Zoe's POV
I woke up in a cell and started freaking out. My heart was pounding and I couldn't breath, I realized I was having an anxiety attack. My torture was replaying in my head.
"I know how about we give you some of your favorite toxin."
"Ahhhh! Make it stop!"
"-matching cut as you gave the twelfth-brother."
"Enjoying your stay rebel scum!"
"They said that, yet here you are being tortured."
"One less burden to bare."
"I won't talk!"
"Why don't you just kill me!"
"Where is the Rebel Base!"
"Mom, Dad please help me."
I was now in a corner curled up in a ball. I was horrified right now. I was trying to gather my bearings when I heard Alexander's voice.
"Zoe, you are not in an Imperial Prison! I promise!" His voice said. I noticed it was coming from a vent. I ran to it and put my ear against it. "Listen to me, Zoe. The Rebellion caught you trying to break me out of here. Your dad should be here in a day or two." He comforted.
"Okay." I sighed.
"You know what we have to do. Don't you?" He asked.
"Yeah, I know." I whimpered. I heard the door open and saw Lucas, Zander and Gigi standing there.
"Well, you told the crew you would behave and you couldn't!" Lucas scolded.
"Mom and dad will be calling any minute to talk to you." Zander informed hotly.
"You two have no clue what's going on! So until you do, shut up!" I yelled.
"What do you mean two? There are three of us." Lucas asked. My eyes widened as I realized what I said.
"I said that because Gigi, wasn't yelling at me." I said.
"Yeah, I mean I don't know what's going on. Neither do you guys so we should get the full story." Gigi said wisely.
"Yeah!" I agreed. A droid came in with a hologram of my parents and enlarged it so they were life size. Gigi left with the boys leaving me and my parents.
"What part of you thought that was okay!?!?" They both yelled at me.
"I'm not explaining over a holo. It's something that's gonna change your opinion of me and who I am." I told them.
"Well then you will have to wait in a cell till we return." Mom snapped.
"Fine I will." I said firmly. The holo ended and disappeared. I sat down and sighed.
"I think you were a little harsh with your parents considering, you have been secretly dating and enemy." Alexander said through the vent.
"I'm gonna act this way if they are going to jump to conclusions." I told him.
"Fine, we need more people to help us though." He said knowingly.
"I think we're good. Evie, Stella, Zeb, Gigi are behind us. We have a small support system." I said.
"But will it be enough?" He asked.
"I don't know." I admitted. The door opened and I flinched back.
"I knew something was up." Nora said. I stayed silent as she walked around the room. "What's the connection between you and that sith?" She asked. A small growl slipped out of my lips making her turn towards me. "So, there is a connection between you two." She chuckled.
"I don't know what your talking about!" I barked.
"The way your acting about it proves my point." Nora said. I glared dangerously at her wanting to choke the life out of her.
Zoe, you need to stay calm. Okay, relax she can't do anything. Your dad already told me.
Okay, I'm calm.
I can sense it, Zoe. Your angry, frustrated and horrified.
How can I not be?
You just need to breath, I know that everything will be okay.
Okay, okay I'm good.
"Communicating with him once again are we?" Nora asked.
"What makes you say that?" I asked.
"I could sense it." Nora hissed.
"I can sense you getting frustrated." I pointed out.
Time skip two weeks later
The crew would be back soon and I had been moved to Alexander's cell this morning like my parents requested. Alex seems relatively calm about this I was a different story though.
"We have no clue when my parents will be back. Why aren't you scared?" I asked.
"We knew this would happen, we just wanted it to be on our terms." He said.
"We're dead." I said. He walked up to me and hugged me. I snuggled into his warm chest and relaxed. I felt him lead me over to a seat and he laid me down. My head was on his lap and he had a hand on the side of my stomach.
"Everything will go just fine." He promised. I felt my eyelids becoming heavy, I became relaxed as Alex ran his fingers through my hair gently.
Alexander's POV
Zoe was a nervous wreck. I was actually not afraid about what would happen today. I comforted Zoe the best I could, I heard gentle snoring making me look down a Zoe. She was asleep and looked so elegant and peaceful, I didn't think she could be anymore beautiful but I was proved wrong.
"Oh, Zoe." I sighed. I watched contently as her chest rose and fell. I laid down and she snuggled close to my warmth. My eyes slowly closed as I fell asleep.
A few hours later
I was woken up by the sound of the door opening. I looked up and saw Gigi and Zeb. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Gigi walked over to me and hugged me tightly.
"Thanks for helping her." Gigi whispered.
"No problem." I responded. She let go and kneeled down next to Zoe. I walked near the door so I could talk to Zeb. "Their on their way, aren't they?" I asked.
"Yeah, me and Gigi want to let you know." Zeb informed.
"Okay, thank you." I said gratefully.
"You nervous?" He asked.
"I wasn't but now that it's so close, I kinda am." I admitted.
"I'll give you some pointers. One: don't lie to them. Two: don't raise your tone with them. Three: let them stress their concerns. Four: understand that this is their daughter and they lost her not long ago and they don't want to loose her once again. Five: if they ask your intentions with Zoe be sure to not bring up marriage or children yet. Six: make them see your a good kid. Seven: be yourself, no one wants their daughter dating a fake. Eight: make solutions for their concerns." Zeb explained.
"Okay, I think I can do this." I said.
"And don't be too clingy to Zoe. For a confession that's not what they want to see." Gigi said. I looked behind me at the girls who smiled at me. Two younger girls ran in one a yellow twi'lek and the other a human with the same color hair as Zoe and Ezra.
"Zoe!" They both squealed and tackled Zoe to the ground.
"Evie! Stella!" Zoe said as she hugged them back. I smiled at her as she looked up at me. "Girls this is Alexander but you can call him Alex for short." She introduced.
"Wait! Your friends with the apprentice that you know..." The twi'lek trailed off.
"We didn't know it was each other up until a few months ago. Alex this is Stella she is Hera's daughter and this is Evie my little sister." Zoe said. Evie looked a lot like Zoe which is why when I I have my saber to her neck a while back why I thought of Zoe. (That happened in the last book of your read it.)
"Nice to meet you both." I said kneeling down by them. We all chatted for a little bit and the atmosphere was happy and bright. I learned a lot about their crew and family. That was until Ezra and Sabine showed up.
"Everyone out." Sabine commanded. Me and Zoe were still on the floor but stood up. It was just the four of us now. I looked at Zoe, and saw fear, sadness, love and worry in her eyes.
It's gonna be, okay.
I hope so
Till next time Emily out.
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