A/n: Bold and italics with or without "quotations" means the sentence is in jacks head.
Long chapter!
I gaze out the window on the car ride to Mark's house. I guess he doesn't care if we skip school, does he care more about me? Nah that can't be it. He probably just wanted an excuse to ditch so he used me.
Yep, sounds a bit right.
Why is he being so nice to me? Nobody's nice to me. I'm a worthless and pathetic human, so why would anyone bother to be my friend let alone help or talk to me?
I just want to be alone. Alone to my thoughts, alone so I can vomit everything up until it's just acid, alone to self harm as much as I want, I just want to be alone like I have been my whole life.
But not everybody can get what they want. Especially if theirs someone named Mark Fischbach.
- At Mark's house -
~3rd person~
Mark parks in his driveway and gets out first to assist his wounded friend. He helps him inside and tosses his car keys on the side table by the door.
"W-wow your house is so fancy and huge" said Jack in amazement.
"It's not that fancy, but it is a bit too big for just me and my mom to live in though" he replied while helping Jack move to the living room.
"Your mom? I told you I didn't wanna come here, I don't wanna be a both-"
"Jack stop it, my mom is away on a business trip for awhile and even if she was here, she wouldn't mind at all that I brought a friend over" said Mark while setting him down on the couch.
Jack furrows his brows, "I'm your friend?" He questioned.
"W-well y-ya, To me you are at least"
Jack nods and looks down at his feet playing with the sleeves of his shirt.
"You sit here, I'll be right back" says Mark as he leaves briefly.
Jack just twiddled his thumbs keeping his head down, thinking if he should really trust Mark or not. After all he did bring him into his own house. Not just anybody does that right?
Soon Mark returns with a small first aid kit and sits in front of Jack.
Mark goes to clean a small open cut on jacks hand, Jack flinches and pulls his hand slightly away as the disinfectant touched the open wound.
"Sorry, it'll only sting for a second" said Mark with sympathy in his tone.
Jack sighs but brings his hand back so Mark could finish.
"Mark, why are you helping me?" Jack unenthusiastically blurted out.
"Because, it seemed like you needed a friend" Mark replied still focused on jacks small wound.
Jack looked out a nearby window and quietly mumbled, "nobody wants to be my friend"
Mark shook his head in disbelief, "I want to be your friend,"
Jack looked to mark with a confused face.
"Listen, I may have only known you for a short while but in that short timespan I've come to learn a few things about you"
Jack scoffed, "you don't know me"
"But don't you see Jack? I'm trying to get to know you, I want to be friends but you aren't letting me in. I can't stand seeing people battle things alone" pleads Mark.
"I'm not battling anything" Jack continues to look out the window.
"Bullshit" Mark says bluntly while closing up the first aid kit.
Jack doesn't answer.
"You know you won't win against me. You can say that crap to anybody else but not me, I'm not stupid and I'm sure as hell not giving up on you" Mark adds.
Jack huffs in annoyance but still keeping his attention to the window.
"Don't you sigh at me mister," Mark says trying to get Jack to smile because if he thinks about it, he hasn't seen Jack smile once since he's met him.
"look at me" Mark tries.
No movement.
"Sean, look at me!" Mark tries again.
Jack sharply turns his head to Mark with wide eyes that are getting glossy from tears.
"It's. Jack." He replies sternly but can't hide the fear, he starts to hyperventilate and tear up.
"Whoa whoa whoa Jack I'm sorry, please don't cry" says Mark with concern in his voice as he tried to give Jack a comforting side hug but Jack flinched away and bursted out crying.
"Don't hurt me!" He screamed putting his hands over his head.
Mark put his hands where Jack could see them to show that he truly meant no harm to the fragile boy.
"You pathetic waste! Why can't you do what you're told and just kill yourself already!"
"Jack, I'm not gonna hurt you" Mark said in a soft tone, a little afraid and confused as to why Jack is screaming like this.
"I'm s-sorry! I-I'll c-clean up the h-house like y-you told me t-to! I-I promise I'll get it d-done, please j-just don't h-hurt me"
Jack shook and trembled while crying and backing away from Mark because all he could see was his drunken enraged mother standing before him.
"This time you're really gonna get it Sean!"
"Jack listen I'm not gonna hurt you, you're safe okay? you need to calm down" Mark tries slowly to get closer to Jack.
"I'm sorry! I'm s-sorry I'm pathetic and a disgrace! I'm s-sorry to disappoint you, P-please I'm s-sorry, d-don't hurt m-me" Jack cried out while shuffling back until he hits a wall.
Mark is so scared, hurt, and confused on what to do and on what is wrong with his friend.
"I will make sure you never see the light of day again you annoying useless fuck!"
Jack was begging for his life, full of tears and was violently shaking. It was a good thing that Mark was close to him because at that moment, Jack had fainted from fear. Mark caught him and laid him down on the couch.
"Jack! Jack talk to me are you okay? Jack wake up!" Mark was full of fear. "What had just happened?" He thought. Mark pushed that aside and ran to the bathroom for a damp face cloth. He ran back to Jack and kneeled by him and put the cloth on his forehead, moving the green fluffy hair out of his eyes.
"Fuck fuck fuck, what just happened?!" Mark cursed. So many things went through his head at that point. "Why was he so afraid of me? Why was he looking at me like I was some sort of monster? All I did was call him by his real name. Why was he pleading for me to not hurt him? Why why why?!" He thought. Mark thought so hard he started to get a headache.
Mark looked back to Jack and seen a bit of his shirt rolled up, with something there that was slightly showing. He furrowed his eyebrows and pulled it up a bit more to reveal big dark purple and blue bruises that were scattered across his stomach. Mark gasped at what he had just seen.
"Who could've done this to you Jack?" He thought rubbing gently over the bruises with his thumb. It was unexplainable as to what Mark felt for this lonely fragile boy that he had met only weeks ago.
He felt sorrow, he felt anger and hatred to whoever did this to him. But he also felt something more powerful than all those emotions,
He felt love.
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