30. verbal vomit and mad money
This is short yet eventful.
|30.| verbal vomit and mad money.
"I feel like I've been hit by a truck." Was the sound of my best friend, leaning her head on the cool brown lunch table. Her hazel eyes were screwed shut and her face was free of the foundation she'd recently begun to wear; lips sucked into her mouth.
She'd obviously been on her period, acne a bit more prominent and arms wound tightly around her stomach. Rolling my eyes, I noticed the worried look on Luca's face as Jan rubbed our best friend's back, gently. I could relate because my uterus was shedding itself as well but my cycle was never as bad as Sidney's. Hers was handcarved by the devil himself.
"Just ask your parents for birth control already, they see how fucked up you get." I muttered, tugging her food over from beside her, shoving s fry in my mouth since she didn't seem like she'd be eating them anytime soon.
That must've gotten to Luca as he tilted his head in confusion, he must've not had sisters in the family he was staying with. Furrowing his brows, he looked closer at my best friend and stuttered out a reply, hurt engraved in his features. "Y-you are with child?"
"Shit," sitting up when everyone at the table chuckled, Sid shook her head. "Luca, Luca no." Honestly, they were the cutest.
"I do not understand, I-I thought you liked me." His gaze was dropping and he looked as if he were processing the whole ordeal, lips moving yet no words coming out. He looked like he wanted to say more but couldn't find the words and Jan cooed.
"I do, babe, I'm not pregnant, I promise." Screwing her eyes shut again in a painful wince, she leaned her head on his shoulder, "I'm kind of the opposite."
"You..?" And his cheeks went red.
"Yeah, sorry," burying her face in his shoulder, she groaned and the corners of his mouth had twitched up in a small smile. He was getting more comfortable, albeit still awkward, but nice nonetheless. Sidney sounded like she wanted to cry as he raked his hand through her hair and rubbed her back all at once. "I look like shit right now..."
There was still a small smile on his face; he shook his head and kissed her hair gently as if he's finally found courage, "Tu es belle...comme toujours"
"What?" She spoke up, voice a bit loud and ruining the mood entirely but, if possible, Luca's eyes brightened.
"It is nothing."
Jan smiled beside me, voice gushy and nearly squealing as the pair got caught up in each other, "Awww."
Leaning a bit to the side, I attempted to whisper to Jan -the only person who understood what Luca said- and I raised my brows, "You take French, right?"
"What did he just say?"
Jan chuckled, "He called her beautiful."
Wolf-whistling, I smirked at the blush on Luca's face. And whispering so only him and Jan could hear, I grinned as Sid complained about her meds wearing off, "ship, ship, ship."
Feeling a hand on my waist, I tensed. That was until I heard his soft chuckle in my ear and Oliver had sat down beside me, small smile on his face. He sheepishly, grabbed the fruit off his tray, pushing it towards me and pulled a bag of gummy bears from a small compartment in his jacket.
Excited and forgetting about the people around us, I smiled, grabbing his face and pulling him towards me to place a small kiss on his lips. He seemed shocked, as if he didn't expect it, but his breathing slowed and he reached for my hands, kissing back once I'd pulled away. His lips were pursed and eyes were glazed over in both confusion and surprise. He looked happy if the small smile on his face had anything to say about it.
"I'm unsure if that was for me or the candy." His voice was gentle and his chuckle was low as I smacked his chest.
"A little bit of both, babe."
"Holy fucking shit!" And that brought me back to the people around us, Jan's voice slipping me out of how distracted I was. Turning, I noticed around every eye on us as Oliver leaned back over to kiss the side of my mouth.
Kissing my cheek, Oliver smirked at the laugh falling from my lips and looked a little past me to catch eyes with Jan, "It's not that big of a deal."
"Yeah, they've basically been dating for months." Jackson shrugged and inside, I wished he cared a bit more... Like he wanted to be overprotective like the books always pretended brothers were.
"True. The whole fandom has been tracking Olerson for months. That's all they talk about in the locker room." Sid dismissed, weakly, although I didn't miss the wiggle of her eyebrows and the way Oliver's brows furrowed in concern.
"I want a cute ship name." Jan whined.
"You're not in a relationship." Jackson had finally got his classes changed again, his focus improving in class after being benched from football. I'd noticed his stoner friends didn't hang around him as much and I'd also noticed that he were getting happier as the days went by. However, I didn't want to pester him to tell me what's wrong because I knew Jackson. He couldn't keep things bottled up, he always ended up telling me what was wrong and I was just waiting for that moment.
Smirking, Jan leaned over the table a bit, resting his hand on my brother's wrist, "You know you want me, baby."
"Sure, Jan." He mocked, picking up his hand and placing it on the table, laughing at the unimpressed look on January's face.
"Soooo, how did you ask her?" Sid piped up, seemingly more interested in life.
Oliver looked taken back at the fact that Sidney spoke to him, gripping my hand under the table as he scratched the side of his chin, "I didn't really-"
"Em, you asked him?" Jacky cut me off, seemingly impressed by my guts.
"So you just date?" Luca asked, voice filled with confusion as he bit his lip.
"Yeah." I'd shrugged, they made it seem like a foreign subject.
"Stop grinning so much, whore." January but in, directing my attention to Sid as he tossed an unused napkin at her. It was then I noticed the huge smile on her face.
"Shut up, Jan, I feel like Cupid."
"How?" Her "not boyfriend" asked, her leaning back into him and I smiled again. She seemed so happy.
And then my smile dropped, my stomach hitting the ground and heart deflating as Sidney laughed gently. Her words came out giggly and I wondered how I'd forgotten so long, "The dare, duh."
If possible, all the air flew out of my lungs and I almost cried at the way Oliver's lips parted. I'd forgotten. I forgot, I forgot all about that stupid fucking dare and I regretted it. I should've told him when I had the chance and now his eyes were flickering between my friends and I and he looked like he didn't want to believe it, "Dare?"
That was when Sidney must've realized the quietness of the table. Her laughing had completely stopped and her hazel eyes were wide, looking over at me and then back at the boy who's hand was gently slipping out of mine, "You didn't-?"
"What dare?" He sounded breathless, rushed even, as he tried to find answers between mine and Sid's paralyzed tongues. I wanted to disappear when he looked at me with so much hurt and confusion and sadness.
"Oliver, it wasn't like that."
Sid shook her head, eyes staring holes into the side of my face as she apologized in the only way she knew how: explaining herself, "It was only five dollars, I thought you'd have told him by now."
"You bet on me?" Oliver caught that, getting only slightly louder and gaining attention from three tables over. His eyes were staring into mine as if he'd been begging me to deny it.
His eyes were glistening again but not with happiness.
Shaking his head when I didn't respond, he screwed his eyes shut and kicked at his chair, picking up his bag and leaving. I'd watched his back as he walked away, stance rigid and hands pushing away Elliot who'd attempted to comfort him.
I didn't start moving until Sid whispered an apology, "I'm sorry." And with that, I was on my feet and rushing after the boy who loved me. Getting faster, I heard people following but I didn't care. I didn't care about anything other than him.
"Oliver, babe, slow down," I'd been trying to catch up with him after he left the table. From the cold look in his eyes, I knew he was more than just angry and I wanted to cry at the fact that it was me that put it there. It was me that hurt him and Elliot's words rang in my ears as I witnessed my boyfriend, tossing his bookbag down harshly and punching a locker. He didn't seem to feel pain as he raged, eyes glassed over and the only sounds being his anger and phones snapping pictures and videos.
"he has enough shit in his life, he doesn't need you around just to prove a point or hurt him."
"Hey, talk to me." I'd spoke, walking a bit closer when he didn't stop. Reaching him, I rested a hand on his shoulder and his eyes closed. Fists clenching, he breathed heavily and everything went silent.
And that was when he snapped, turning around to face me angrily as he kept the space between us. His fists were clenched at his sides and be wouldn't look at me as well as backing up into the locker when I stepped forward. He looked defeated and blood dropped onto the bandage of his already sprained hand. Unclenching that fist, I watched as he didn't even wince and I just wants to make sure he handy hurt himself too much... Although I'd already done the job myself. And I could tell from the foggy look in his eyes and the way he was sniffling occasionally, he was about to cry, "Okay fine, lets talk. How much money did you earn Emerson? How much am I worth exactly?"
I was crying then, I was crying as I reached for his un-bandaged hand and he flinched back as if he didn't know me. As if I broke him.
I heard some people whispering and I briefly heard something as absurd as I'd better watch myself before he hit me.
"What?" I'd asked, unable to comprehend what he was asking. He didn't understand, closing himself off and we were back to square one.
"How much am I worth to you? Five bucks?" He was running his hands through his hair, shaking his head as if he couldn't believe himself. As if he didn't believe that he could be so stupid. As if he thought it meant nothing to me; that he meant nothing to me.
"Not even 20?"
And I didn't answer.
That must've set him off more, voice raising as he spoke to me, every word like a knife and it was getting harder to hold back my crying. I was humiliated and I hurt him and Oliver didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve getting hurt like this and he definitely didn't deserve the people staring, in his business as if they had a right, "What was it? Get close to the psychopath? Learn what it is that made him so crazy?"
"Oliver, stop it, you know I'm not like that-"
I'd tried to defend myself, getting cut off, "I thought I knew a lot about you but that's a lie isn't it?"
Still trying to calm him down, I shook my head but I wasn't right and I knew I wasn't right. He didn't deserve this, he really didn't deserve this, "It's not that serious-"
"It is!" Taking his eyes off me when I'd flinched, he lowered his voice. He cared about me even when I was such a bitch, "It's that serious because you lied to me and you used me for your own entertainment."
And that was the moment his anger turned into tears and for the second time, Oliver had cried in front of me. "God, I loved you." His breathing was more rapid as he wiped his face harshly, turning to slam his fist back into the locker but stopping halfway, before he could hurt himself again. There were tears in his throat and I wished I could rip it away, taking the pain for myself. "I trusted you, you were different; I thought you were the only person who wouldn't do this to me and you fucking did."
He loved me; loved. But I ruined it just when everything was getting better.
"It's not like that..."
But it was; I was horrible and I hurt him and that feeling of my heart aching was back, "Then what is it like? What am I missing? Tell me that she wasn't talking about us. Tell me that there was no bet and that you got to know me because you wanted to."
"I can't." I wish I could with the way he was looking at me.
"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you but there's nothing else you can learn about me. I'm insane and I'm violent and damn, if I don't know it. But this little dare you had to embarrass me or break my heart, or whatever the hell it was, is over."
shit, sorry.
this book is almost done babes, xx.
Updated: Sun, March 27th.
Favorite character and moment from them throughout this book?
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