A week after the last chapter.
Zander's POV
I was waiting outside the Ghost for Zoe and the apprentice to show up. This week it was my job to lock up the Ghost at night and they just got released from the cells. It was 2200 (10:00 p.m.) at the time and I was ready for bed. I saw two figures in the distance one a feminine figure and the other a masculine figure. They were slowly becoming more clear, I knew it was Zoe and the apprentice. I wanted to be mad at Zoe but knew I couldn't. She was my little sister and I loved her.
Alexander's POV
Me and Zoe walked to the Ghost while holding hands. There was a boy waiting on the ramp who had a large resembles of Sabine. He walked to the bottom of ramp. Zoe let go of my hand and ran to the boy's arms. The boy looked kinda similar to Zoe so I assumed they were siblings.
"Don't ever do that again, at least not under my watch." He scolded.
"Okay, I won't." Zoe said. The boy closed and locked the ramp then climbed up a yellow ladder.
"Who was that?" I asked.
"Zander, he's my big brother he is also overly protective of everyone on this ship." Zoe answered. We walked through a door that lead to a bedroom. I assumed this was my room now. "Here is your cabin, umm I will teach you the rules and such of the ship tomorrow. Do not get up and wander when you wake up in the morning. Luckily tomorrow is the day everyone normally sleeps in." She explained.
"Okay, I understand." I said.
"Good. Get some rest, Alex." She told me then kissed me real quickly.
"Okay, sweet dreams." I told her.
Zoe's POV
I crept up to my shared cabin and crawled into my bed. I laid down in my bed with a smile on my face. Things were finally coming into place. Then I fell asleep.
0500 (5:00 AM)
I woke up and crawled out of bed quietly. I opened the door and walked down the hall. I slid down the ladder and went to Alexander's room. I pressed my ear to the door and heard foot steps, the light turned on so I knocked lightly on the door. The door opened and revealed Alex, he was in some sweats and a t-shirt, his hair was also pretty messy but it made him look really cute.
"Oh! Hey Zoe." Alexander greeted in a hushed tone.
"Hey." I said as he let me in.
"I thought you would still be asleep." He said as we took a seat on the bed.
"I could say the same for you." I smirked.
"We could go back to bed for a little bit." He suggested. "Or we could force train or you can tell you about the crew." He added.
"What do want to do?" I asked.
"I would like to know about the crew to be honest, but if your tired we can sleep." He said.
"I'm wide awake." I told him.
"Okay." He smiled. I grabbed my data pad and pulled up a picture of Kanan.
"This is Kanan, he is a Jedi Knight and the leader of the crew. He trained my dad and is currently training me. He is a serious man but, also very sarcastic." I described.
"Okay got it." He said.
"Hera is the twi'lek. She is the pilot and in charge of the Ghost. She's also protective, fierce and strong. Chopper is a troublemaker but he means well. You already know my mother, father, Evie, Stella and Zeb. Achen is my little brother who is always getting himself and others in trouble, his name literally means trouble. Zander is my big brother and is very protective over everyone on this ship. Lucas is Stella's big brother and he is a lot like his mother Hera." I explained while every person I showed him a picture of them.
"Okay, it's going to take a while to get used to and for them to get used to me." Alex said.
"I know, but we will work it out." I said then gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Come on! I will show you around the ship." I said grabbing his hand and leaving the room.
"Okay." He said. I took him to the med-bay, then the engine room, I was now with him in the nose gun.
"This has always been a special spot to me and my father." I said.
"Why's that?" Alexander asked.
"Well it's a spot he would come to clear his head when he was my age. Now I come here to clear my head. It's the spot that my mother confessed her love for my father." I explained happily. I showed him the cot-pit, told him whose room was whose, we went through the entire ship and we were now on top of the Ghost while the sun rose.
"Things are finally getting better." Alex said as we stood at the edge of the Ghost's roof. I smiled brightly.
"Yeah they are." I said.
Sorry for the wait! I have had a serious case of writer's block on this book. I might take a break from this book and focus on She Has Left, The Light In Our Life and Secrets. I will still update this book the updates just won't be so one after another like it has been with my other books.
Till next time Emily out.
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