Medic Is Gonna Confront
(The BLU Medic's POV)
My reaction to this news... Was well I had seen it comming...
But I won't Lie. I knew well I knew of it, from the start.. But even so it was really not a Big surprise to Me..
As of what Happens now I don't really know.
What's the RED Scout gonna do.
Is He just gonna stand by?
When He was done with His Story the Scout came closer. He was crying in joy... I sighed.
I knew the RED's Scout was telling us the Truth, when I sighed. He stopped. I moved to the side and out of his way?
But the RED's Scout just stod there looking confused, his eyes full of tears.
I quickly moved over to the Boy Knowing He needed confront from someone who knew of His Story.
His Condition if the RED Scout was anything like My Scout.
I pulled Him into Me and gave the Enemy Scout a hug...
As a Medic I knew. that He needed it after all of this, having told us his Backstory.
And now seeing the trouble the RED Scout is in I felt Sorry.
For the Boy,, No that was not right... I felt bad for the Both of them for that matter.
But damm why didn't I tell them before this. I have known from the start so Why?
I didn't understand what kept Me from telling them the truth.
Was I really that bad of a Friend?
Should I tell them that I knew of it?!
Or shoud I just keep it to Myself?
I didn't know what to do.
What was the Both of them thinking about this.
What was the RED Team goning to do when they knew of it.
"MEDIC WHAT THE BLOODY HELL ARE YO'U BLOODY DOING!" Demo shouted. By the sound of his voice I could tell that Demo was Shocked,
The rest were surely also shocked.
I wispesd to Scout.
"Scout I have known of this from the start, I'm Sorry that I didn't tell you back then. But I'm gonna be Your Support and I'm here if you need Me. I'm gonna be here for the Both of you.
I'm gonna try to help the best I can,"
(End Of BLU Medic's POV)
(The RED Scout's POV)
I was confused but in some way happy when the BLU Medic came over and huggede Me?
He sames to know what's goning on and that I needed confront from something or someone who knew of this... But why? then he wispesd something to Me that made Me understand but how did My enemy know of My condition?? It was so confusion.
My enemy was gonna be oure support
He was gonna help us?!
Why what was in it for The Doc?!
Why didn't he just say something back then?
But How did the BLU Medic know about this and also about My condition?
Words 490
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