2 - Third Floor
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《Lily's P.O.V》
I walked in to the institution and was surprised by what I saw.
It was neat and clean, definitely not what I was expecting. I was expecting blood all over the walls and floors. Well, I couldn't be relieved too soon as I haven't seen what's on the higher levels.
I nervously walked up to the receptionist and she quickly typed something on the keyboard. As I aproached her, she looked up and smiled. "You must be Lilian Feya, am I correct?"
Ugh, I knew I was going to hate this job already! Her fake smile, fake boobs, fake everything made me want throw up. She's just lying by smiling at me and she can jus-
"Um, excuse me...?", The receptionist stared blankly into my eyes.
"Sorry. Yes, my name is Lilian Feya but please call me Lily" I said as a blush creeps upon my cheeks, embarrassed of my day dreaming.
The receptionist looked at my eyes and my hair and typed swiftly on her keyboard.
"May I please know your age, shoe size, height and weight?" She looked up at me and smiled - fakely-.
"Uh, okay. I am 20 years old, my shoe size is 6 and I am 165cm in length," I answered while I twiddled my fingers. "Weight?" She looked up and raised an eyebrow. "I apologise but I am not too sure what I weigh Mrs.." I had a quick glimpse at her badge.
"Mrs. Rivers" I said while smiling awkwardly. "It's Miss Rivers, I'm not married. I'm 19 years old," she giggled with a hand in front of her mouth.
"Sorry," I said; looking down at my shoes. They were white converse, I don't need to wear fancy shoes to work. I ain't going to wear no high hee-
"Uh, Lily?", The receptionist interrupted my thoughts. I looked up at her. "Yes?"
"I just asked how well trained are you with people with mental illnesses?" She looked at me like I was a weirdo, which I was.
"I have had 1 year studying without mental people and 2 years with mental people" I answered quietly.
"Sorry Lily, they are not mental people, they are people with mental illnesses. If you are to call a patient 'mental' to their face, well let's say your life with change forever." She said to me in a strict manner.
"I do apologise Ms. Rivers," I mumbled, not really caring.
"Oh, please call me Stacy," she chuckled. Wow, she really couldn't stay mad at a person, could she?
"What do you mean that my life will be changed forever?," I asked, gaining some interest.
"Oh my! I am so sorry!" She laughed. My eye kept twitching at her annoying laugh that boys always thought were cute.
"I'm meant to have this explanation thing with you the minute you walk in!" She continued laughing with her hands clenching at her stomach.
I didn't find it very funny.
"Okay, well, let me explain," she managed to say as she got her breath back.
I just nodded with a blank expression.
"There are three levels above this floor." I nodded for her to keep going.
"The first floor is for patients who haven't committed any crimes, they are just a little mentally unstable that's all. They can get released from the institution in a small amount of time.The nurses and patients on the first floor wear light purple suits." I nodded again, hoping I would work on the first floor.
"The second floor is for patients who have committed a few crimes like stealing or only a small chance of murder. They are sorry for what they have done and they always say that they were controlled by something. They are released also but only after a very long time after they have proved that they have changed. The patients and nurses on the second floor wear lime green suits"
Yuck, what's with all these weird colours?
"The third floor is for patients who are guilty of very many brutal crimes. Brutal murders of families. They aren't sorry for anything that they have done because they say it 'wasn't them',even when we have had all the proof.
The patients on the third floor have 0.000001% chance of being released from this institution as they have almost no improvement ever. The patients and the nurses on the third floor wear light pink suits, as it is a calming colour."
I stood there with wide eyes.
"Is it.. Safe here?" I muttered ,not wanting to embarrass myself again, but I had to know.
"Of course! There are security guards everywhere.. And when I say everywhere, I do mean everywhere. The patients walk around the institution so the guards are needed everywh-
"What?! They walk around?!" I whisper- yelled.
"How else are they meant to go to the bathroom or go eat at the cafeteria?" She asked rhetorically.
"Right, sorry. Carry on."
"Okay, yeah. The elevators are cushioned just in case they try to hurt themselves on the walls of it or even hurt the nurses."
I shivered at the thought of being smashed against an elevator wall.
"There are also guards in the elevator after an incident when a patient from the third level pushed a nurse up against the cushioned wall and pushed her so hard against the wall, her neck broke. The nurse was murdered that day. So yeah, guards are also in the elevator."
Wait, so I can get killed even with the cushioned walls?
"Here is your uniform, Come back immediately after you have changed."
I carefully took the folded uniform and Stacy led me to the locker room and quickly left so that I could change.
After I finished changing I left my locker open because I was probably going to receive more things.
I quickly walked over to Stacy at the reception. She held out a box and pointed to everything and explained what they were for.
"Here is an extra uniform, here is the keys to your counselling room"
Wait, I get my own counselling room?!
"Here is a taser, it is only used for complete emergencies. Don't use it when they threaten you because almost every patient does, except those on the first floor. When you use it, call the guards immediately because they will try to get you after. Patients will try their best to get revenge on you and they won't give up until they have..."
I felt my legs starting to tremble, what if I need to use it on a patient? I will be haunted for the rest of my life.
"You will be working on the third floor and yo-"
"Uh, can I maybe start on the first floor and work my way up?" I chuckle nervously.
I don't want to work on the third floor. I WILL get murdered..
"That won't be needed as you have worked with people with mental illnesses for two years, am I not correct?" She stated in a bitchy tone.
"Yes you are correct." I say quietly. I look into her green eyes keeping a straight face as she does.
Suddenly, she bursts out with her annoying-ass laugh again.
"Why are you acting so surprised Lily? You ARE wearing a light pink uniform which obviously means that you're working on the third floor." She chuckles.
I look down at my uniform and feel stupid that I haven't even noticed the colour of it.
"Right" I mutter under my breath.
"You need to get to your counselling room on the third floor, room..."
She read the key to my counselling in the box. "Room 23" she smiled.
"Just go and organise, move the furniture, drink coffee, whatever." She smiled.
"Oh and there will be a new patient today, here are his documents. He will be arriving at 2:30 this afternoon so make sure you have read his documents before he arrives." She added nervously.
I nodded and added a "Thank you very much Stacy."
I headed off to the elevator and pressed the button.
After a few seconds, the elevator opened and there were two guards at the corners.
There was a very sweet looking little girl, she looked around 6 years old and she was standing dead centre of the elevator.
I walked in and nodded my head to the guards as to say hello.
I heard little whispers from the little girl but I couldn't make out what she was saying.
Then I heard mutters, I still couldn't make out what she was saying.
"Get out of my elevator" the little girl said, looking straight ahead of her.
"Excuse me?" I say gently.
"Get out" she stated.
"I-I can't." I say looking back at the security guards, they just made hand movements assuring me to stay calm.
"Get out of the fucking elevator!" She shrieked. She was looking at me as she was yelling, her eyes demon-like and fully black. She started pulling at her hair and chunks started coming.
I went in to stop her from pulling out all of her hair but the security guards stopped me and grabbed her instead.
The elevator doors opened and the guards carried her out. She kicked her legs and yelled. "You have been here for 2 years girl!" one of the guards yelled as they carried her to her cell.
That's when it hit me,
She was wearing a light pink suit. I was on the third level.
things escalates very quickly :))
Remember to vote and comments my lovelies :3
- mom
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