The pounding music inside the bar, more like club, hurt Jimin's ears so much he could swear they were on the verge of exploding. He had only a drink in him which wasn't enough to make such ruckus sound pleasing. He stood to leave.
"Woah! Not yet!" Taehyung screamed to as he reached out to grab his hand. "It's too early!"
Jimin didn't bother looking at the time to help justify him or his friend. He did not care for the hour since any time was already too late for him. He did not care for what the clock had to say, he had had enough. Instead, he downed what was left of his drink and began heading for the exit. Taehyung screamed for his return, but only two steps away and Jimin could hear him no more. He mixed in with the dancing people until he made to the door. The frigid yet relieving air of the outside was blissful for only the first inhale. After that it became toxic to continue on breathing there due to the smokers and lingering smell of acohol. Jimin began making his way down the street when he heard what were without a doubt the running steps of his two friends. When they caught up with him, they weren't the happiest.
"What the hell, man!?" Jungkook exclaimed as he held out his hands dramatically. "Why'd you just try to ditch us?"
"Yeah!" Taehyung, who was definitely much more intoxicated than the other two, agreed.
"It's late." Jimin said as he took up his route again. He had made no impression that he wanted to be followed yet right behind him trudged the other two. Taehyung was walking the wonkiest so he extended out his hand so that Jimin could guide him the right way. Jungkook walked behind the two listening to his drunk friend complain of the cold air and his hurting feet. It was like that until they were in the hotel room which the two co-workers shared. Taehyung was set down on his bed with the help of his two friends and within a minute the lights were out for him.
"I've left some painkillers for you both on the desk over there so make sure you have one." Jimin said as he set down the drugs. "I'll see you tomorrow."
He took his steps towards the door until he could no more because of the hand grabbing out to his own. Jungkook who was leaning against a counter with a pitiful look stopped him. He said nothing. Instead he used the hand to bring Jimin in closer until his head was pushed against his shoulder.
"Kook, what are you doing?"
"I don't know." Jungkook shrugged. "I just miss you."
"I'm right here." Jimin sighed. "Seriously, just go to bed."
Jungkook shook his head as he lifted it so that he could make eye contact with Jimin. Tears appeared to be slowly gathering in his eyes as he playing with the other's hand.
"Why did cut me off?"
Jimin visibly froze in all the sense. His muscles became tense as he recalled the reason why he had done such thing. The relationship of romance he was obviously heading towards with his friend had come to a sudden end so abruptly that he knew he could not even try to shake this off. Jungkook may have been slightly drunk yet his words held true hurt.
"I...uh... I just- I don't know, Kook."
"Did I do something?"
Jimin shook his head. He had done nothing to be making himself so miserable.
"No. It's me Kookie. I've decided to focus on my work right now so pursuing someone isn't exactly a priority." Jimin pulled his hand away from Jungkook's grasp. "We can talk tomorrow. Sleep well."
The doctor left behind in the hotel room a man who cared deeply for him as he rushed to his room in hopes to find the one he wanted. He felt a guilt in his chest for what he had done, but it was the reality. He could not lead on his friend anymore when the interest was no longer there. It was truth what he had said, he did want to focus on his work and his work was Yoongi at the moment. Yoongi was why in many aspects why the doctor did not look to interest himself in romancing another. It was also why he was so desperate to leave that club where he would have had a good time if it hadn't been for his patient. Jimin was hopeful to see him again, however when he returned to his room the man was no where to be found.
Not too far from the hotel room Yoongi was smiling widely. He had a drink in hand and a woman in another. This taste of freedom brought him a satisfaction he hadn't had in so long.
"You're crazy." Suran giggled as she stole the beer from Yoongi's hand.
"And so are you."
Hoseok laughed. "We're all crazy, nothing new here."
The three lounged about in Hoseok's room enjoying the lovely view that was the river and sleeping city of the town. After the suggestion Yoongi had given they decided they could not end their meet there.
"So is it a go or no on my bridge idea?"
"No!" Hoseok yelled. "We've already done it and it didn't work out so well for us, remember?"
In fact they all did recall that memory for they had suffered a great consequence for their teenage act of rebellion. Back at home many years ago there was a poor looking bridge that served the purpose of crossing an area of a sad excuse for a river. At times the place under the short bridge turned into a swamp. One night the three, all very intoxicated, decided that they'd have some fun with explosives they had gotten from a shady man. They had all seen it as a great idea until the next day when they needed to cross to the other side. Given they had hidden things on the other side, they were forced to make their way across.
"Okay, yes fine, but this time it'll be better."
"I'm also out." Suran declared. "I can't afford to get caught on something like that. I'm already on thin ice with all the hacking I've been doing lately."
Yoongi shook his head in a disappointment from his friends going soft. He understood in a sense since they had something in life to keep themselves out of jail for. Perhaps he had too so he called it time for his departure.
"It's barely midnight, are you sure you're feeling well?" Suran asked as she brought her hand up to Yoongi's forehead. He simply grinned as he slapped it away. He gave the woman a hug and Hoseok a pat on the back before heading out the elevator to go a few floors below. He made it to his room fine until realizing that he had no way in except knocking and hoping the doctor had returned before him, which he had.
Jimin was already in his sleeping clothes when he was greeted with a flustered Yoongi who smiled at him upon catching sight of him. He leaned in and kissed the washed cheek then locked himself in the bathroom to wash up.
"Yoongi are you alright?" The doctor asked as he stood worried outside the door. He could smell the acohol on him and so worried that the man he was trying to communicate with was someone much less him. Yoongi did not answer so Jimin sat on the bed waiting from him to come out to be sure. He worried deeply that even a single drink could turn him into a worse version of himself.
The doctor was right in one thing and that was that the drinks he had made Yoongi seem less of himself. However, he acted not reckless. Yoongi had climbed into bed not with the intentions of sleeping, but one to give Jimin attention how he had never before. He ran his hand through the doctor's golden hair and kissed his cheeks like his lips no longer existed.
"Are you okay?" Jimin asked again.
Yoongi nodded. "Yeah. I just had a few drinks with Mr.Jung. We just talked so don't worry."
"I'm not worried." Jimin lied. "I was just curious."
Yoongi grinned before kissing the man what was goodnight and closing his eyes. When the lights when off, Jimin put his head on Yoongi's chest, and Yoongi smiled widely.
The two did not admit to anything yet as they laid there in each other's embrace it was clear that they had wished to end up this way all day.
I've got state testing all this week someone save me.
Hope you enjoyed!
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