They Heard, They Saw, They Know
(End Of The BLU Scout's POV)
(In The Call/Room His Team and With the RED Engineer and the RED Sniper)
As it got turned on, We all saw something on the video Camera, in there was a body... Scout's Body.
Scout was alone inside another room
The door swung open and more of the lights was turned on, We saw who it was that came in.
"Vell you didn't do much to Him, infront Of his Team, did you?" It was RED Medic, sporting his medigun followed by RED Spy.
"I 'ad... ozzer priorities." We could see The RED Spy smiling.
We saw as cold gloved fingers of the Medic's hand gripped onto Scout's jaw, turning His face back, We saw how Scout flinched violently but the RED Medic's fingers just gripped harder.
"I see zat." RED Medic murmured. He pulled out a syringe. and inserted it into Scout's neck, before He could jerk away, pushing down on the plunger and pulling out.
"WHAT DID HE GIVE SCOUT!" BLU Medic yelled from where He was in the room/cell.
"Hehehe just Shut up," it was the RED Sniper.
"Let, Me Go," We then heard Scout growle the Medic and Spy.
"SCOUT!" the BLU Team shouted.
"Hehe don't worry they're gonna be done soon," the RED Engineer snaked his thumbs around his overall straps as he grinned.
"Zis will prevent you from regaining your energy ven I heal you Scout," Medic explained. "Well In fact, Scout it vill Weaken you even more."
Crap.... Then we saw it, It was already taking it's effect on Scout's body as we saw his eyes drooped as they untied Him.
Scout looked like He was heavy on something, sinking to the floor, lay on his back facing them.
It looked like He was paralyzed...
Because we didn't see Him move.
We heard RED Medic say/explain something.
"Ve need to clean you up a bit first, zough, yes?"
Then he chuckled with the Spy, as if he'd just told a joke.
"Doc we could h'urt one of the others before we clean Scout up first, zhat do you zhink of that?" Spy asked keeping his eyes on the Scout.
That got us scared... Were they just gonna heal Scout and then go hurt one of us?
We saw as the Spy and Medic began waking away from Scout .... were they really gonna do it? Just leve Scout alone in the room! and then come in here and hurt one of us....
"...W-wait... Don't.. Go!" Scout shouted.
They still turned back to look at Him both confused?
Well Medic was looking a little confused, the Spy was also confused.
"D-don't hurt them... Hurt Me insted!" I said. I had gotten Tears in My eyes and well now I was crying again... I couldn't and was not gonna let them get hurt. If I could stop them?
"DON'T BOY JUST DON'T!" Engineer yelled.
"NO SCOUT!" Soldier, Spy, Heavy and the BLU Sniper shouted.
We saw as the RED Medic was smirking, the Spy only cocked an eyebrow at what Scout had said..
Then he chuckled with the Spy, as if I had just told them a funny joke.
Then the two REDs dragged Me from the room.
(In another room they had the live carma with them)
(The BLU Team can all hear Him so can the RED Sniper and the RED Engineer)
(No ones POV)
"well yo will be seeing that for yourself soon," RED's Engineer grinned.
"THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO HURT HIM. BRING SCOUT BACK AND LET US GO!" Medic shouted angry at them but also angry that He was't strong enough to break free.
"If you WANT SCOUT Back then WHY don't YOU go and Get HIM?" It was the RED Sniper and He was laughing not only because of all the angry looks He got. But also because both He, Engineer and the BLU Team knew that they couldn't get free to help their youngst Family/Friend/Team member.
They had taking Him into a Bathroom, in there He was screaming...
Here the Spy and the Medic. They
were burning Scout up alive and we could all hear His screaming,
They were in the next room
And just then we could hear Scout's voice bouncing off the walls in the shower as the scalding water hit Him in the next room.
We saw Scout thrashing, involuntarily trying to get Away to run. But every time Scout's head was slammed against the tiled wall and floor. We knew Scout couldn't that it, if they were to Keep it up and then who knew what could happen.
We saw as Scout's own hands shaking for a second before they pushed his head down again. Then another glance of tile under his chin, when the Scout tried to get up Again, it was esay to show Him back down.
Suddenly, they turned the water from piping hot to freezing cold.
That was bad thought the BLU Medic. If a body was switching between hot to cold like that. The Medic in the room rubbed his hands together
and we saw as Scout tryede his best to get out and to just get away.
But he was't fast enough, the RED Medic quickly grabbed Him by his hair and made him face the spray.
Scout sputtered...
"SCOUT!" Heavy yelled.
"Say Doc don't you think it's Sniper's turn next or Maybe the BLU Spy.
Or is it time to put the Soldier, Demoman or the Heavy and Engineer down?... Scout who Do you wanna see Go or Hurt first?" Spy asked.
"Hmm I don't know herr Spy. Say we could burn zhe BLU Sniper, or just kill Him after having done everything We wanna Do!?" RED's Medic growled.
"NO! NOT SNIPER!" Scout sobbed.
Scout you don't have to do it just let them hurt Me? BLU's Sniper thought.
"Why is zhat Scout... Doc keep an eye on Him. I'm gonna get the BLU Sniper and the BLU Medic in here so We can kill them in front of the little Scout here," Spy said.
"N-no... Let All of t-them Go. j-just t-take Me?!" He shouted.
But why we all knew that Scout couldn't take this.
The Boy in BLU sunk to the floor, plastered against the back of the shower, unable to stop shaking. We saw as Scout cowered, covering his face with his hands, bringing his legs up and into the fetal position... We knew that Scout was scared of what was gonna Happen.
They stopped what they were doing when they heard Him. and quickly Scout was dropped on his side.
We could only stare and look at Scout as we listened in on what was being said, inside the other room.
The next thing we all saw was Scout being lifted up by that fucking RED Spy.
"W-where are we g-going?" Scout asked, his voice still was really weak and We knew that Scout's own body was just as weak.
"Your gonna be seeing zhem soon Scout don't worry, zhen you do someone are Gonna be hurt," RED's Spy growled as they left the room with Him. The Camera was then turned off by the RED Engineer.
"TURN THAT THING BACK ON?!" BLU's own Engineer yelled.
Words 1235
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