Monster Hunter vs Ginger Mercenary
Spencer Middleton was standing there. Thinking, pondering about what to do next. He just got away from prison after Jack ungratefully shot him after he spared his life.
Bastard! He thought as he loaded the pistol in his hand. How dare that piece of human scum shoot him after he promised to spare his life? Not only that. That fuckin' slut of deputy known as O'Brien arrested him. He vowed to kill both of those assholes for screwing him over!
The monster hunter groaned. The stomach wound hurt like hell! CURSE YOU JACK! Spencer yelled in his mind. I'M GOING TO SHOVE ONE OF YOUR CRUTCHES SO FAR UP YOUR ASS THAT YOU'LL BE A GOD DAMN HUMAN POPSICLE!
He looked around in his room. Wondering if Jack was still alive. Whatever, he wanted that jerk to die! No, death was too good for that coward! He should be slowly tortured to death for doing Spencer wrong!
The sociopath grumbled as he loaded the pistol in hand. He was in a state of thought. Why would Jack backstab him? Whatever, he'll kill that loser. That weakling needed to perish. But for now, he was in his room. Ready to go to the shitty gas station at the edge of town.
He walked out of his room. Went downstairs and got into the garage.
He opened up the trunk. He then nonchalantly put all of his extra weapons in there. A shovel, blades, duct tape, and two pistols with enough ammo to supply a military were the main arsenal he had. He checked everything. He then started thinking.
"Hmmm. What am I forgetting?" He said. But his question was soon answered.
"Oh... I know now!" He chuckled madly as he grabbed the baseball bat in his hand. The thing was used to crush and destroy the bodies of poor victims. The chuckle became a mad laugh.
"Perfect!" He said happily. He then put the bat in the trunk before closing it. He then left his house. He was heading to the gas station, to make Jack pay.
Pico sighed as he sat down next to the table. He was sitting in the shitty gas station at the edge of town. The mercenary was drinking a cup of black coffee and was pondering about his latest target.
Nene was on the other side of the table. The woman was taking a huge swig of her spiked latte.
"Is it alright to ask why we are here?" She asked while taking another swig.
"What else? We're looking for our next bounty!" Pico replied, taking a sip of coffee afterward. "There's some punk who visits this place often that we gotta kill!"
Nene raised an eyebrow. She chuckled a little bit.
"And who's that punk we gotta kill?" She asked. "I got to know who we're dealing with!
Pico pulled out a wanted poster and unveiled it in front of Nene. The poster looked like one of those wanted posters you would see in the wild west. In the middle was a picture of a ginger guy with a sociopathic smile. The words above and below read "WANTED: Dead or alive."
"Who's this?" Nene asked, "He looks like you if you're older and gone through some midlife crisis!"
Pico laughed a little bit. But he then stopped.
"Look, this guy's name is Spencer Middleton. He's quite the dangerous son of a bitch! This guy is wanted by the police and is overall a fuckin' psychopath!" He explained. "And that's why we were hired to kill him! He's a problem that needs to get solved right now!"
He then put the poster away. He then sighed.
"He visits this gas station a lot. I don't know why but the bastard does!" Pico said, his expression darker than before.
"Y'know people can hear you right?" Nene replied.
Pico sighs and finishes his coffee. He then sighs. "Why is that important? Do I look like I give a damn?" He said with a hardy chuckle. He gave his usual smile and then paid Jack, (The Gas Station clerk) for the coffee. He then turned to the woman in front of him.
"Let's get ready though. There are important things to do." Pico stated.
Nene nodded at Pico's statement and walked outside of the Gas Station with him. They're going to need the prep for their next target.
Spencer Middleton drove his car, passing the dingy old small town in his path. He was going to go to the shitty gas station at the edge of town. Not only that he could beat the shit out of Jack again. But his new boss, The Collector wanted him to capture another God that was spotted at the establishment.
He drove his black Mustang until a loud pop was heard out. Following that was the car spinning around like hell. Spencer calmly pressed his foot on the brakes. The Mustang spun but it slowly stopped. Spencer sighed as the vehicle made a cold screech as it drove to a covenant side of the road. Spencer sighed and groaned.
"Fuck!" Spencer swore. "Who the hell did that!"
Spencer grumbled and pulled out a pistol he had. He opened the door and headed outside.
The weather was a cold foggy day. Nothing could be seen within a few feet from where you are. There was no other vehicle in sight. Spencer looked around with a raised eyebrow. He walked around the vehicle, checking every nook and cranny around the place. He then checked his front tires. He found out what messed up his car.
The tire had half of the rubber destroyed. Various pieces were scattered like party favors in a party. The said rubber pieces were almost everywhere on the surrounding street. The said Mustang was tilted towards the east, pointing towards a ditch not far away. And oddly enough, the rest of the car had no damages whatsoever. The Mustang didn't even lose a speck of paint.
Well, Spencer thought. Looks like I'm going on foot!
Spencer grumbled as he walked to get his weapons from the car. He searched through the pistols and some ammo until some sound caught the sociopath's attention.
The roar of a motorcycle echoed through the road like a real call. Spencer turned his head back to see what else: a silhouette of a biker driving towards him. Spencer cackled before he pulled out a pistol from the trunk and aimed at the figure. No fear whatsoever in his eyes.
Spencer opened fire at the tire of the motorcycle. It flew out of the gun, quickly hitting the tire. The figure immediately jumped off the vehicle and landed on its knee. The sound of the bullet hitting the rubber, followed by the person's reactions. confirmed Spencer's suspicions.
"Well well well, there's some little punk trying to get me huh?" Spencer said between chuckles. He grabbed a shovel and stepped closer. "Show yourself now! I know you're there!"
The person who walked over, revealing himself out of the fog was some short ginger guy with an Uzi in his hand. A smile as psychotic as Spencer's plastered on his face. The green shirt he wore made Spencer raise an eyebrow.
"Well, it's the one and only psychopath who worked for the Dark God himself!" Pico started with his usual twisted tone. "I'm here to collect the bounty off your sorry ass!"
Spencer simply had an inhumanly emotionless expression. Spencer cackled like a predator.
"Oh, God! Are you kidding me? Some school shooter is here to kill me? How cute!" Spencer said the emotion is not even there in his voice. He rested the shovel on his shoulder. "Look kid, I don't feel like hurting you. But I'd be lying. I wouldn't regret murdering you!"
Pico simply scoffed at Spencer's comment. "Your attitude is just as annoying as I expected Spencer!" He replied while twirling his gun. "And I didn't shoot up a school dumbass! I saved that school!"
Spencer frowned at that. His eyebrows lowered as he groaned.
"You're the biggest punk I saw in a long ass time!" Spencer replied.
Pico simply flipped him off. "Oh shut up Spencer! I'm going to fill you with so much lead that your dick will be used as a pencil!"
Spencer grumbled followed by a mad cackle.
"Come at me bitch!" Spencer casually responded, spinning the shovel like it was nothing.
Pico didn't waste any time. He opened fire at Spencer. Pico shot several bullets like hellfire.
Spencer nonchalantly as he deflects the bullets with his shovel. The clacking of the bullets was stopped by the shovel bouncing it away.
Pico continued to shoot Spencer. But Spencer just stood there, deflecting the bullets.
Pico widened his eyes at seeing this as he continued to shoot. How did Spencer use a melee weapon for defection so easily? And he did it against an Uzi! It's hard to deflect a normal handgun; let alone an automatic weapon like an Uzi!
"How the hell did you even pull that off?" Pico yelled out, the Uzi ran out of ammo. Causing Pico to empty the current mag and replace it with a loaded one.
Spencer didn't even answer. He just immediately opened fire with his pistol. Pico gave an "Oh shit!" expression before dodging some of the bullets. Spencer's gun was far less effective than the Uzi due to it being a handgun. But it seems like Spencer could've given less of a shit. Spencer continued to shoot, but Pico only dodged.
Spencer continued to shoot for about an hour. But every time he opened fire. Pico managed to doge.
Spencer grumbled. "Damn!" He said with a rocky tone. "You're faster than I thought! No matter, challenges are nothing new!"
Spencer then continued to fire. Pico continued to dodge as many bullets as possible. Pico gritted his teeth as the assault came.
Spencer finally ran out of ammo about a few minutes later. He looked down in pure shock. "What the fuck am I dealing with?" Spencer muttered under his breath. Pico simply started chuckling like a cold sociopath at him. Pico just loaded his Uzi again. His eyes not moving away from Spencer.
Spencer didn't waste any more time. He quickly ran to the trunk. Grabbed all the weapons he could before darting behind the car. Pico just cackled and opened fire. Spencer luckily was able to run out of there and behind the car. Spencer kneels as he dropped the gun away.
Pico groaned at this. Really? Was he hiding like a coward behind his precious Mustang? How pathetic! He thought to himself. Pico stopped opening fire for a second and yelled out "Really Spencer? You're going to hide like a bitch? I expected you to be less of a pussy!"
Spencer didn't answer back. He just looked at the bullet wound he had in his arm. He quietly grunted in pain. It was a flesh wound. It was a red bleeding hole wide enough to hold a golf ball. It's south of his left wrist, only by a few inches. Spencer didn't say anything and got up and opened fire out of the car. Several bangs were heard out as Spencer retaliated. Pico widened his eyes and ran around the bullets. Dodging some of the gunfire. Pico fired back with the Uzi. Trying to hit the sociopath dead in his tracks.
Spencer grumbled and kneeled for cover. He was on his knees, waiting for the gunfire out. Pico continued to fire at him. But the car easily blocked the bullets. Pico continued to shoot. The bullets hit the car, denting the metal into various holes. It was a rather unique experience, to say the least. Spencer was usually on the offensive. Not defensive! And to think some short guy like Pico was the one to corner him was surprising.
Spencer clenched his fist. A mad scowl on his face. The thought of this even happening alone was shocking. Spencer got up and opened fire. This time he dual-wielded the pistols.
"Won't you shut up for one second in your life?" Spencer asked. The bullets made things a bit more inaudible.
Pico simply scoffed. The mercenary aimed his Uzi at where Spencer appeared.
"Shut the fuck up!" Pico growled out, dodging the bullets. "I'm not going to accept your bullshit! You're a fuckin' psychopath!"
Spencer just softly cackled. A soft, mad cackle. He ducked every time to avoid the bullet's. "Oh, way to call the kettle black." He said, with a quiet and sinister tone. Clearly, this was something else entirely.
Hours passed, and the results didn't change. Nothing changed. Spencer was still hiding behind the car. Only shooting back when it was the right time. Pico continued to insult the other psycho for hiding behind the vehicle. Opening fire with his Uzi to bring Spencer out.
It was the same thing over and over again. Pico shot at the car and Spencer. Spencer fires back to retaliate. Spencer then hides back so Pico doesn't land a good shot at him. It went on and on and on. And no one could land a hit. Pico only hit him once, and that was barely. The only one taking a toll on them was pure exhaustion from the firefight.
Spencer was kneeling on the ground. One pistol in his hand as he reloaded it. He decided to not use two guns to conserve bullets. He took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. The sun was setting. Dammit! Spencer thought as if this situation couldn't be any worse!
"Y'know this whole thing is pointless right?" Spencer yelled out, trying to reason with the mercenary on the other side of the Mustang. "Let's be honest. None of us are doing something useful! Just drop the gun and no one will get hurt!"
Pico simply scoffed at this attempt to end this conflict. He twirled his gun casually, not paying attention to Spencer's pleas.
"Oh fuck you!" Pico started his verbal assault. "Why should I listen to a psychotic monster-hunting asshole like you! I at least thought you would die like a man! But NO! Looks like you were too much of a pussy to even do me that! I'm going to kill you slowly Spencer. And when I do... I'll piss all over your corpse and burn it like the fuckin' ant you are!"
Pico then aimed the gun and took a step forward. He was going to end this one way or the other.
Spencer sighed. He then decided to do something as a little experiment.
Right next to Spencer was a soda can. He put his hand under his chin...
Hmmm, Spencer thought. I got an idea! Let's put this to work!
Spencer grabbed the can and threw it upwards. Seeing if it would be shot on sight. And Spencer was right. Pico automatically opened fire at the can. Sending the can of soda a few feet away from Spencer with a hole in it.
Yep! The monster hunter thought. I was right! That Merc will shoot anything on sight! Quite the resource waste! Spencer then got a plan. A plan perfect in his mind.
Pico meanwhile was just standing there. Still wondering why Spencer was hiding like a coward.
What a fuckin' coward. Pico thought, gritting his teeth slightly. I'll make him regret everything in his life! Pico then got an idea! He should have walked out to the side of the car! How come he hasn't thought about that earlier? Pico's expression beamed in surprise. The mercenary shrugged, and said, "Fuck it!" And began walking to the car.
Pico slowly stepped towards the car. He took one step, then another. He turned his eyes to the side. He didn't make a sound. He was going to kill Spencer one way or the other.
Pico eventually turned to the side. Only for Spencer to get up and run toward him. The monster hunter dashed to the mercenary with nothing but pure malice in his stride. Pico laughed and aimed the gun to shoot Spencer. Only for Spencer to smack the ever-loving shit out of him with the shovel! A loud metallic smack echoed throughout the atmosphere as Pico fell on his ass due to such a devastating blow.
Pico immediately put his hand on his cheek. Yep, he was bleeding. His tooth searched for anything off. And it turned out that he lost a tooth.
"You Goddamn asshole!" Pico yelled out, his expression turned from cocky to fuckin' furious in a millisecond. Pico just opened fire again. "YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!"
Spencer chuckled like a madman and spun his shovel. Deflecting all the bullets like it was nothing. Pico continued to open fire until...
Click, click, click.
There was no ammo. All the mags Pico had were on the motorcycle. "Ooh, shit!" Pico hollered out.
Spencer cackled like a madman. He was enjoying this. "Oh! Looks like you're not so tough huh? Now who's the little bitch here?! You cunt!" He said. Ready to hit him again with the shovel.
Pico widened his eyes, he was in quite the pickle here.
Pico wastes no time, he pulls out a knife and jumps on Spencer. Leaping into the air like Eddie Guerrero. He grabbed Spencer's collar and stabbed him in the neck. The blade went into Spencer's scared body. Causing a fresh form of red crimson to appear. Spencer just groaned and grabbed Pico in response. His hand gripped firmly on Pico's jugular as it slowly squeezed it.
Air was slowly becoming unavailable for Pico. He grabbed Spencer's arm, trying to at least limit the strangulation happening in any way. Just in any way to stop Spencer from happening. Just to get Spencer dead for once!
Spencer madly chuckled. The monster hunter was enjoying this. He grabbed the shovel and spoke in a soft tone.
"Look at you now... you overconfident punk!" Spencer started. "You know none of this could've happened. No violence would be needed. But well, you refused!"
Spencer tightened his grip on Pico's throat. He was straight up going to end this mercenary right now and regret nothing! Pico's face was growing a little more pale as the painful demise known as suffocation was taking effect. Pico closed his eyes, looking for a gun or knife or anything to help him out somewhat while Spencer was suffocating him.
Spencer continued to cackle like a madman until he felt a sharp object stabbed into his back. He automatically dropped the mercenary and began to process what was going on. His hand searched through his back. The stabbing continued, adding more jolts of pain as he tried to get whatever the hell was stabbing him out of his back.
Pico took a second to recollect himself. He then looked to see the miracle that saved his skin. There, on top of the monster hunter was Nene.
Pico did his usual messed-up smile and cackled. Nene continued to giggle while piercing through Spencer's back. Causing fresh new cuts every second. Spencer tried to grab Nene to no avail.
"Thanks, Nene!" Pico beamed. "Let's finish this asshole once and for all!"
Spencer grumbled. Nene continued to stab him until Spencer aimed at Pico and shot him in the knee. The bullet flew with amazing precision as it causing Pico to grab it on instinct. He frowned at Spencer. He grabbed one of the pistols on the ground. He gritted his teeth in pain.
"Fuck you!" Pico mumbled in pain. He was on his knees. He was on the ropes. He was now dependent on Nene to kill Spencer.
Spencer managed to grab Nene. He then hurled the woman away. Sending her mid-air. Nene could feel the air coming around her. Nene widened her eyes and landed on the ground on her feet. She pulled out a cleaver to replace her knife. Spencer chuckled at this.
"Why would you want to fight a dude?" Spencer asked. His eyes opened up when he found out who stabbed him. "Wouldn't that be unprofessional?"
"Shut up bitch!" Nene screamed out. "Fight me with honor! You either do that or I'll fuckin' chop you!"
Spencer simply cackled in reply. The madman smiled while thinking about this.
"Fine then," Spencer responded. "If you want it. Who am I to deny it?"
Spencer then opened fire. He pulled the trigger multiple times at the mercenary who stabbed him. But Nene was agile. She dodged the two bullets, the rest of them she chopped with the cleaver. Nene then threw the cleaver. It raced into the air with the speed of sound. It hit Spencer in the shoulder with another slash.
Spencer grumbled. He groaned in pain. He was going to say something. But before that happened...
Nene got shot in the head. She collapsed. Spencer widened his eyes in pure shock. The bullet that knocked Nene out only caused a flesh wound that was a little smaller than Spencer's. The person who did it was standing there. A badge in her uniform and an expression fit for a pissed-off police chief.
"Alright, fuckers! All three of you are under arrest!" She demanded.
The person turned out to be Deputy O'Brien. The deputy on gas station duty herself has joined this fight.
Pico widened his eyes. He knew this whole situation was going to shit. He gritted his teeth and aimed the gun at O'Brien, he breathed heavily.
O'Brien ignored Pico's rant until she felt a sudden pain in her shoulder. Yep... it was bleeding.
"That's the last mistake of your life!" O'Brien yelled back. She was now more pissed than she usually was.
Spencer simply cackled and left. He grabbed all of his weapons and drove off with his Mustang. The damaged tire made it harder to drive. But Spencer left successfully.
Pico was now in the one worst moment since... since that school shooting years back. His friend was hurt, a new enemy was made & Spencer left. O'Brien & Pico aimed the gun at each other. This was it. The mercenary was stuck in a showdown with O'Brien. And Spencer left. Today fuckin' sucked for him. Only one feeling was hovering over his mind like a rageful God. And that feeling was hatred.
The End!
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