Policeman and Mob Boss
The alarm clock goes off at six in the morning but both Lovino and Gilbert heard there phones buzzing on their nightstands.
It was the same situation. Their jobs needed them.
Before going out of their home Gilbert gave Lovino a very long kiss that got him pushed against the wall. He almost said fuck work to do his boyfriend.
They didn't though.
They left in seperate cars and went to their jobs.
Gilbert was a policeman in the United States so his blue uniform was somewhat unusual to him. However the panic of a police station wasn't.
"What the Hell is going on?" Gilber groaned looking like he just rolled out of bed.
"Robery. The Manos. We need to go now someone has a trakcer on the phone they slipped into one of the duffle bags."
"Okay let's go." Gilbert said grabbing his coffee cup and heading with his partner to the squad car.
Lovino arrived behind the bank in Ontario Ohio. The alarm was going off and already the two rookies were fifteen seconds late.
He could hear the sirens. Finally they came out, the two girls jumped into the backseat. The older of the two, the one who looked like a basic blonde crawled to the front seat and begsn loading the handguns.
Lovino sped off.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
The cops were gaining on them and they were shooting.
"Take the wheel María." He said to the blonde.
The black haired girl the back got out her own handgun and began to fire at the cops.
Lovino rolled down the window to the Ferrari and grabbed a handgun María had loaded and began to shoot at the wheels of the car.
He could see his husband in the car behind them, he needed to make sure that the male made it home that night.
Gilbert saw Lovino in the car ahead of them and tried to shoot away from the car and his lover.
"Shoot them Gil!"
His partner who was driving said to him.
"What the fuck fo you think I'm trying to do?!" Gilbert said acting annoyed.
The white haired male sat out of the window and shot one more time.
Lovino cursed loudly and went back intot he car.
Gilbert felt his blood run cold. Oh God he was never going to hear the end of this.
Later that night Gilbert came home around eight, and found Lovino in their bedroom watching Gotham.
"How was your day at work?" Gilbert said nervously as he kept his back turned from his lover as he began to undress.
"How was my day at work?" Lovino said.
"How was my day at work?!"
Gilbert turned around looking at the bandage that was now wrapped tightly around Lovinos tan right upper arm. Right above his elbow.
At first Gilbert just stoof there unable to say anything. Then in a quiet voice he said:
"Lovino. Baby I'm so sorry."
Gilbert was able to meet Lovonos raged filled eyes and noticed that they softened slightly.
"I didn't mean too I'm sorry it was so unawesome and I wish I hadn't of done it but I did. I tried to miss you."
Lovino sighed and went to take Gilberts right hand with his left, and gave it a light squeeze.
"You make dinner tonight, you clean the bathroom this week, and get to change the cats litter for the rest of the week, and do the dishes after dinner. Pizza tomorrow from Papa's. Agreed?"
Gilbert laughed and kissed his husbands lips for a good thirty seconds before pulling away.
"As you wish, my little injured birdie."
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