Halloween Chapter
In a small town in Oregon there was a high school. A small number of students went there but many were surprisingly of different ethnic origins. One couple there is a teenager from East Germany, and a shy Canadian.
It was October 31st, and there was a Halloween party at a teenager from Hungary home. Currently it was lunch, the tables all around the room talking about the party, or the latest drama that happened during the day.
At one table at the end of the room the Prussians group of friends were trying to get the Canadian to come to the party with them.
“I-I can’t guys.” The blonde said shifting in his grey plastic chair holding a small, big eyed, fuzzy, polar bear keychain in his left hand, squeezing it as he spoke.
“Al, and I have a lot of stuff to do tonight.”
“Aww come on babe it’s just one night.” The white haired man said.
“Gil, I’m sorry but I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“I told you I have stuff to do.”
“What sort of stuff?”
The blonde stuttered, having trouble to get the words from his throat.
Gilbert grabbed the blondes free hand, holding it reassuringly “It’s okay Mattie. You don’t have to answer.”
The blonde calmed down after hearing that. Francis starting up a new conversation about how he was going to make Antonio and Arthur get drunk enough that they fight each other in their pirate costumes. Promising Matthew that he would take a video of the entire thing for him.
After lunch the couple parted leaving the BTT to walk to Chemistry together.
“I’m going to swing by Matthews tonight to see if he changes his mind.” Gilbert said. “Mind if you give me a ride Francis?”
“Yes.” The male said in French “If you aren’t out though in five minutes just be careful about what you come back to see.”
Gilbert threw back his head and laughed.
That night Gilbert dressed as Jesus waited outside in the cool darkness of the fall out on his wooden back porch. The wind making him shiver as his friend pulled into the drive.
Francis had this old dark blue mini van that his mom let him drive, giving Francis even more to the right of the title of; “The mom friend,”.
The Jesus impersonator jumped into the black back seat, as the pulled out of the drive.
Gilbert wanted to laugh realizing that his friend had dressed up as a mermaid, and Arthur as a pirate.
“Francis you bra is slipping to show your nipple.” Gilbert said, making the man glance down for a second at the golf ball size starfish bra.
“I’ll fix it later. Unless Arthur gets hard then I’ll leave it.”
“You’re so indecent.” The other blonde sputtered out.
“Did Matthew say why he didn’t want to come tonight?” Arthur asked changing the subject.
“No.” Gilbert said “He couldn’t get the words out. I was worried he was going to have an anxiety attack so I said he didn’t have to tell me.”
“Weird.” Arthur said looking out the window he noticed that it was a full moon, and something clicked inside his brain.
“He missed the pizza gathering we had last month around this time.”
Francis thought for a moment, and noticed the same thing as well. “He also doesn’t answer his phone every time there is a full moon.”
“What are you guys saying?” Gilbert asked. Werewolves didn’t exist in America, there were hardly any Faeries or mermaids here. They normally were hidden and would only attack if they were really pissed, but that was only in the more forest part of the states.
“Have you ever asked him if he is,” Arthus paused trying to find the right words “You know-”
“A Werewolf?” Gilbert cut him off. “No, I figured he would tell me if he was anything like that.”
“You didn’t tell us your grandpa is a vampire until we went over to your house.” Francis said.
“That’s different.” Gilbert said, realising that as soon as he said it wasn’t true.
They pulled into the Canadian-Americans driveway in silence.
“Remember to use a condom.” Gilbert said exiting the vehicle, earning a laugh from the long blonde haired man.
Gilbert took a deep breath, walking up the stairs up the porch, he knocked on the screen door.
There was the sound of barking, then the white painted door behind the screen opened.
There was Matthew. His glasses were gone, his violet eyes looked like a dogs. He had more hair, and looked a lot more buff.
Currently he was wearing his red hoodie, and torn up jeans, his feet were bare but looked hairy. Other than the excess hair, and the animal like eyes he looked normal.
“Hey Matt.” A familiar voice said coming into view “Is the pizza here yet-” Alfred, the blondes older brother looked at Gilbert, and growled. He too looked the same except for the access hair and animal like eyes.
“What the Hell is he doing here?!”
“Easy Al.” Gilbert said trying to calm down his friend “I just wanted to make sure Matthew was alright.”
“You shouldn’t be here!” Alfred growled standing at his brothers side.
“Well I am, and now that I am I need to talk to Matthew.”
Alfred huffed, his eyes growing slimar for a moment, anger clouding his features. Matthew placed a hand on his brothers shoulder. The older brother looked at his twin, there was a silent bit of communication between the two before Alfred walked away, glaring at Gilbert.
“He’s protective.” Matthew said “It’s nothing against you I promise.”
“I don’t mind.” Gilbert said shifting awkwardly “So confess your sins my child.” Gilbert said crossing his arms, giving off a smirk.
Matthew laughed “I’m sorry for not telling you.”
“Why didn’t you?”
Matthew shrugged “I don’t know.” He opened the door, and stepped out to the porch with Gilbert. “I have control of this.” The blonde said shyly “I’ve always been like this, so has my mom, it’s a family thing.”
“You would so win tonight's costume contest.” Gilbert chuckled reaching out to brush the hair behind Matthews left ear.
“We aren’t allowed to leave the house when we’re like this.” Matthew said leaning into the touch.
“Alfred is the strongest so he makes the rules. He doesn’t want us getting hunted or hurting someone, or in my case being picked up by another person.”
“You’re strong enough to take anyone out though.”
“I know but there are other monsters in the area that run a fight club a werewolf would be a great collection.”
“Oh.” Gilbert said, a fire roaring inside of him that made him pretty pissed off “Is it cool if I at least hang out with you tonight?”
“Yeah.” Matthew said “It’s cool with me.”
After much debate Gilbert was allowed to stay the night but Alfred watched them like a helicopter.
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