A New Or Old Ally
Zoe's POV
I stood outside, it was about lunch time but I wasn't hungry. I waited for Ashoka's voice to return. I felt like I was being told to leave the base so I followed my senses out to the middle of no where. I had also gotten lost.
"Kriff." I muttered. I walked around for awhile and saw a small cave. I found some small stones and I had paint sprayers on my belt. I painted the rocks and made a small path so I can find the cave again. Meditation. Something rang in my head as I reached a clift. I sat down with my legs crossed and cleared my mind of everything. I sensed something pass me by then passed again. It felt like a soft breeze, but more unnoticeable. I wanted to open my eyes but keeped them closed. After a little while, a voice spoke.
"You are very wise, Zoe." I soft female voice spoke. I opened my eyes and saw Ashoka.
"Ashoka, you came back." I said happily. She smiled at me so gently, everything she did was soft it seemed. She was in a white and gold dress that was tighter at the top then flowy after her waist, the dress only made her look more like a goddess.
"I did not come back. I was always here." Ashoka explained. I was confused about what that meant, has she been on Atillon all this time? Or with dad and master? Or the rebellion in general?
"What do you mean?" I asked. She looked into the distance and I did the same.
"Every force weilder has a gaurdian. I managed to become yours. I look after you. I always have and always will." She explained.
"Who's is Kanan's, Zander, Stella and dad's?" I asked.
"Kanan's is Master Depa Bilaba, Ezra's is Master Mase Windu, Zander's is Master Shak Ti and Stella's is Master Plo Koon." Ashoka aswered.
"If you don't mind telling me, are you alive? On Malacor maybe?" I asked. She chuckled with kindness.
"That's for you to decide, young Zoe." She said.
"What does that mean?" I asked in confusion.
"Your a lot like your father, always full of questions." She smiled at me. I looked at her with embarrassment.
"Sorry." I apologized.
"It's okay, how are you to learn if you don't ask questions of what you don't understand." She stated wisely.
"How come you didn't leave with dad and master?" I asked. She looked at the ground with a sad and guilty look.
"My master was Anikin Slywalker, he was an amazing worrior and could get out of a tuff situation. That was till after the clone wars ended. He was torn between two choices, love or the jedi order. He was tricked by a sith lord, and was turned into Darth Vader. Long story short, I stayed on Malacor to turn him back to the light side. It failed. We ended up in a lightsaber duel. He is still a sith, not even I could help my ex master." Ashoka explain with sadness and guilt.
"I'm so sorry." I told her. She smiled at me and nodded.
"Don't let love turn you to the dark side. I don't think that your family could handle it mentally." She said in a begging way.
"Were you ever in love?" I asked. Her lips pulled up into a smile as she watched the sky.
"Yeah, Lux, he was a part of the Separatist, I was with the Republic. It sounds cleícha to the max, but it is true. I'm sure you can relate, judging by you and Alexander's relationship." She smiled.
"Yeah. If you are alive, will you ever come back to Attilon?" I asked.
"If can manage to." She said. We sat in a comfortable silence for a long while, meditating, sitting, bonding and training.
"It's getting late, you should get back to the Ghost." Ashoka said.
"Yeah, but wait I don't know where to-" I started. She was gone. "Ashoka?" I called, but still no response. I spotted one of the painted rocks, so I walked over to it. I spotted another and followed them, by the time I was back at the cave it was dark and I was using a flashlight to look around. I saw a bunch of the spider things that were native to Attalon. I went to grab my lightsaber only to remember I left my weapons on the Ghost. I took a run for it. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me. I panted and my heart beat in my chest, do to me running for a little bit and with all the hills, rock stepy things and steep ledges my legs burned slightly. The spiders still followed me closely, but I think it was different spiders now. "Ashoka...if you're...here to...protect me...please do...it soon!" I panted. I tripped and twisted my ankle badly, I released a yelp as I fell down a hill and a shout left my lips as my head hit the ground. I could hearmy heart beat ringing in my ears as I backed up. My vision was blurry and my breath was fast. I felt something against my back and the spiders retreated quickly. I turned around and stood up too fast and my head ached more, my vision blurred again, I felt nauseous and my twisted ankle caused pain and made me fall to the ground. I covered my face waiting to get hit, shot or stabbed, but all that came was someones hand pulling my arm away from my face. I looked up in fear, but it melted away when I saw it was Kanan.
"Master!" I said in relief.
"You have a lot of explaining to do young lady." Kanan said. He helped me up.
"Okay, Master." I said as he helped me walk.
(Time skip!)
We got back to the Ghost and the most of the crew was waiting outside of the Ghost. When they saw us they visibly relaxed. Alex ran to my side and hugged me tightly. I, of course, hugged him back. He wrapped his arm around me and helped me over to the ramp. Mom and Hera hugged me while dad smiled. I don't think they noticed the limp yet, so that was why they were so calm.
"We're glad you're back and okay." Zeb said.
"Where have you been?" We have been searching for you for hours!" Mom scolded.
"I'll explain everything at breakfast tomorrow." I said.
"Fine." Dad agreed. Alex and I head to his room. I limping and him walking ahead of me. He turned around and picked me up. He carried me to his room where Chopper was waiting with an ice pack. I was set down on Alex's bed and Alex sat beside me.
"Thank you, Chop." I said gratefully. He beeped a little then left.
"So what happened?" Alex asked.
See yah in the next chapter
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