Not him.
Warning this story contains mentions of suicide. If you are easily triggered please do not read the chapter.
This wasn't supposed to happen. Not him, it wasn't supposed to be him first. He was older! It was supposed to be them going together when they were old, or him going first. They were supposed to be a family.
Gilbert was leaning against a stone that had an engraved maple leaf on it.
He couldn't look at the stone, the words on it. Mathew had saved up money for the stone before..before he did it.
The white haired male felt the tears roll down his face, his throat tightening, as he refused to let out a sob. Not in front of Mattie. Maybe in front of him actually. He was upset, he was pissed.
Why? What did he do wrong? Why couldn't he come to him?! Didn't he trust him!?
His parents, Matthews own parents didn't show up for his funeral. His friends did though, Francis had to leave the room, because he was sobbing so loud. It was bullshit really no one should have to leave because they're grieving. The pastor at the funeral didn't mind though, Francis just felt like he was causing a scene.
Gilbert, he cried all he could already, now it was just this numbness, and pain everywhere.
Alfred, poor kid for once in his life couldn't smile.
He left the funeral after an hour, Francis, and Arthur were begging him to go get some food, and even offered McDonalds. Kid didn't even move from the chair, he just kept staring at the grave.
Gilbert looked up at the sunset sky. It had been a sunny day, but the wind was always there keeping everyone cool.
Gilbert had a pack of cigs in his pocket, but couldn't bring himself smoke. Mattie smoked pott, and sometimes a cig or two. He was trying to stop though.
He felt his phone buzz in his right pant pocket for the twentieth time, and new West would call the cops if he wasn't back soon.
"How about one more for the road Mattie?" Gilbert said looking at the grave.
He made a small hole in the ground over the plot, and placed the cig in the hole, burried it. and lit one for himself, tears rolling down his cheeks.
"I-I." He began "I just don't understand how you could've not told me anything!" He scoffed
"We were a team! I would've helped you!" He said to the gravestone.
Anger, and sadness boiled over inside of him.
"Damnit Mattie!"
He began letting out a slur of curse words, his heart breaking again.
He stood up, yelling at the grave, wanting to kick at the dirt, so he did. Patches of grass flew in the air, and ended up on his knees punching the ground.
Ceasing his actions, he began sobbing into the ground.
"Just come back, please." He sobbed out.
Suddenly he felt warmth around him, and looked up too see a clear figure, wearing a sweatshirt with a maple leaf, jeans, the only thing missing was the mans glasses.
"Mattie?" The male said a little afraid, but also happy to see him.
"I'm so sorry Gil." The ghost said, tears ran down its face.
It walked over to the male, the air getting colder, he kneeled to the red eyed broken man.
"I love you all so much." He whispered before leaving a cold kiss on his lovers head, then just as he was here he disappeared.
"Mattie!?" Gilbert said sitting up "Mattie!?"
"MATTHEW COME BACK!" He yelled, looking around the grounds. "PLEASE DON'T GO AGAIN!"
His heart broke again, and he began crying, his body frozen and rigid.
"See I told you he'd be here!" A light voice said.
He didn't want to turn around, he stood there crying hugging himself
"Brother." It was Ludwig, he called out to his brother softly.
"Gilbert, come on." He said softer, laying a hand on his brothers shoulder like he was touching a newborn puppy.
Gilbert turned around, hugging his brother crying harder into the males chest.
"Why did it have to be him!?" He sobbed.
Feliancio wanted to cry as well, the Canadian was his friend as well, but he held the tears back, if he had to cry he'd do it softly his friends needed him.
The blonde German began crying a little as well.
"I don't know." He whispered "It's not okay, and I wish I could turn time back to go back to him."
Gilbert squeezed his brother tighter, then broke away not bother with the snot, and tears all over his face.
"We've got to go home." The younger German said to his brother.
"He's my home!" Gilbert argued.
Feli came over, to hug the older male (who gladly accepted the hug).
It took another five minutes to get to the male convinced enough to go back to the car.
That night, the BTT, the Italian brothers, the Axis, with a Brit, and an American decided to stay the night at the German brothers home. A man from the Netherlands with his little sister came by as well with a Russian, and his siblings. Those last two groups stayed the night along with the others, they didn't trust anyone to be alone tonight, and were right too. No one could eat not even the Italian trio.
No one spoke, it was like the house was enveloped with sadness, and grief.
It was early in the morning when Gilbert finally spoke, after he had finished writing something down in his Diary.
"Francis." he said in a raspy voice.
His friend gave a grunt in response.
"After the funeral, I was by Matties grave, and I saw him."
Gilbert took in a shaky breath.
"He-He said he was sorry, and that he loves us a-all." Gilbert began crying again.
Francis did too, which woke up his partner who was sleeping. The British male held his lover tightly, beginning to cry as well. That was their fake adopted son, and they wished that maybe if the twins were their that they would both be here, and not one in the grave.
If I could give this story a happy ending I would, but grief is so powerful. It grip you, and can kill you for months. I can tell you this though, while no one got over the young teens suicide. They limped through life, carried on as best as they could. They did it for that maple loving kid they grew up with, and for themselves.
A/N: If you or someone you know is going through grief or suicidal thoughts, please don't wait and get help. Your life, and theirs is worth more than keeping it a secret.
National Suicide hotline number-1-800-273-8255.
As for Grief please let it out, do not hold your emotions like that back, it is unhealthy, and talking always makes it better.
Love you guys FNP <3
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