A/n: this was quite a memory to re-live...
Sorry I keep forgetting to do the QOTD.
QOTD: Favourite show?
AOTD: Shadowhunters or Supernatural
~3rd person~
It was Thanksgiving and Mark couldn't be more thrilled to have Jack experience it with him and his family. After all, it was his first time being able to celebrate it.
Martha was busy in the kitchen prepping food for the big family dinner while Mark and Jack were putting things up around the house to pass time before the other guests arrived.
"Do we really need all of these?" Asked Jack, picking up one of many little turkey figurines from the box that was labeled 'Thanksgiving Decor'
"It's tradition, well, according to my mom that is" he chuckled, pulling out a fake autumn branch from the box and setting it on the fireplace.
Jack carelessly nodded. Before Mark could ask why he was curious, Martha came into the room smiling at all the beautiful decor they had set up.
"Oh this is gorgeous! Wonderful job boys!" She squealed clapping her hands.
"Mark dear, why don't you go hang this wreath I bought today on the door, hm?" Asked Martha handing it to him.
Mark nodded, grabbing the glittery gold, red, and brown wreath from his mother heading to the front door.
Once he was gone, Martha grabbed more things from the box and hung them around the living room while Jack did the same.
"Thank you dear" she said breaking the silence.
"For what?" He questioned furrowing his brow.
"For giving my son another chance" she turned and smiled at him.
"Oh..No problem" he replied, giving a fake smile.
"It's a wonderful night tonight isn't it? Putting up decorations, being with the ones you love, soon having delicious foods, no?" Said Martha, getting down from a step ladder dusting off her hands.
A frowning Jack was lost in thought, sitting on the arm of the couch looking down at a golden leaf ornament as if he had to study it before it was taken out of sight.
"Jack?" She repeated.
"Hm? Oh uh, ya..It's wonderful" he said, forcing another fake smile.
"Then why the long face?" She asked looking down through her glasses.
Before he could answer, Mark re-entered the room, the wreaths glitter covered him from head to toe. Martha and Jack looked at each other then back to Mark and laughed.
"Ya ya, laugh it up you two" he rolled his eyes dusting off the gold specks.
"Wow Mark, if people didn't think you were gay then, they will definitely believe you're gay now" Martha giggled at Jacks joke.
"Ha ha, very funny" said Mark sarcastically, approaching Jack and lightly gripping his waist.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door, Martha assumed they were guests finally arriving and went to greet them.
Mark leaned in for a kiss but Jack slowly pulled away, unclasping Marks hands from his waist. He wasn't in the mood for being lovey dovey.
"Your family is here...I should go meet them" he said awkwardly looking down at his hands then walking away.
Everybody was aquatinted with Jack and loved him immediately. Now they were all digging into the amazing feast Martha had prepared. Conversations floating around the room occasionally about old childhood stories or something among those lines.
Jack tried to avoid as much attention as he could, his anxiety level was increasing by the second and didn't want to sound like a stuttering fool. He tried to blend in though, when he heard the others erupt in laughter he joined in to look like he was paying attention when he actually wasn't.
"What about you Jack?" Marks aunt Shelly spoke.
Jack looked up from nervously fiddling with the hem of the table cloth, unclear of what he was just asked.
"Uh.." He gulped.
"You haven't said much about yourself," said Shelly.
"Ya, tell us young man, what was your favourite memory of thanksgiving with your family?" Asked Marks oldest cousin, Derek.
When those words slipped out of Derek's mouth, Jack swallowed the lump in his throat, starting to feel sweat form on his forehead.
"U-um.." He let out a breath that he didn't even know he was holding in.
All eyes were on him as they waited for an answer. He felt like with each passing second the room was getting smaller and smaller, the eyes burning into his skin until finally he burst out of his seat and ran upstairs, slamming his bedroom door shut.
Awkward silence filled the room, everybody looked at each other confused. Mark nervously coughed and sat up, "I'll uh...Go check on him..please, keep eating, I'll be right back" He said gesturing to the stairs.
Mark jogged up the staircase and stopped at his and Jacks shared bedroom door, locked. He heard sniffling on the other side.
"Jack?" He called.
"Not now Mark"
"Jack please, open the door I just wanna talk" he pleaded.
"I said no!" He repeated harshly.
Mark thought for a moment, what would get him to open the door? Then it hit him.
"You know...A wise warlock named Magnus Bane once said, when things get crazy don't push me away" he quoted.
Jack sighed heavily, wiping away his tears and unlocking the door. Mark stepped in and shut the door behind him, joining Jack who was now sitting on the edge of their bed.
"What was that all about?" He asked.
"Nothing, I'm fine" he replied bitterly.
"Don't bullshit me, I can see right through it" he pressed.
Jack rolled his eyes, starting to get ticked off.
"It was just a question, I don't understand why you're so upset" said Mark.
At that moment, Jack had had enough.
"Are you that oblivious?!" He yelled.
Mark was confused to say the least. He tried to calm him down but what was happening was the complete opposite.
"Have you forgotten that I don't have a family?! I never did! I don't celebrate things like you do Mark! I thought of all people you would know that!" He exclaimed.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean t-" Mark stuttered only to get cut off.
"You want me to answer that question?! Well I can't! You have great memories I bet, holidays full of love and laughter. But me? My thanksgiving, Christmas, Halloween, Easter, consisted of daily beatings and no dinners!"
"You got to sleep in the next day all cozy in your warm bed right?! Well you know what I had?! I woke up early almost every morning on the cold tiled floor stained with my blood and my body severely bruised! Do you have any idea how much it kills me when I think I should be cleaning my blood off the floor right about now if I was at home?! I-" Jack had let out many screams and painful words it had exhausted him, until he had broken down completely, holding his knees to his chest and weeping.
Mark was shocked. He didn't know what to say. So he did what he only thought would help, he got down on the floor beside Jack and hugged him tight, not saying a thing. He doesn't need kisses, he doesn't need apologies, he doesn't need alone time,
He just needs to be held close.
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