~ Jack ~
"Mark, why are you crying?" I sadly half smiled with my arms still lightly resting around his neck, while his are around my waist.
"Because I've never seen you smile before. And now that I have, it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Well, one of the most" he replied, bringing me in for a hug.
I hugged back, breathing in his scent. It smelled of his cologne and pancakes from our breakfast.
As we are enjoying each other's sweet embrace, we here a loud knock at the door. "Hello? This is the police, anybody home?" I assume a police officer said.
We got startled and both looked towards the front door. I think to myself why they could be here, and then I remembered, I haven't been home since yesterday morning. My mom must have called them! My heart started beating twice as fast and I began hyperventilating, the room was spinning and I felt my hearing go fuzzy.
Mark noticed I was having a panic attack, but he knew that if he didn't answer the door that the police would barge in. So he grabbed my face with both of his hands and said, "Jack, I know you're very scared right now but you need to go hide okay?"
I felt like passing out again.
"Jack!" He shook me.
I nodded and ran upstairs to his bedroom and hid in his closet behind the clothes rack.
~ Mark ~
After I see Jack run upstairs I go to the door and open it to see 2 police officers standing there.
"C-can I help you officers?" I stuttered nervously.
"Yes, are you Mark Fischbach?" One of them asked.
"Y-yes, I am, why do you ask?" I replied.
"Well, last night a missing person report was filed by a mother,"
"Jack" I thought.
"apparently her son never came home after school yesterday, and so me and my partner here have been going around asking students that go to the same school, or have the same classes as him to find out where he is" the first officer said as the other one reached into their back pocket and unfolded a piece of paper and showed it to me.
"Have you seen this boy?" He asked.
I looked at the picture and sure enough it was Jack. I can't tell them that he's here, they'll take him away, I still need to ask him what's going on.
Time to think fast Mark.
"Uh no, I haven't seen him, sorry" I said handing back the poster.
"I see. When was the last time you saw Mr Mcloughlin?" They asked suspiciously.
"U-um.. I think I saw him at lunch on Friday but that's it, I don't talk to him" I replied trying to sound more confident.
"Alright then, but if you see him don't hesitate to call" said the first officer, handing me a piece of paper with a number on it.
I nodded and shut the door letting out the breath I held in. I tossed the paper elsewhere and walked to the living room.
"Jack you can come out now!" I yelled to him.
I heard floor creaking and small sniffles. I speed walk to Jack and hug him tight. That's when he let out his cries of worry and fear.
"Shhh it's okay Jack" I whispered, rubbing circles on his back.
He pulled away and wiped away his tears.
"They were hear about me.. Weren't they" he said more as a statement than a question.
I nodded. He looked down as more tears began to fall.
I lift his chin up with my thumb and index finger and look into his teary ocean blue eyes, "Jack, do you know what I see?" I spoke softly.
He sniffled, "what?"
"I see a boy, a very handsome boy,"
He blushed and gave a small smile.
"But he's lost. His soul is like a boat that's sailing across an ocean that has ripping waves and loud booms of thunder, with lightning being the only source of light in his path"
His smile faded.
"But that's not all I see. In the middle of that terrible storm I see the boy being so strong, not letting those waves or thunder tare him down at any second. Yes he may have wanted to jump overboard and give up, but he didn't. He showed that he's strong and capable enough to handle what's out there and proved to the world that he came out of that storm, maybe not perfect, maybe he suffered some scars along the way, but you know what happened through all that?"
He looked speechless, but shook his head.
"That boy is still here," I said, brushing the stray hairs out of his face.
"And he's not leaving, not ever" I added.
I think Jack knew that I understood him and how bad his life was when I explained what I had seen in him, because right after I had finished saying that story, he brought me into a sweet and passionate kiss.
God, I love him so much.
A/n: sorry it took so long but hope you liked it.
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