20 - Love
Remember to highlight & comment on certain bits as you read, I appreciate it a lot because then I can read your reactions to the different bits :))
Jai's P.O.V
I held tightly onto Lily, the door creaking open. We were behind some furniture, a couch I think, our backs facing the door. I heard Lily's heart beat, beating faster and faster.
The door finished creaking and we heard loud footsteps, Luke was wearing his boots for sure. "I smell fear." He growled, his footsteps coming closer to the couch.
"Come out, come out, wherever you are" he snickered, Lily grasping tightly onto my shirt. "Come out, or I'll KILL YOU!" He became impatient. "Get up, he'll kill you." I whispered to Lily, making her shake her head and gulp.
"I'm serious. I never lie." Luke's footstep neared to us. Lily scrambled to her feet, facing Luke. I couldn't stand up too, I would be dead meat if he knew that I was even near Lily. "Oh, how nice to see you Lily." I heard Luke deviously chuckle. "Have you brought someone back here with you?" He questioned.
"Um. No" Lily quietly spoke, hearing the shakiness in her voice. "I wasn't talking to you, you nit-wit. Jai get up." Luke ordered. I froze, I didn't move at all. "JAI GET THE FUCK UP. I WILL CHOP YOUR LITTLE 'PRINCESS' TO PIECES!" He growled, stomping loudly towards us.
I quickly stumbled to my feet, gulping as I stood up straight looking at Luke. "Aw look at you two." He fake smiled. "How CUTE." His smile turned into a frown as he slumped towards us. "Please, do whatever you want to do to me, just don't hurt Lily." I pleaded Luke, making him smirk.
"Sure, your wish is my comand" he bowed, chuckling. I scrunched my eyebrows at the monster I used to call my brother. Luke raised his head. "Get over here, now." He clenched his jaws. I quickly walked to him, a small barrier between us and Lily now.
"Face Lily." He ordered and I nodded, standing up straight and facing her. Her face defined the meaning of fear and terror. "Take off your shirt." Luke snickered, tugging and my shirt. My heart beat fastened as I allowed Luke to pull my shirt over my head.
I closed my eyes, he was humiliating me. "Working out have we?" He uttered, tracing his finger on my shoulder. "Answer me Jai!" He growled, hitting my shoulder hard. "Yes, I've been working out!" I whimpered, my eyes still closed.
"Let's have some fun, shall we? And Lily, my love, you will watch." He chuckled. "I'm not your love!" Lily fought back. "Lily don't say that!" I begged. "What did you just say?" I heard the smirk in Luke's voice.
"I'm not your love! I'm not anyone's love as a matter of fact!" She continued. That took a huge blow out on me, as I kissed her just a couple of minutes ago. "I was going to go easy on Jai here, just humiliating him, but I guess he ruined my chances with you so he deserves a little revenge." Luke uttered.
"Leave Jai alone!" She cried out. "No! You don't love me because of him!" He growled. "Stand still." he whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I opened my eyes, seeing Lily bawling her eyes out. I stood still as Luke asked me to.
All of a sudden, I heard a loud cry out "No!" And felt a huge blow across my back, making me clench my jaw, my teeth showing and my eyes shut tightly. He was whipping me. "Where did you get that?!" Lily yelled out, crying still.
"In the institution, I got whipped a lot in the past, it felt really sensational. Doesn't it Jai?" Luke whipped me again. "Yes." I groaned as I got whipped. "STOP PLEASE!" Lily continued to scream. "Listen, nothing you are going to say is going to stop me so shut your fucking mouth!" Luke replied.
Suddenly, he kicked me right in my lower area, making me fall down to the floor on my knees. "Fucking dumb shit!" Luke insulted me, coming around to stand in front of my. I looked up at him as he looked down on me.
"If you're going through hell" Luke started and slapped me across the face hardly. "Keep, going." He clenched his jaws and jumped forward, on top on me, wrapping his hands around my neck.
I was laying on my back and Luke sat on me as he tightened his grip around my neck.
"Fucking cunt!" He yelled, digging his fingers into my neck. I felt my breathing shorten. "STUPID FUCKER!" He continued. My breathing was very limited, my vision fading. "I LOVE YOU!" I heard Lily scream, the grip around my neck suddenly loosening.
She ran up to us and pulled Luke off of me to stand up. "What?" He questioned, a shocked expression plastered over his face. "I love you" she cried. Luke immediately wrapped his arms around her, making me scared that he's going to hurt her.
She definitely hurt me.
Lily's P.O.V
Luke tightly hugged me. "I love you too Lily." He spoke softly. I didn't really love Luke, I just can't stand seeing him hurt Jai like that. "Please, Luke, go back to the institution, don't get caught. I will see you there tomorrow morning, and we will have a ball!" I faked my happiness, of course.
"Anything for you, my lady." Luke nodded and busted out of the room. I looked down to Jai, he scratched the back of his neck. I sat on my knees, observing the bruises on his face. "Are you okay Jai?" I worriedly asked. "Yeah, it's just. I really liked you Lily." He replied, struggling to his feet.
"I just had to say it to stop Luke from going any further." I stood up as well, looking him straight in the eyes. "But now he believes it and he isn't going to take it any other way. We had a chance." He sighed, slumping towards the door.
"Sleep at my place tonight." He turned around to face me, smiling lightly. "But Luke h-he" I started. "He thinks you love him, he will listen and stay in the institution. You can meet my brother and my mum, we have a spare bedroom we can sleep in." He continued.
"'We' can sleep in?" I smiled, raising an eyebrow. "O-or you, you know." He scratched the back of his head. "Nah, I was just kidding." I laughed, and we walked out of the room, trying to avoid all of the dead bodies in the café.
Hope you guys enjoyed that :))
I have a few ideas now so hopefully I won't take too long to update.
Remember to go back and highlight and comment on certain bits your reactions! :3
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