33. Goodbye
Author's pov:
The knock that resonated through the room had startled Taehyung awake from his nap.
He let out a heavy sigh and stepped out of his cozy bed. He shambled towards the door and opened it.
"Hi, step bro." Mingyu greeted with a small smile.
Taehyung gulped and didn't know what to do. ''What are you doing here?''
''We need to talk.''
Taehyung shook his head no. "I'm not in the mood to talk. There's nothing to talk about anyway."
Just when the brunette wanted to close the door, Mingyu used his hand to stop it from closing. ''You never listen, do you?''
Mingyu took a step inside which made Taehyung take a few steps backwards in fear.
''Look, I just want to talk to you about a few things.''
"And I said I don't want to talk." Taehyung tried his utter best to look and sound fearless.
Mingyu's smile faded away. "Then what must I mess with this time for you to obey?"
Taehyung gulped once again. He felt his fingers starting to tremble and his knees were getting weak.
"Who's the most precious to you? Is it.. Jungkook?" Mingyu said with a sinister grin.
Taehyung couldn't believe what he was hearing, he didn't want to believe it. This was the reason why he didn't want Jungkook to get too close to him.
He felt weak in front of the older. The fear and the memories that he tried so hard to forget keep flashing by each time he had to face Mingyu.
Taehyung took a few steps closer to Mingyu and dropped to his knees, lowering his head. ''Don't hurt Jungkook, please.. He's all I have.''
Mingyu looked down at Taehyung, the sinister grin strangely turned into a soft smile. ''And what if I do hurt him, what will you do about it?''
Tears stung Taehyung's eyes. ''Just continue hurting me, continue bothering me and continue threatening me. Mess with me all you want, but please leave Jungkook out of this.''
"I know hurting you won't hurt you as much as hurting your precious Jungkook.''
Taehyung felt like breaking down any second, he couldn't handle Mingyu on his own, as always.
"V, I need you." He thought as he kept his head low and shut his eyes tightly.
"But I gotta say that I'm proud of you that you managed to find a friend." Mingyu said as he wandered through the room.
Taehyung opened his eyes and frowned. This was the first time ever V didn't show up when he asked him to.
Usually, in situations like these, Taehyung doesn't even have to call for V to show up, since V always shows up on his own, especially when Taehyung feels threatened or scared.
"V, I need you. Please show up." Taehyung thought again, still on his knees.
Mingyu let out a heavy sigh as he sat down on Taehyung's desk chair, watching the younger in front of him still on his knees.
"V, where are you?" Taehyung's stored tears were beginning to blur his vision. All he wanted was for V to show up.
Mingyu stood up, approaching Taehyung. The brunette felt as if his heart would stop any second.
He kept on calling for V and he kept on hoping and wishing for V to show up. After all, V was created to protect him, so why wasn't he showing up?
"Stand up." Mingyu said with a soft voice.
Taehyung surprisingly looked up with teary eyes. He hesitated a bit before standing up.
Mingyu put his hand in his pocket and grabbed an envelop, handing it to Taehyung.
"W-what is this?" The brunette asked with a cracked voice.
"I knew you wouldn't want to talk to me. So everything I want to tell you is in that envelop."
Taehyung frowned at how Mingyu's way of treating him suddenly changed.
Mingyu noticed Taehyung's puzzled look and smiled. "I won't do anything to you nor your friend so don't worry, I just wanted to see how much he means to you. Gotta return to university right now so I don't have time to mess with you both anyway. I just came to say bye."
Taehyung frowned. "I don't know if you're being honest or not, but please don't harm my Jungkook."
"'My Jungkook' You love him a lot, don't you?'' Mingyu said with a smile. ''Anyway, I gotta go now. It was nice to see you again, you've grown up a lot.''
Mingyu smiled at Taehyung one more time before walking towards the door and opening it.
"It better really was a joke." Taehyung suddenly said before Mingyu could close the door.
The black haired boy looked over his shoulder and smiled. ''Don't worry. You won't see me anymore.''
After Mingyu left and closed the door, Taehyung let out a heavy sigh and sat down on his shared bed.
Hesitantly, he opened the envelop and pulled out a letter and a thin bracelet.
As he looked at the back of the bracelet, memories flashed by and tears burned his eyes once again.
"Give it back, please." I said as tears stung my eyes.
"Oh you're being a cry baby again?" He said followed by an dark chuckle as he held the bracelet above the toilet.
"Please.. That bracelet means a lot to me please give it back." I pleaded as I kept walking closer to where he was standing.
"Dare to take one step closer and I will flush it through the toilet."
I was a crying mess and I didn't know what to do.
"Why is it so important to you, huh?" He said as he raised one eyebrow. "Did you get it from your dead father?" He let out another dark chuckle as he brought the bracelet near the toilet.
"Please.." As always, I couldn't do anything.
" 'For my dear son.' " He read the back of the bracelet out loud. "Come and get it before it's gone, just like your father." He said with a sinister grin.
I quickly ran to grab my bracelet but I slipped and out of reflex I grabbed him which made both of us fall on the ground.
"Dad!!!" He suddenly cried out as he faked tears.
Shockingly, I got off of him and stood up. He looked up at me one more time as he smirked.
"What happened?!" His dad ran into the bathroom and crouched in front of his son.
"H-he suddenly attacked me." Mingyu said as he started sobbing. I just stood there, not knowing what to do or what to say.
"You piece of trash." His dad hissed as he stood up and slapped me across the face, making me hit the floor with a terrific thud.
"I-I didn't do a-anything. I s-swear." I helplessly said.
"If your mother couldn't raise you properly, I will do it for her." He approached me and harshly kicked me in the stomach.
I whimpered as tears started coursing down my cheeks once again. I saw Mingyu from behind his father smiling and enjoying what he was seeing.
"Please.. I-I didn't d-do anything." I tried to say as I barely could breathe because of the kicks that I was receiving in my stomach.
"Please.." Just when I saw my mom standing at the doorway, mouth agape. Everything turned blurry and slowly but surely my world became a dark place.
Taehyung shook his head to avoid the memories. He grabbed the letter and started reading it.
"I honestly don't even know where to begin. In this letter, I want to apologize to you but also tell you about the things I did behind your back. The pictures. The pictures about you sleeping with Jungkook that were spread through your whole school was my doing. You probably wonder why, but please don't ask because I honestly don't know why either. I acted like the usual fucked up me. Ever since I saw you sitting on that bench with Jungkook beside you looking all happy, I regretted everything I've done to you including the pictures that were spread. I thought about it a lot and I realised how unbelievably fucked up I was. As your step bother, I should've protected you and helped you back then but all I did was causing you trouble, I've done things to you that no one, nor I, could ever understand why. I'm glad that we aren't step brothers anymore because otherwise you would've been stuck with the one and only boy you hate the most. I still can't get over it and I know you feel the same way.. I've recently found out that you're dealing with a disorder called multiple personality disorder. I've done research about it and I know now how people can develop that disorder.. I'm sorry, I know a simple sorry can't heal you or can't help you get rid of the disorder, but I truly am sorry. All I can do besides apologizing is to never show myself again and to never cause you trouble again. After all that you've been through because of me, I want you to lead an happy life with the one you love dearly. I truly was happy when I saw you socializing with Jungkook. I saw how you looked at him and how he looked at you, whether it's just a simple friendship or something beyond that, I wish both of you the best. Lead an happy life, Taehyung.
- Mingyu"
Taehyung wiped the tears that dripped down his cheeks with the palm of his hand and sniffled.
He didn't know how to feel about this. He didn't know whether to be happy about the fact that Mingyu apologized and left or to be sad about the fact that V didn't show up for the first time ever.
Most people that deal with this disorder, can't wait to get rid of it. But for Taehyung, it was different. He had a special bond with every single one of them. Even if talking with every single one of them was an impossible thing to do, he still.. felt their presence.
All of them wanted what's best for him. They didn't try to take over Taehyung's body, all they wanted and did was helping Taehyung getting through the nightmare that he was and still is living in.
If it wasn't for V, he wouldn't be able to deal with everyone that messed around with him ever since he was young. Although he did get into a lot of trouble because of V, V never had any bad intentions and just wanted to protect and help Taehyung.
If it wasn't for Hansung, he wouldn't be able to finish all the homework school gave him while he had an hard time dealing with everything else that he was dealing with.
If it wasn't for Gucci, he wouldn't be able to at least interact a little bit with other people. Although the interaction wasn't exactly how he wanted it to be, he still got in touch with other people.
If it wasn't for Taetae, he wouldn't be able to see the smile on his mother's face. He wouldn't be able to get reminded of the happy moments with the one person he misses a lot.
If it wasn't for all of them, he wouldn't have made it till this day.
"Once you start acting like all of them and once you will be able to deal with things on your own, they will start to fade away." That's what the psychologist told him.
And no matter how much he tried to avoid it, he did feel like he started to act and think the way V, Hansung, Gucci and Taetae did.
Jungkook really did help Taehyung getting rid of his disorder.. but now that it's finally working, he just can't let go of them.
"Please don't go." Taehyung let out a sob as he lay down on his bed. "V, Taetae, Hansung, Gucci.. please don't leave me like everyone else did."
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