The Sin Tracker.
She led him to a bar, where it was fairly quiet. She went to the counter and smiled at the barmaid.
"Is Oat in? Or did I get the wrong Bar?" She chuckled.
"I wish I could say you got the wrong bar. But Oat's in the back mapping something out." Pink grinned before briefly showing her Sin mark.
"Then let me at the Lion." She hummed before letting them back.
"I warn you, he's been touchy."
"I'm touchy. Maybe I should go home. Wherever that is."
Silver sighed as they entered the office. A male was looking over a board when Pink spoke.
"Why, if it isn't the Lion himself. Hey Oat." The bow turned in a panic.
Lion Sin of Pride Oat. Master of Sky and Darkness. He was known for overwhelming pride and banishing level powers of the Sun. He practically destroyed regions before joining the sins.
He gulped at the Envy Sin's grin.
"Pink you serpent. What in the name of the Distortion world do you want?" Her grin grew.
"That's a new one. I'll tell ya. I'm here to get an army." Oat chuckled nervously.
"I really think you should go ask Tempesta that one. Cause I don't have an army for you." She raised an eyebrow.
"No, but you know where Captain is, huh?" He frowned.
"That's what you're here for. Info on the other sins."
"Unless you're going to help me raid the kingdom." Seeing him pull his gun was cute. "Aw, you kept the pity shooter. Oh no."
"I said I wasn't going back! I'm not picking up my weapons or anything!" She purred.
"Then tell me where the others are or else I'll be getting you on that battlefield." Silver finally intervened, seeing Oat about to get violent. He knew the strength of the Sin of Pride. He wasn't going to let it get loose.
"Alright wait!" Oat hesitated on his words as Pink glanced at him. Silver took a steady breath as he eyed the Pride's weapon. "The Night Kingdom is right now corrupted by the Holy Knights. I went out to search for any sins willing to fight. If you can just get us at least one or two other sins, then we may not need you." Oat lowered his gun with a deep breath.
"Alright... fine." Pink kept her eyes locked on the redhead as Oat put the gun away before turning to the board. Silver was so busy keeping tabs on the two (About-to-be-fighting) Sins that he didn't realize what the board had. "Well, a start would be Purple."
"Ew. Go on." Oat shot this look at Pink 'I will kill you later.' He continued regardless.
"He's been seen last up in the upper territories. That was his last sight."
"The usual question is will he be there when I go there." Oat paused.
"No... probably not. Then it's either nera or Cyan you want to find." Silver paused before speaking.
"Wrath and Sloth? Why those two?" Oat glanced at him with a hum.
"nera only moves far in a fight. If he's been steady and at ease, he couldn't have moved far. Not only that, but the captain normally is the strongest." He paused. "Next to me, but since I'm not joining, he's the strongest." Pink grumbled something under her breath as he looked at the board. "Cyan doesn't move often unless forced to. He'd rather hibernate than deal with people. So that's where you'll want to look." He pulled a map out of a drawer before marking something. "Here. These should be the locations of those two. I hope you guys don't get lost." Pink took it and glanced at it.
"At least you labeled them. I was more worried about that." She sighed. "Right. We'll look for these guys and hopefully we won't need you. But be warned that when we do need you, we are coming."
"Over my dead body, Serpent." He then paused before chuckling. "Though, I would hate for Cyan or nera to see you without your weapon." Pink summoned a psychic sword, only getting further chuckles. "Oh, it gets worse."
"The hell you mean?" Oat chuckled before turning back to his board.
"I'll keep my ears sharp for Purple and Midnight. And if I hear you looking for me, I'll be a ghost." Pink frowned.
"Isn't there one more? I'm only counting 6."
"Find Moonstone and you find the group. I can't tell you where she is even if she told me." Oat sighed as he looked at the board. "Once she was let loose, she vanished. The last sign of her was with someone in the Lental Region. Even that was years ago, unlike Purple's." He paused. "Though, she's not like Midnight. She's been spotted once or twice. Midnight none." Pink gulped.
"Good luck then. We best get going. Don't go too far." Oat scoffed as they left.
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