They got her
Alexander's POV
I was with Ezra again for "interrogation" but this wasn't your normal interrogation. We would mediate and chat. Yesterday he brought a board game and today a card game. I was kinda confused about what this was but, I didn't asked questions.
"Okay, kid." Ezra started. "Pick a card any card." He finished. I grabbed one and it had a question.
"If you have kids name them and their age. If not what do you want to name your future children." The card instructed.
"Zander is 18, Zoe is 15 then Evie and Achen are both 10." Ezra answered.
"Umm...I want to name my first daughter Alice and then I like the name Zeke for a boy." I explained.
"Okay, next card." Ezra said drawing the next card. "What is your favorite restaurant and what is your favorite food there?" He said reading the card.
"Jason Grinder's and I normally get the appetizer tray." I answered.
"There pasta is also really good." Ezra said knowingly.
"That was my parents favorite too." I said.
"Ask me a question, kid." He said.
"How did you meet your crew?" I asked.
"I was actually stealing from them and then I got a ride on the Ghost. It was my first time away from Lothal, the crew had to save Wookiee prisoners and I warned them it was a trap. In the end I joined the Ghost Crew." He said.
"Wow." I said in awe.
"Why do you serve the Empire?" Ezra asked. I didn't expect him to ask that question to be honest.
"Well, I don't want to. When I was a kid the Empire took my parents. They told me-." I started but I choked out a sob and tears started to fall. "If I don't become a fully committed follower of the Empire, they will give parents slow and painful deaths." I say then wipe away my tears.
"Then why are you giving away information?" He asked.
"The Empire probably already killed my parents." I said, knowing the reality.
"There's something else to it, I sense it." Ezra said.
"I... umm." I stuttered. He smirked and sighed.
"You don't have to tell me now." He said grabbing he things.
"Okay, thank you." I said grateful.
"No problem kid." He said then left. I laid down and sighed. The cameras in my cell turned off so I reached out to Zoe.
Zoe, we need to tell your dad about us.
What?! Your crazy!
He deserves to know!
He doesn't need to, Alex! They don't need to know about us!
This wasn't up for debate! I'm going to tell him!
No! You aren't!
Zoe! I'm telling him!
Okay! Just wait a little longer. Please...
Fine! But I'm telling him in two weeks.
I can live with that.
Then she cut the connection. I sighed and leaned my head on the wall.
"Your gonna tell her dad. Aren't you?" Zeb asked.
"Yeah, he deserves the right to know." I told him. He nodded and smiled.
"Your a good kid. You know that, right?" He complimented.
"I hope I'm good enough for Ezra and Sabine's little girl." I said.
"I'm sure you are. I will help you and so will Gigi and Zoe." He said kindly.
"Thank you, Zeb." I said gratefully.
Zoe's POV
Me and Alexander had a disagreement about if we tell my parents about us. He won and I have two weeks to get him out of here. The crew was going on a mission and it was just me, Lucas and Zander staying on the base. This would be my time to strike.
"Zoe we are heading out." Mom called.
"Okay! Bye!" I said and hugged her.
"Try and stay out of trouble." Dad told me.
"I'm not doing anything tonight. So I can't get in trouble." I laughed.
"That's what you would think." Kanan chuckled.
"Hey!" I wined.
"Just stay out of trouble." Hera said.
"I will." I told her. They got on the Ghost I noticed Achen looking at me then to mom then back to me. I turned around and headed to Gigi's.
Time skip
I was putting my armor in a bag and handed it to Gigi. I was in my black jump suit and ready to go.
"Zoe, you can't do this." Gigi protested.
"I love Alexander, and I will not allow him to rot away in a cell." I told her.
"Please think this through." She begged.
"I already did." I told her then left. I ran to the prison cells and crawled in to the vents. I was above in the hall that lead to Alexander's cell. I jumped down making the slittiest amount of noise possible. I put my long hair in a tall ponytail and ran to Alexander's cell door. He stood up and ran to the door.
"Zoe what are you doing?" Alexander asked.
"Breaking you out of here." I told him then walked to the control panel. I attempted to hack the terminal, then a bunch of lights turned my way. I zipped around and saw rebel soldiers pointing their guns at me.
"Whoa, guy this isn't what it looks likes." I said nervous.
"Your trying to break the prisoner out!" The commander yelled. I backed up slowly.
"Can't we just talk this out." I said. Then they shot a net that shocked me until I passed out. (Like what the Trandoshans used in Clone Wars to catch Ahsoka.)
Alexander's POV
Zoe passed out and they started to drag her to the cell across from mine. They tossed her in harshly and walked off. I looked at her unmoving frame and a few tears fell from my eyes.
"Please be okay, Zoe." I begged.
Till next time Emily out.
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