The premiere and the puke
//(1775, Britain's Mansion)//
Canada walked through the empty halls of the grand manor. It was a sad silent. Thirteen never let it be this quiet, talking about Thirteen, he should be back from the city anytime soon. He's already been gone for a good five hours.
"THAT LITTLE S***! WHAT A-" Britain threw open the door inside and stomped through. His eyes were a fiery red and he was so so angry. Canada felt a shiver in his spine as Britain stomped towards him. It intensified when he realized Thirteen Colonies wasn't behind him. "CANADA!"
"Y-yes father?"
Britain knelt down to Canada's height. "You know where Thirteen Colonies is?"
"The city? He was going to the city right?"
Britain shook his head and laughed. An insane laugh. "No... he left to fight me! His own father!"
Britain squeezed Canada's shoulders. This only scared Canada more. "Is he not coming back?"
"Oh I'll make sure he comes back, then I'll teach him a lesson. He won't be able to leave me every again." He let go of the colony and began to walk upstairs to his office.
"He left us... and doesn't want to come back?" Canada's gut felt hollow.
"He left because he hates us, hates you. He said he didn't want to be part of this family anymore."
Canada shook his head. "Brother doesn't hate me. H-he said I'm his best friend."
"He has a new best friend, kingdom of France. He doesn't need you anymore. It's about time you say the same." Britain walked up the stairs and left Canada alone in the dark hallway.
"CANADA! I've looked all over for you!" Thirteen rushed across the road to the small colony. "I'm fighting for my independence now! Soon enough I'm going to be America, sounds cool doesn't it?" Canada subtly nodded and tiptoed away. "What's wrong?"
"Why... why are you here." Canada asked.
America tilted his head. "Because you're my little brother. Even though your Catholic and French you still deserve a little shot at freedom. You can get rid of those easy peasy."
"Am I your brother?"
"Duh, what is with you today. Now hurry up, revolution waits for no one." America went to grab Canada.
He flinched away. Thirteen was Britain's favourite, or at least Canada thought so. If he was going to hurt America if he revolted then what would happen if he did.
Canada felt a nonexistent hand on his shoulder, a whisper of a threat, a warning if he stepped out of line. His breathing sped up and he walked away from his brother. "No no no no no. I can't die, I can't change. Britain will get mad, you know what happens when he's mad."
"C'mon, you'll be fine. We'll run the decks and be friends like always. You want to be friends right?"
Canada felt sick to his stomach as the invisible hand gripped tighter. He couldn't misbehave, not again, never again. "Leave America."
"L-leave me just like you want to. I want you back into the empire, then we can be happy, but father said he'll hurt you if he ever found you again." Canada held back tears as he looked at his brother. America was angry, maybe even sad at Canada but he didn't show it.
He grabbed Canada and squeezed him. "I'll come back for you when I'm strong. You'll turn around, and I'll save you."
Then he left
//(Modern day)//
Rhode Island was in a bit of a blur. Drinking with Maritimes and southern states was never ever a good idea. His head was aching and the house was starting to look like more of a mess ever step.
He practically fell through the door to his room.
Prince Edward Island squeaked and dashed to cover what ever she was working on. She looked frightened at the intrusion. "Y-you're not supposed to be back here! Nova takes a lot more then three hours to drink himself to sleep."
"Well I guess my name is fuckin' Nova Scotia is it?" Rhode Island dragged himself up by a desk and wobbled a little.
Before throwing up on the floor.
Rhode wiped his face with his sleeve. "Clean it again 'en! Sorry I can't control my gut!" He wobbled past the puke puddle and fell onto his bed. Everything going black.
"Stupid States."
PEI scrubbed the mop against the horrendous smelling puke. She was going to get Rhode to do it but he was out cold and was going to be out cold for a few hours.
"PRINCE! Why are you still here? BC is finally showing the movie off!" New Brunswick muttered leaning on her doorframe.
"What doesn't it look like? Cleaning up my roommate's puke. How was drinking last night?"
"Ehhhhh-" Brunsy shrugged and fell her hands into her pockets. "Let's just say we got out the wrong stuff... vodka is disgusting."
PEI rolled her eyes as she heard Nova Scotia puking in the background. "When did we get Vodka?"
Brunsy just turned around and ignored Prince's question. PEI grumbled and threw the mop away to join her siblings at the living room. She could continue this later.
"Well I feel oddly hurt I wasn't in this." Alberta mumbled putting away her popcorn basket.
Sask sipped the final sips of her soda. "You have to admit that was a good movie though."
"I guess... but it'd be better if BC actually named the characters after Canada and he America. Like I don't need all these damn metaphors British Columbia!" Alberta shouted at a smug BC and passed out Manitoba.
"What do you mean metaphors?" Blinked BC all innocent like. "You mean I made a movie with a bunch of States and Provinces seemly named after themselves just to base them off of countries. Why would I ever do that~"
"I hate you sometimes Bri."
"Me too Al', me too."
"It was good. If Yuri and Rio represented them then who were the other characters, like Que and the unnamed host?" Prince asked.
Nova Scotia grumbled, and BC shrugged. "Honestly... yeah I didn't plan that far."
California raised her drink. "I DID!"
"Of course you of all people did." Texas snarled back at California. "You overthinking snowflake."
New York huffed and got out of the seat in between them as California and Texas got into a fight.
"Well I say me and New York's acting were quite well." Ontario flipped his hair. New York elbowed him in the gut. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!"
"Yeah our acting was fine."
"Thanks for the elbow punch York."
"Don't call me that! Unless you want another?"
"Well if that's all for the premiere... Imma get some sleep. I haven't slept in six days-" Manitoba grumbled slowly hobbling to the exit.
BC grabbed his arm. "Nonono. We still have advertising, interviews, sequels, prequels, sponsorships, international cuts, making a studio so powerful it can lobby the US government-"
"-And I think miss Vicky has had enough power for one week." Saskatchewan laughed slowly taking the passed out Manitoba and a flipping off Alberta.
"Could've had more potatoes to be honest."
Newfoundland rolled back on her seat. "RellyPrinc? Iswearyunevachange!"
"I wasn't that cold in WW1 was I?"
"I mean BC did her research. You are quite stubborn."
"Well she clearly didn't because you wouldn't have let me cook soup."
"No, you would've cooked something weird like poutine or something."
"GASP! Take that back right now!"
"Pfft. It's not even that good."
"Your burgers aren't that good."
"Don't you dare... actually... Ah I see your point."
The two countries got up from their theatre seats and bickered a little as they exited the fake cinema. "So you wanna get a drink after this or something?"
"Sure, taking care of 30 some chaos goblins is not fun."
"Ha, and I'm already dying with thirteen."
1317 words
The flashback took up half of the word count. Don't worry I got shorter ones but my gawd.
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