- Hours later -
~ Jack ~
I slowly open my eyes, exhausted somehow still. Soon, memories from earlier flash through my mind only lasting seconds like in a movie.
"Jack, you're awake!" Someone said happily.
I get snapped out of my trance to see Mark kneeling by my side with a goofy smile on his dumb but pretty face. I almost wanna smile, but I don't.
I yelp in surprise and sit up completely, moving to the far side of the couch. Mark has a sorry look in his eyes.
"J-Jack, it's okay it's only me, Mark. You kinda had a bit of a freak out a few hours ago..." He softly spoke inching closer to me.
"I-I..-" I wanted to speak, but I froze of fear from seeing memories from earlier flow through my mind. Was I trying to get away from Mark?.. But no wait, it was my mom? Then I remember my vision going fuzzy an then.. Lights out.
"Jack?" Mark snapped his fingers.
"T-tell me what happened... A-after I, ye know.." I may have already known what happened before, I just want to know what he did after I passed out.
"W-well once you fainted I caught you and just laid you on the couch and waited until you would wake up.." He said easily.
I just looked down at the floor feeling guilty that I put him through that. It was my pain, not his, but I was stupid and useless enough to bring him into my curse.
"Jack" he snapped his fingers again. I need to stop spacing out.
"W-what" I said, making eye contact to the tanned muscular half American boy.
"If you don't mind me asking, what exactly happened?" He asked while cautiously sitting on the couch where I once laid.
"W-what do you mean..?" I asked stupidly.
"Why were you so scared? Why'd you panic like I was some monster or something?" He never broke contact.
He's so nosy. But yet, maybe he's just curious.
"I can't t-tell you" I replied, still avoiding his gaze.
"Why not?" He asked.
"Because I just can't" I said sternly.
"Do you not trust me?" He asked.
"Can we not talk about this right now, please?" I let out a big sigh and drooped.
Mark nodded in agreement.
"Um... C-can I just ask you... One question?" He spoke, a bit differently. As if he would know the answer to the question already.
I only looked at him.
"W-why um... Do you have those... Big b-bruises on your stomach..?" He spoke carefully and sorrowfully.
My eyes widened and instantly my arm went delicately over my stomach to cover it as if I were to hide what was hidden under my shirt.
"H-how do you know about those?" I spoke with fear but yet a hint of anger in my tone.
The tension grew.
"W-well when u passed out I put you on the couch and I guess when I laid you down your shirt rolled up a bit... Or at least enough that I could see a part of one of the bruises" he replied still in a sorrowful tone.
I want to yell so much at him, I want to let out all my anger and blame him for everything that's been going on, but it's not his fault. I only want to blame someone else because I know I'm the one to truly blame. If I wasn't such a fuck up then none of this would be happening.
I sigh and pull my knees to my chest and burry my head in my hands.
"I-I'm s-sorry Mark" I softly cried.
He moved closer to me in worry.
"Jack, what on earth are you sorry for?" He asked wrapping an arm around me, trying to comfort me.
I broke into tears and hugged him, clutching his shirt, getting my pathetic tears all over his chest.
He said nothing, just rubbed soothing circles on my back letting me cry.
Maybe he's not such a bad guy after all.
~ Mark ~
God, how could someone be so miserable? How could someone be so broken? Nobody deserves this, especially Jack.
Jack had laid in my arms weeping, my shirt soaked but I could care less. But now, he peacefully sleeps. Poor thing cried himself to sleep. I wish I could help him, but he's not telling me what's wrong. I already know he has panic attacks and a form of depression by how he talks and sees things but there's gotta be something else.
It's late now. I check my phone.
"At least it's a Friday" I thought. I'm sure his parents won't mind if he sleeps here for the night.
I put my phone down and carefully and quietly lift Jack up and carry him bridal style to my bedroom.
I lay him down in my bed and pull the covers over him. He's so cute when he sleeps. I smile. I have the sudden urge to kiss his forehead but just to be safe, I don't.
I grab a pillow and blanket and head back downstairs to the couch.
I need to find out his story tomorrow.
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