1. psychopaths and cafeteria moments
|1.| psychopaths and cafeteria moments
I was in the middle of eating a horribly made grilled cheese sandwich and staring out the large window as I listened to my best friend who seemed to be talking a mile a minute, yet I could still understand her. Sidney and I were having a conversation about her next volleyball game as we waited for Kat to get there with her latest rumors.
And as Kat came sweating and panting, she reached our table, full on sprinting.
Stuffing my face, I waited for her to start drowning us in the new exciting topic of gossip.
Katalina Hernandez was the... Social butterly of our group. She knew all gossip before anyone else due to her ties with everyone.
Smiling amusedly at my girlish friend, I waited patiently for the reason of her being late to lunch.
Kat took a moment to catch her breath, aware of the way we were growing impatient, but not really caring about leaving us waiting.
She sat down on the uncomfortable lunch table seat, smoothing out her skirt as she downed a huge gulp of Sidney's water bottle. But when she didn't say anything, as she normally would, Sidney started to grow confused."Katalina? Are you o-"
Holding up a finger to silence Sidney, she swallowed the remainder of the water in her mouth. Then after what seemed like forever, her look of serenity was replaced with one of terror as she gasped out, "The rumors are true! He's back!"
Shaking her head, Sidney raised an eyebrow at our best friend, "Who's back? Jan?"
January Calligan, the fourth addition to our group.
Super gorgeous, super amazing, and super gay.
He'd recently moved to D.C. a few months before so he could stay with his aunt because she feared that bullying was going to start. He'd only agreed to a year there and then he'd be 18 and could successfully move out without parental consent and guidance.
He had been away for five months and was supposed to return in April and it was now October. That means six and a half months until we could see him, it would be understandable for Kat to freak out about him being back. But when Kat shook her head sadly, my shoulders slumped.
"I wish! But no..." She took a brief moment to most likely let her though wander to January. Taking a breath, she forced a smile and spoke quieter, "Oliver Remmer is back."
My eyes widened as did Sid's as she spit out her drink, "What? I thought he was in juvie!" She whisper-shouted.
Kat made a disgusted face at Sid, "Aren't you gonna clean that up?" She asked, waving her hand over the water spillage on the table.
Sid just shrugged, "Enough with the nonsense questions, Kat! This is big! Does Phoenix know?"
"Does Phoenix know what?" I heard a voice and my eyes travelled to the figure over Kat's shoulder.
Phoenix Meyer stood there smiling politely and friendly as he took a seat next to Kat and kissed her cheek, "Hey, babe."
Sidney sneered in disgust as the two engaged in a series of a stupid lovesick conversation.
"I guess not," Sid muttered to me as they had their little fake argument. This had been happening for the past three months they'd been together and it was cute at first but now it made me want to gag myself with the plastic spork that sat on Sidney's tray.
"I missed you," Kat cooed out as Phoenix intertwined their fingers.
"I missed you more," he said in a sickly-sweet manner nearly making me throw up at the stupidness. I was loosing braincells as they conversed.
His slightly crooked nose twitched as he smiled showing his braces from the 'accident' where Oliver Remmer had knocked his teeth crooked.
The cuts on his face hadn't faded despite it being five months since the fight and the stitches near his left eyebrow, above his grass green eyes, hadn't faded.
Seeing Phoenix's face made me a little paranoid about Oliver coming back. Who knew what kind of hostile air still surrounded them.
The entire cafeteria was packed as was the hallway as they watched the 'entertainment' take place. Phones were pulled out everywhere, recording it as whispers escalated throughout the place.
I had to nearly squeeze through the entire school body to make it up to Sidney and Kat who just so happened to be standing right in the front of the crowd watching the action take place.
Taking a breath before even looking up, I started to ask the question that'd I'd been dying to have answered ever since Kat had texted me to hurry up and get to the commons area, "Sid, what's-"
She silenced me by wincing as a sharp snapping sound was echoed throughout the canteen causing me to turn my head to the side, witnessing the same exact thing that happened every once in a while. I'd just never seen him fight on school grounds.
Oliver Remmer was crouching over a nearly lifeless body, repeatedly pounding on some guy's unrecognizable bloody face. The self announced psychopath was staring into nothingness with a cold and emotionless look spreading across his face as the nearly motionless body laid there.
Only he didn't look at the bloodied body, he was just staring.
He didn't look finished and the body was already breathing shallow a couple people with fear in their eyes stepped forward to stop the madness but were pulled back by their friends.
The only thing recognizable were the varsity football jackets they wore that linked them to the person that lay only the floor, weakly shielding their face from Oliver's attacks. However the blockage of their arms wasn't enough as Oliver landed another strike on his cheek.
Suddenly, Oliver was snatched off of the body and pressed up against a locker by the collar of his black jacket. He seemed to have snapped out of his trance as a couple male teachers held him there and a look of shock and regret passed over him before he returned cold.
"Holy..." Sidney muttered as we watched Oliver slump to the floor and heard the ambulance sirens.
Apparently, someone called 911.
"Clear out!" I heard the principal, Mr. David, yell and soon the entire student body was hustling about to their next classes, a couple here and there stopping and staring at the scene.
The kid being loaded onto a gurney and pushed outside and Oliver being restrained with handcuffs as he fought against them but eventually gave in were the highlights of the bystanders' day.
His sweaty brown hair fell over his grey-green eyes as he looked downward. Being pushed out of the cafeteria and the connecting hall, Oliver flexed his bloody and scraped knuckles and unconsciously bit his bottom lip which was already bleeding and busted.
Wincing slightly at the way he didn't even seem fazed, Kat turned to face me as students were told to report back to their regularly scheduled day.
Leading the way to the only class we shared together, we said goodbye to Sidney who was still freaking out and slightly hyped.
And Kat, being the social butterfly that she was, was gripping her phone tightly as it buzzed nonstop.
She gasped, "Phoenix was taken into the ICU."
Nodding mindlessly, I continued to count the floor tiles but froze in my tracks when I replayed her sentence in my mind.
"Phoenix? That's who Oliver was fighting?" I asked, bewildered. Phoenix Meyer was a pretty nice guy last time I had checked.
"Yeah, people are saying..." she trailed off as.she scrolled through her phone.
"Kat? People are saying?" I egged her on as the excitement of the fight still swarmed and polluted the air around us making it nearly impossible to carry on regularly.
Tapping her screen a couple times, she handed over her iPhone indicating where I should start reading.
It was a text from some kid named Kyle: 'Psycho must've forgotten to take his meds. We need Phoenix... Man, we're screwed friday.'
"Everyone's upset now because there's no way that we'll beat Ridgeway. Phoenix is our best player."
Long story short, we lost the game, the undefeated were now conquered, and Oliver became an enemy for the school.
That was months ago and now Oliver had returned. They said that he was thrown into juvie that day and the rumors say that he smothered his cell mate.
I think that's bullshit.
I was in the middle of thinking about why he was let out early when Sidney spoke, "Em, is is gonna be bad when he gets back."
Nodding along, I smirked, "Yeah but at least it'll be entertaining."
Updated: Friday, Sep. 5
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