9 💙🌺👓❤
⬆️ This is too fucking adorable!!!
whoop whoop! we got a half Patrick half Mikey chapter! hell yeah! who else is bored and thinking bad thoughts? *raises hand high* this chapter gets very sad and just heartbreaking. if you don't want to read, I'll put a short summary at the end.
TW: bullying, mentions of menstruation, transphobia, suicidal thoughts and extremely sad Mikey
After breckfast, Mikey just wanted to just go back to his room and lay down. He didnt have to go to the group therapy and he was limping slightly because of the pain in his stomach.
He was walking down the hallway alone, before Ray pulled him into him. "hey" he said. Mikey smiled brightly.
"you okay? what wrong babe?" He asked.
Mikey shook his head. "no, I started" He said shyly.
Ray gasped. "oh babe. you wanna lay down? Theirs ice cream in the break room, and we can watch a movie on my laptop" He said.
Mikey smiled. He was happy that he had a boyfriend with connections.
He nodded and walked with Ray to his break room. Ray had to leave for a second, so Mikey had to wait outdie the door.
he got the creeping feeling that someone was there with him, but he shook it off. He then heard small aughing and giggling in the dark creepy hallway.
❤️💙 (triggering shit. Skip until you see the hearts again)
"hey Marci" A voice called out.
Mikey turned around. Catherine and a few other girls and guys were waiting there all in a group holding bags.
"don't call me that. what the hell do you want?" He asked, crossing his arms and giving his classic poker face.
" you started, we just wanted to help a girl out." she said.
Mikey was horrified, as he felt his body heat up.
He didn't notice at first, he didn't feel it coming, he was too shocked.
But soon, they were all flying towards him, sometimes two or three even five at a time. What was being thrown you ask?
Tampons, lots of tampons.
Raided from all the girls bathrooms and offices to create this transphobic act.
Mikey was curled on the floor, as they kept going, chanting his deadname as they did.
He was shaking and crying, probably on the verge of an anxiety attack as his dysphoria was going through the roof.
Mikey almost let out a scream when he realized that they were all painted and marked with red making them look used.
He had to cover his mouth to keep from screaming and throwing up. He didn't really like blood even if it wasnt real.
The cramps weren't helping since they decided to be extra painful making him scream and cry.
"s-stop!" He screamed, trying to avoid the tampons.
They ignored him and started throwing birth control pills.
Mikey started violently shaking as the chanting got louder. His breathing started picking up and his vision got foggy from all the tears. He placed his hands over his ears as he let out a blood curdling scream that echoed all throughout the hospital hallway.
Catherine rolled her eyes. "drama queen. it wasn't that serious" she said.
💙❤️ (it's safe now kiddos)
Just then, Gerard and Patrick came from one side, while Pete and Melanie came from the other side of the hallway and met in the middle where everything was going down.
"what the hell is happening?!" Patrick yelled.
" Patrick?" Pete asked
"Catherine" she said, with a flip of her hair.
"shut up" Pete and Patrick said at the same
They looked away from the group of kids and down to the floor to see the shaking Mikey.
Gerard let out a gasp and knelt down to his brother. "Mikey?" he asked, gently lifting him up from the floor.
"what the fuck is wrong with you?!" Patrick asked, looking at Mikey then back at Catherine. she rolled her eyes and looked down.
" it was just a joke" she said.
Pete had to physically hold Melanie back from slapping the ever living shit out of Catherine.
While Gerard was tending to Mikey, the others were arguing.
"I don't see what the problem is. Pete you called her a girl too!" Catherine yelled.
Pete rolled his eyes. " I don't talk to you unless I have to clear your bullshit. And unlike you, I respect People and their pronouns. you bitch" He growled.
Patrick smiled for a second. He wondered why he was smiling, but decided to brush it off. He was pulled back into reality when he heard his name being called.
"Patrick! don't you agree with me?!" Catherine desperately asked.
Patrick's eyes widened. However, before he could say anything, Pete cut him off.
" No he doesn't agree with you!" Pete yelled.
Catherine walked up to Patrick and forced her lips to collide with his. She held him still while he struggled to get away.
Once she pulled away, Patrick sputtered and cringed. He used his sleeve to wipe his mouth as he tried desperately to not gag or throw up.
Gerard carried Mikey away as the group arguing continued.
Eventually, Melanie stopped it.
"everyone shut up!" She yelled at the top of her lungs and smiled when everyone got quiet.
"now, Catherine you are a total bitch. Mikey didn't deserve that." she yelled.
Catherine rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time. "Why would I listen to you. You are all crazy if you thing that thing is a boy. Marci is a girl and Melanie you should shut up. I am not scared of some bullshit 'killer' with a toy knife" She said, before crossing her arms and locking eyes with a furious Melanie.
Melanie was fuming by now. She pushed past Pete and Patrick and in a blind rage, grabbed Catherine by her white shirt . She shoved her against the wall and put her face close to hers.
" you listen here, slut. You have no idea what I can do to you. You are fake and a total liar. Patrick will never like you. Nobody would ever like you. You are nothing to the world but a parasite that feeds on attention and drama." She hissed, before slamming Catherine against the wall again.
" don't try me again, I am not afraid to cut a plastic bitch" She said, pulling the switchblade from her pocket and holding it up to Catherine's throat.
Catherine nods and closed her eyes. she waited for Melanie to take the blade away, before running I the opposite direction. No doubt going to tell a nurse.
The rest of the kids that didn't already leave, ran behind her.
"shit, she's gonna snitch." Melanie mumbled. "hey Patrick. you're innocent. you need to hide my blade." She said happily holding out the blade to him.
Patrick's eyes widened and he shook his head. "why me?!" He asked, taking the blade.
"Because. you're my friend" she smiled " and friend make sure none of them doesn't end up in solitary" she said.
Patrick nodded and put the knife in his pocket.
At that moment, nurse Harper came down the hallway with Catherine by her side.
"what happened here" She asked when she saw all the forgotten tampons on the floor.
After explaining the issue which she looked like she didn't care about, she crossed her arms and looked at the three.
"who had the knife?" She asked.
Catherine pointed to Melanie. "it was her!" She yelled.
"damn, snitch much?" Pete mumbled. That made Patrick snicker.
"I don't have anything" Melanie said, emptying out her pockets.
Catherine groaned and looked to Pete. "he probably has it!" she yelled.
Harper shook her head and lead Catherine away.
The three all took a relaxing breath.
TLDR: Mikey got harassed and some transphobic patients threw marked tampons at him as he had an anxiety attack.
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