For the hundredth repetition of the day the numbers were muttered. Slumber was engulfing those listening to it except the one reciting the numbers. Those who were in charge of the speaker were growing more than weary of the phrase that it was slowly making them drowsy, just what the one reciting was hoping for. The old man was the first to shut an eye.
"One...two...three...come on Mel." Yoongi whispered softly as he watched the younger guard's head come down then quickly jerk back up. "One...two...three..."
The younger guard suffered to keep himself awake but he knew that even letting one come close to darkness was dangerous. He knew his partner of an old man had already closed both and was in a hazy state taking him right to slumber. The guard knew far too well that if he manage to make it that state, both of them could be in much more trouble than their boss could ever put them through. He reminded himself of that continuous as the numbers slipped into one ear but escaped from the other. The male tried to think just how much worse it'd be to sleep as oppose to being scolded by his boss for doing so. The man locked up was dangerous, he was to be watched.
The last number needed not to be muttered for at last, they brown eyes disappeared from the view of the world and the man was no longer fully conscious. Yoongi behind the bar celebrated with a prideful grin. He rose to floor and made his way to get what he wanted, the keys to get out.
"Oh Mel." He whispered as he stood behind the male, his hand attempting to unhook the keys from his pants. "You foolish boy."
Yoongi looked up as a form to concentrate himself on feeling. He touched around the male's pocket then his gun until finally his hand's tapped the metals that rattled. They made a noise which he stopped by gripping them tightly. The older guard was the one to react, with a stir that was. The mad man had no held breath to sigh in relieve so he kept on going to snatch the keys.
Slender fingers worked wonderfully their magic. Only a minute later, the keys unhooked from the pants of the guard.
"I'm having coffee today." Yoongi whispered to himself in celebration.
The keys just about past the bars when they were aggressively snatched from his hands. The movement caught the man off guard and he forced himself back quickly before electricity was shot through his body however that wouldn't have been possible. The one to have stolen back the keys was neither one of the guards, it was stranger assumed to be doctor.
A male not too tall with a petite figure that was drowned by the large white coat held the ring which held together the keys on his finger. The male had a light complexion that went well with the wavy blonde hair on his head. He dangled the keys in front of his face before looking to the mad man.
"Is this why you sang them to sleep?" The newcomer asked in a soft voice that set Yoongi's defense down. He calmed at hearing it, there was no threat.
The mad man nodded. "Yeah....I wanted coffee."
The doctor hummed. He took the keys and did what the mad man had not expected. This stranger walked to the bars unlike anyone new else dared to do. He slip the key into the lock and turned it, freeing the captive soul. Yoongi listened to the door squeak open as he stared to the figure standing in the way of his entrance.
"Let's go and get coffee then Mr.Min."
Yoongi was skeptical at first. This stranger was far too welcoming and it made him nervous to see him just standing in the middle of his way to freedom. It appeared to be a trap so he stayed still in place until he observed him closely completely. Once seeming like the man carried no weapon, he stepped forward. Yoongi stopped just a feet away from him.
The stranger shrugged. "You said you wanted coffee and I'm willing to take you to get it, why must you question things Mr.Min."
Yoongi went along with it and let himself be led out of the room. He had not to follow the male so they walked side by side down the dark hallway leading out. It wasn't his first time getting out of his cage to the lounge, as a matter of fact it was normal thing. He'd done it so many times before that the it was like a midweek routine to him.
"Say Mr.Min, how do you take your coffee?" The man looked to him with his soft looking eyes. "Black or with cream?"
The mad man eyed this newcomer up and down. It'd be a lie to say he wasn't intrigued by him for just letting him out of his cage. He cleared his throat to clear up one thing before giving his answer.
"Mr.Min is my good for nothing father, I'm Yoongi. And the answer is black, I enjoy savoring the pureness. What about you stranger?"
The doctor grinned. "What a nice way to say I'm too lazy to throw in cream and I'm Dr.Park Jimin. Yoongi why don't you make me my coffee when we get to the lounge."
"Why?" Yoongi raised his eyebrow. "Can't make it yourself?"
The doctor smiled just as they came to the door that separated from the more normal part of the facility. He scanned his ID through the machine, as they waited for the door to open he gave his explanation.
"I can but I'm studying you. Recording information takes more than one try." Jimin said knowingly as he led them down the corridor to the lounge. "Sure I also have plenty of footage of you every Sunday morning making it but I like up close examinations. Will you do as I've asked Yoongi?"
The man mad looked to the all too calm doctor. He was surprised to hear the male had been watching him but he was sure not to show it. Yoongi kept his expression blank as he agreed to do as the man wished if it got him his cup of coffee. He was becoming more and more interested in this stranger who'd taken an interest in him as he'd done for the doctor. By looks Park Jimin did not appear as someone who'd even come close to Yoongi.
Park Jimin presence was enough to say much about him. He wasn't the type to be able nor willing to put up with the man that was Yoongi. Jimin wore a vest with his white lab coat and pants that matched with it while his hair was nicely combed, he had himself together. He was the type of boy Yoongi would make fun of at school and still would but considering he was getting him what he wanted, he held off on that.
"Alright Yoongi," Jimin said as he opened the door to the lounge. "Use what you need just stay away from the knives please."
Yoongi waltzed into the room which to his surprise had people in it for once. Most of the time when he'd sneak in, no one was there. He had figured the pattern to go in when no one was around, this to him was a very big surprise. The security were quick to drop what they held to pick up their guns. Jimin was the one to stopped them and make way for the passing captive.
"Do not go near something that you can use a weapon or I will ask them to shoot Yoongi."
The mad man snickered at the warning. He looked to both his sides, he was held a gun from all sides.
"Doc, I can use anything as a weapon," The man mad smirked. "all I need is a reason."
Since you guys don't read my notes, I'll say it again and hope you do this one:
Hope you enjoyed!
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