I haven't told you my story, and I'll be honest with you, I don't want to tell you or anybody else for that matter, but I know now that since we're together, I have to be honest. I'll tell you my story, but I can't now, I will though,"
"What are you getting at Jack..?" He asked a bit worried.
I looked down and sighed.
"The next time you see me.. I won't be.. the same"
He looked at me puzzled, "Jack, you're scaring me. What do you mean by that?"
"I gotta go, I'll text you..if I can" I said taking my position back at the door once more and finally exit his home.
I wanted to explain everything to him but I couldn't for two reasons. One, if I stayed any longer my mother will hunt me down herself. And two, my anxiety was about to take over and i did not want to repeat last night all over again.
I got home and the entire house smelled like alcohol. Worse than usual. Shit. She must be fairly drunk. I try to tip toe to my room but I stumble over an empty alcohol bottle. Shit.
"SEAN?!? IS THAT YOU?!" She yelled from her room.
No point in hiding.
"Y-yes, mother it's me" I weakly reply.
I heard her loud footsteps inching closer and closer to me, I wince as she comes into the sunlight shining from the window.
It looks like she hasn't showered since... I don't even know.
"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" She screamed grabbing me by a fist full of hair.
I wince from the pain, "n-nowhere"
"BULLSHIT! YOU BETTER TELL ME NOW FAG OR YOU'LL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY AGAIN!!" she yelled once again and dragged me to the living room and threw me to the ground.
I whimper in pain as I got glass in the side of my stomach, I guess she started throwing empty bottles at the wall again.
She kicked me straight in the stomach.
"You better not stutter boy!" She yelled, punching me in the mouth.
"I was at.. A friends" I panted, spitting out blood.
"And who gave you permission to go?!" She yelled, punching me continuously in the chest and stomach.
"N-nobody" I whimpered, spitting out more blood.
"Who!?" She asked again.
"Nobody!" I cried out.
"You made me go and fill out a missing person report you fucking waste!"
"J-just knock me unconscious already" I mumbled weakly, surely defeated.
I'm running out of energy, I'm slipping in and out of consciousness from her punches to my head. I just want her to be done or knock me out already.
I just want to be in Mark's arms.
Good god if she found out I had a boyfriend, she'll kill me. Literally.
"Fine! You wanna be unconscious?! Sure!" She yelled, grabbing me by a fist full of hair and dragging me to the kitchen.
No. I knew what she was gonna do. No. No. No.
"M-mom p-please no, not like this, p-please" she pushed myself in front of her but still gripping to my hair.
"You wanted to be knocked out!? Your getting knocked out you piece of shit!" She lined me up with the counter holding one hand on my head and the other on the lower half of my body to hold me in place.
"Hope you sleep well you fucking disgrace" was her final words to me as she brought my head back a few inches then slammed my head directly into the edge of the counter as hard as she could, knocking me out cold.
At least it's over for tonight.
Please read!
A/n: sorry it was so violent.. But I wanted to ask you guys if you wanted to know what this story is really hinting at and like what the plot is behind it?
Please leave comments if you want me to tell you in the next chapters author note at the end!
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