I'm just gonna say right now that not everything in this story is true, well most of it is but like little bits and pieces like fillers are just made up so if you're wondering how in this chapter I find out about my dads info, it's more less made up. I hope you get what I mean by this? Enjoy though, I'm sorry it's short.
~ Mark ~
The day stared with me scrolling though different social medias on my phone while drinking coffee. I let Jack sleep in, god knows he deserves it. I want to find out more about his dad. Every time I try to ask or even hint at the subject he shuts down, and I fully understand that. It's a touchy subject for him, I know. I feel bad going behind his back and finding out myself but I'm only doing this because I care.
I check on Jack one more time to see if he's still asleep in my room, sure enough he is. I close the door quietly and jog back downstairs, grabbing my coat once I left a note saying I was running errands and would be back soon. I lock the front door and get in my car. I start it and drive on my way to my chosen destination.
I needed to find out who his dad is, where he is, if he's still alive, if he even cares a slight bit about Jack, and why he's not in Jacks life. And first place to start is the hospital where Jack was born.
I park in the crazy packed parking lot and head inside to the front desk. There was a middle aged short brunette lady sitting there going through documents. I went up to her and asked, "hello, I was wondering if you could help me with something?" She looked up from her paperwork and gave me her attention.
"Sure sweetie, whatcha need?" She said in her southern accent.
"I was looking for some information on my bo-.. my friend" I corrected myself just incase she didn't fancy the LGBT community.
She furrowed her brow, "what kind of information are ya lookin' for dearie?" She questioned.
"I'm trying to find out about his father, maybe a birth certificate or something rather?" I asked.
"Oh ok, how long ago was he born?" She asked typing away on her computer.
"18 years ago, his name is Sean William Mcloughlin" I replied.
I've never seen a women type as fast as she did, she must be good with technology.
"Okay," she dragged on the 'o'
"The man you are looking for is named Markus Mcloughlin and he is 40 years old, he signed the birth certificate but nothing more" she said.
"Nothing else about him? No living location or anything?" I asked desperate.
"No, sorry dearie, the hospital doesn't cover information like that" she replied printing off a copy of Jack's certificate for me.
"You can have a copy of the young gentlemen's certification if it'll help" she said, handing me the copy.
I thanked her and left.
At least I got a little bit of info. That's better than nothing. I wonder where I should look next. I only know his name and age. That doesn't give me much to work with.
As I sit in my car thinking over the information I was just given I got a thought, it wasn't really a good one but it could give me the info I need on Jacks dad. But I know if I went through with it Jack would be mad. Should I take the risk in visiting his mom and ask her? Probably not.. Jack would probably kill me and so would his mom for asking. I'll leave Jack to ask her those type of questions when he's ready.
Maybe somebody I know that's good with computers and classified information could help me.
Felix? No.. Wade? Definitely not. Bob? Hmm.. Maybe. I'll give him a call.
( Bob, Mark )
"Hey Bob"
"Oh hey Mark, what's up?"
"Just out and about, listen I need to ask you a big favour"
"I'm trying to get info on jacks dad, but all I got is his name and age but I wanna find out more, maybe at the most where he lives.. Do you think you can help me? You do have some great computer skills, maybe you could hack into something and get what I'm looking for?"
"Who do you think I am? Part of the CIA?"
"Please Bob, I don't know where to turn and Jack can't know about this"
Bob sighed in defeat.
"Fine. I'll see what I can dig up but it'll take me a few hours"
"No problem! Thanks a bunch Bob"
"Sure thing, what's his name?"
"Markus Mcloughlin and he's 40 years old"
"Alright I'll see what I can do, I'll call you if I get anything"
"Okay, thanks again"
I hang up and start the car again heading home. I hope Bob finds something, I really am starting to get very curious. I just hope that if I find out stuff and confront Jack about it, that he won't be mad at me. But I'm snooping so I deserve to get yelled at, I won't yell at him back though, I love him too much to hurt him and get into a fight, even though that's probably going go happen once he finds out what I'm doing. But hopefully it won't come to that.
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