Jealous Prussia
August 19th 2017
World meeting New York City, United States of America.
2:56 pm.
He was watching the two friends. Friends. He had to remind himself that the two were just friends.
Those looks that Cuba was giving Mattie though, it made his blood boil.
Prussia couldn't stand it anymore, he walked over to the two men, and latched himself behind his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around his shoulders.
"Eh?!" Matthew said shocked looking behind him to see his Prussian.
"Gil? You okay?"
"Ja. Just hanging onto mien awesome boyfriend." The Prussian said, giving a long, kiss to the side of his boyfriend's neck, that would hopefully leave hickey.
Matthews face went red, as he bit back a moan.
"Okay I'm going to go hang with Francey, love you babe." The Prussian said, swinging around to his boyfriend to kiss his cheek. Unkown to Carlos, he also squeezed his boyfriend's ass.
Prussia smirked, walking towards France, and Spain to talk with them.
Their conversation was about, maybe twelve minutes before France started to rapidly shake the red eyed male, pointing to the door.
Russia, had Matthews wrist, almost his hand, dragging him out the door.
Matthew fumbling along his bear in his arms.
To everyone else it would look like two people walking out of a room, but to Prussia it looked like a giant snow monster grabbing his prince, and dragging him away.
Prussia ran straight after them, going around every corner, running like his feet were on meth.
He didn't catch up to them though, until they were all outside.
"How the Hell were they so fast?" Gilbert thought to himself.
Then he remembered that instead of running through the halls, up, and down stairs that he could've taken the elevator.
He saw the two outside, Matthew teaching Ivan how to make a flower crown.
"Holy shit mien Birdie is so cute." Half of the Prussian mind thought, the other half was raging with envy saying along the lines of:
"How dare you Ivan?! Looking at mien Birdie like that?! You don't think I don't know what that look means?! Mattie how can you not notice?!"
With a mixture of both thought, Gilbert walked over to the two, just as the Russian had finished his flower crown, then pulling Matthew up to his feet.
"Sorry Ivan but I've got some important things to discuss with Matthew." Prussia said in a very stern tone. His eyes giving off a warning to the Russian.
Ivan understood immediately what was going on, and wondered if he could take it further, but then decided against it, knowing that Canada would probably deal with hard sex tonight, and he really needed the man to sit down, and finish teaching him how to the crowns in the morning.
"Oh, I understand." He said smiling sweetly, noticing the red eyed male slip his hand around Matthews waist, and pulling him as close as he could to him.
Prussia started to rub up, and down his lovers side, causing the younger male to shiver, Matthew, with wide eyes, grabbed his boyfriend's hand trying to get him to stop, he did, only to take Matthews hand, and keep it on his boyfriends side.
"Thanks I'm sure you can finish whatever you two were doing another awesome time." Gilbert said glaring at the man who sat around flowers.
Matthew grabbed his white little bear waving a "see you later." To the Russian, as Gilbert grabbed his lovers hand and pulled him away, am angry aora coming off of him.
"G-Gil?" The Canadian asked. "What's wrong?"
"How did you got notice the look he was giving you?!" Gilbert snarled as they got into the parking lot.
Matthew gave his boyfriend a quizical look, before he realised it. Jesus, his boyfriend was jealous, again.
Gilbert unlocked the car, and before Matthew could open his door, or even get to the passenger door.
Gilbert pinned him to the car, and kissed him agressively. His hands on either sides of his lover, careful not to squish the bear between them, he bit his lovers lip before advancing to his neck, bitting down harshly making Matthew let out a yell like moan, before pulling away.
"You're mine, and I hate the way they look at you." Gilbert whispered into his lovers ear, his eyes closed, his eyebrows furrowed just a bit.
Matthew blushed at his lovers words, before, he smiled softly, his eyes giving his lover a soft look, he kissed his boyfriends cheek, slipping past the older male, and got into the car.
Gilbert stayed there for a moment, and hung his head, his eyes filled with worry of situations of his lover leaving him, or maybe even him getting hurt. He could still feel where his boyfroends lips had touched his skin, and he smilled, before ruffling the back of his hair with his left hand.
Then getting into the car.
"Gilbert." Matthew said , grabbing his boyfriends hand, as he placed the key in the ignition.
"People may look at me like that, but I'll only look back at you like that."
Gilbert looked, at his lover, and saw the same look Russia, and Cuba gave him.
"I'm so awesome to have gotten you." Gilbert said to his lover, starting the car.
"Ich liebe dich." Matthew whispered, before giving his lover a long slow kiss.
"Je T'ame aussi Mon Cher." Gilbert whsipered, as they broke apart their lips only an inch away from each other, their noses needed to only move a light year to touch.
With that they went home, before anyone else sense no one could get the meeting back under control.
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