The men of Bonten stare at Y/N as she sleeps peacefully on the couch in sleeping Ran's arms.
She yawns quietly and snuggles deeper into the warmth. "Why is she so tiny...?" Mikey questions with a dead looking expression but a faint glint in his eye.
"Maybe she hasn't had enough milk.." Kokonoi mused quietly. "Milks expensive anyway." He added on quickly, his fingers brushing the stray strands from your face. You took his finger, feeling comfort in having something to snuggle and pressing it to your cheek.
His eyes widen in surprise, Mikey gazes intently. "Go get some breakfast ready. I want to eat with her." He says in a commanding tone, flicking Kokonoi's face with the back of his hand. Kakucho is in front of Ran, giving him a death glare.
Mikey slides his hand instead between your fingers. You curl your hand around his finger and a bubbly whine makes it's way from your lips, your hand trembles from the coldness of his finger alone but again you press it to your cheek to snuggle it.
"Hm..." Mikey moves his finger to poke your cheek gently, "Emma..." the words ghost his lips. His dead little sister. You remind him of her.
He pictures her face when she was young on yours, a small, soft smile brushes and tugs at his lips. You suck on your thumb as all that can be heard is sizzling and light conversation.
Mikey pushes Ran away from you and picks you up.
Ran lays on the ground, groaning as Kakucho tries to get him off of him, "GET OFFA ME!" He screeches as Ran rolls off.
Mikey carries your sleeping figure to a stool where he sits down and observes you silently. You open your [e/c] orbs to scan the room. 'Food...thirsty' you sign to Mikey with a hungry expression.
He looks at you curiously then grabs the bowl with [f/f] on it. "This?" He hold the plate out to you and you hesitantly take some, he watches you nibble at a little bit then put the rest back.
"Eat more." He gave you the plate once again but Sanzu interrupts, "boss...theres someone on the phone..." Mikey takes you to where the phone is while you carry a cup of milk, sipping it as he speaks.
He spins the chair around like a kid as he does, a bored expression is stuck to his face as he spins and you choke down your milk.
"Yeah...bye.." Mikey musters in the most respectful tone he can muster. He stops spinning then grabs your half-empty cup of milk. 'Mine.' You sign doubtfully as he starts chugging it down with a blank expression.
"Mine." He says once he's done. You stare at him and he leans down, close to your face. You do the only logical thing for a 4 year old, slap him.
You may have not known what he said but he looked very smug in your perspective so you slap him. He holds his cheek and turns to glare at you, "your annoying now..." you slide away from him to explore the office since you can't hear shit.
He stalks up behind you with a unsatisfied expression as you make your way around the room, knocking over vases, climbing and falling off of high shelves. At one point you're onto top of the 7 meter book shelf. Which is right now.
Mikey tried to reach up but couldn't reach you which made you smirk and put a hand to your mouth with a devious smirk on your face. 'Too short." You sign now that no one can get you. Mikey starts jumping up to grab your ankles which makes you start cackling.
"SANZU. KAKUCHO. COME IN HERE." Mikey screams as he glares at you darkly. He starts doing Naruto hand signs at you, thinking that his hands are pushing the words from his mind towards you but all you can catch is that he's speaking gibberish.
So were you right? He is an albino goblin? Probably???
You get frightened when the two come running in, expecting you to be dead but find an angry Mikey jumping up and down, trying to get you off from the shelf.
The other men followed close behind them and ran in once they saw where you were, Rindou was the first to try sign to you, 'get juiced you little down from there!' He signed, tossing his hands around clumsily and flipping you off when he was done.
"No! This is how you do it!" Ran hisses and signs; 'get the fuckin hell down!'
"...when did you guys learn sign language???" Kakucho asks, "last night." Ran responds and scales the shelf then grabs your shirt to drag you down. You fall into his arms with a small thump! As he carries you gently out, hoping to escape with you.
The men chased Ran around the room once again, angrily trying to catch Ran until Sanzu snatched you from his arms. Now it was like you were a hot potato, being passed around every 5 seconds.
'Put me down...' you sign, scared to puke from all the throwing and snatching that had been done to you.
Mikey drops you after being tackled.
You waddle over to the couch and due to being extra small, hide under it.
The men, after sorting themselves out realise that you are gone. "where'd the little nightmare go?" Rindou mutters. Kakucho looks around also, they all start searching high and low until they find you under the couch.
Ran reaches out to grab you but you just go deeper, "come out! Shit yeah she can't hear uhm..." 'come out' he signs but you shake your head. 'No.' You sign, he and the others huddle like football players to try form a plan while you're down there twiddling your thumbs nervously.
Are they monsters? Will they eat you? What the hell is a pussy???
So many questions...you begin to crawl out when you see that they've left. You scan around before you're pulled up, "hah! I caught her!" Sanzu shouts in triumph.
N O M.
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