Y/n sat in the middle of her 'family'. They are currently deciding who you're gonna be talking about for the project tomorrow. Y/n taps her chin, 'I want papa Sanzu to go with me!' She decides.
The men +Sara look at the pink haired man chugging down a bottle of Voldka.
"Hmm? Y/n wants to go wif me~ woohooooo" he accidentally wedges his katana into Rindou's arm.
. . .
"..." Sara watches all the men run around the room with dot eyes while Mikey drinks coffee, watching the fighting like it was some kind of show.
Y/n has turned down her hearing aids so she can finish her homework that was delivered some time ago. She was trying to spell the word 'because' but couldn't figure it our so she held it up for Sara.
She pouted, as if about to cry. She was extremely frustrated, she hated homework already.
Mikey looked at it instead, he snatched the book and sat like L, he tapped the pencil on his chin. He looked just as confused as Y/n. "Wait. What are you tryna spell Y/n???" 'Because' Y/n signs to him as she climbs over the couch. She sits on his shoulders, resting her chin in his hair. She tugs his bangs gently, puffing her cheeks up as he look over her work.
"How do you spell because?" He mutters a little too loudly because everyone in the room hears it.
"Oh, it's b-e-c-a-z" Ran says with a know it all tone. Koko scoffs and exclaims, "b- uhm. B-e-c-u and uh z!" Sara is trying to look mature but bursts out, laughing her ass off at their stupidity. "It's b-e-c-a-u-s-e!" She says proudly.
Sara and Kokonoi butt heads. Glaring at eachother as Mikey writes down the answer for you. He leans down so you fall from his shoulders into his arms. He cradles you and puts you beside him, closing your home work too.
He gets up after gently taking your hearing aids out so that you wouldn't be woken up and walks out of the room. These are fully grown people, mature human beings who have spent more than twenty years on this earth.
They wake Y/n up to go shopping.
Ran is driving, Sanzu's in the passengers seat sucking one of your old pacifier because he's bored and it's coated in cocaine. Y/n's braiding Sanzu's hair while standing whilst the cars driving. Rindou is keeping her stable, nervously. He jumps at every little move you do and Sara is trying to keep him calm.
Wheres Takeomi, Mochi, Kakucho and Koko you ask? Well the stuffed Takeomi into the boot where he's only surviving on an old diving suits oxygen tank thats only half full, Mochi's following on a motorcycle because he was actually smart.
Kakucho is sitting on Sara's lap also.
And then theres Koko. Well they made him lie at their feet where Rindou keeps 'accidentally' stepping on him.
"Kinky bastard." Koko growls, "I will bite your toes." Rindou's expression contorts into one of disgust. "Your the kinky bastard if thats what you 'gon do." Kokonoi gasps, "I have no kinks!" Rindou scoffs. "Thats not what that girl who looked like Akane that we met in America, Lola was it? Yeah her!"
Kokonoi's face flushes. Rindou smirks down at him and then stops you from knocking your teeth out for the fifth time on the drive. "Keep your eyes on Y/n you bastard!" Rindou grits his teeth. "I'm gonna gouge out yours in a second."
Sara can feel a small drop of seat run down the side of her head as a small irk mark appears. She looks extra annoyed today, it was her idea to come here after all.
'Papa! Look papa look!' Y/n points outside where they pass a bunch of shops. People stare at the limo as it cruises by. Y/n presses her face against the cold class, tasting the slippery surface. "STop LicKing the GLASS!" Kakucho shrieks. Y/n looks at him, her tongue still out. She pokes it out with a grin like Kokonoi and licks the window again.
Kakucho grabs her, making her squeal as he places her on top of him and Sara. Sara wheezes in pain. Cursing silently, crying internally and resting her head on Kakucho's back.
Y/n babbles, "tiddies."
"Yeah those are great." Ran breaks the silence with a valid agreement.
He fist bumps Sanzu, they both have goofy ass grins. Y/n crawls off of Kakucho to sit in the middle so that she can bop freely to the music playing, "bop, beep, bop" she babbles.
Finally they arrive at the mall and everyone but Sara gets into a disguise. When they're done Rindou is the one who carries Y/n in. She's in a little frog outfit with a light green frog hat on too. Y/n's sucking lightly on her thumb, childishly clinging onto his shirt.
"Look at that cute kid!"
"Whats wrong with those men tho?"
As they walk into the shop you take your thumb out of your mouth and wipe it on your shirt. Y/n is taken by Sanzu, she's put on his shoulders and Y/n curls her fingers around his hair. She guides him around like that rat in ratatouille.
'Y/n that hurts!'
Y/n points to the giant crate of stuffed toys, eyeing a giant penguin. 'Papa Koko! Papa Koko!' Y/n signs. Sanzu can't even see what she's signing so he just walks over to the stuffed toys.
And dumps her in.
Be aware that this man is still sucking on this cocaine coated dummy. "Stay." He walks off to find someone else to babysit Y/n.
Y/n stays in the crate, playing with the stuffed animals. Until a father and son come over. "Hm~ Sara said to meet her here." A sly voice exclaims and spots you. "Hey! This is the little Bonten girl."
Y/n looks at him blankly. "Dad, we can't kidnap little kids." The boy looked about two years older than Y/n and he had black hair paired with pretty golden orbs that glowed dimly in the cheap shop lights.
The little boy tugs his Dads arm and furrows his brows in jealousy. Y/n doesn't like being held like this so she looks up at the man and remembers what to do when she doesn't like someone.
The man lets her drop to the floor. Before school had started her family had given her a brass knuckle with sharp points at the end. The mans face was bleeding, 4 puncture wounds bled from the side of his face.
Y/n got up to dust herself off and caught the boy staring at her. She smirked, poked her tongue out like Koko and ran away. He reached out towards her but she'd already sped off into the isles. He felt his tiny little chest, sparkling eyes. "Dad. I think I'm in lice."
Hanma Shuji cackled. "How exciting, 'aye Ojiro~"
Y/n bumped into Sara who had just found out that Sanzu had left Y/n alone. She picked Y/n up, vowing to put salt instead of sugar in his coffee tomorrow. She met up with the men at the entrance, who had given up and sent Sara to look for you.
Mochi was chilling in a trolley as Sanzu zoomed him around, 3 employees chasing after him while Ran and Rindou played cards on the bench. Koko is stealing money from the register with Takeomi blocking people from seeing him.
Sara drags all of them by their ears after buying you a chocolate egg and a large stuffed bunny plush. She made Takeomi hold it for you while Y/n ate her chocolate egg. Y/n stuffed the rubbish in her pocket because she doesn't want to litter but sees a lady do it so she signs, 'LOOK PAPA LOOK!'
All of them crane their heads to see the woman who littered. 'She dropped her rubbish papa! Mama look!' Y/n pointed at the broken bottle on the floor.
Wanting to be good parents, Y/n's 'papas' and 'uncle' starting screaming at the poor woman.
Sara dragged them to the car, "Y/n - sama, your trouble." Sara mutters, trying to stifle her chuckle.
~At home~
Y/n didn't know what happened to the rest of her family when she got home. She heard alot of banging and then her papa Mikey said she was this strange word.
Y/n had never seen her papa so angry but she was sent to her room, she didn't hate this until he said what grounded was. "Y/n can't eat cake! You can't go out without my supervision and you're not allowed to watch any tv for 3 weeks."
Then he sent Y/n to her room.
Y/n wasn't having that! She was going to escape.
But how?
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