Super heros
Your request here let's a go
I should probably start this back where it all began, when British Columbia and Manitoba went out for a picnic out by the river.
British Columbia thought it was a pretty spot you know. She thought the idea of the soft sound of water was calming and that the grass was just the softest under the tree.
Manitoba thought that BC was just what he needed to bring his mind off the troublesome twins and the current biscuit stealing situation. Not to mention the horrible smell of alcohol anywhere he walked. Al really needed to get a handle on her problem before it got any worse.
Manitoba pulled out a small jar of raspberry jam and a loaf of bannock, cut and ready to go with some tea. British Columbia poured them two glasses in china teacups.
"So how's your week been?" she asked him brightly as they cheered their cups.
Manitoba shrugged and mumbled, "Fine, really. I hope Vancouver is treating you well."
"Well I might not be able to afford rent but hey, you win some you lose some," she joked with a laugh.
"You know I always find it so weird that you're the only province who lives alone who doesn't live in her capital."
"Eh." She stirred the sugar in her tea with her eyes slimmed. She looked up to Manitoba and muttered, "I think it's best. It's cool how you people can just not be bothered with dumb work and politics all the time. Ugh, imagine if my premier could talk to me any second."
They both laughed a little before Manitoba sighed and said, "Alberta is moving out to Edmonton in a few days."
British Columbia almost spat out and choked on her tea. "What?!"
"You heard me," Manitoba sighed. He put down the teacup and started laying jam on his bannock. "If she moves her sister is probably soon to follow. Is this what Northwest felt when we all left because I'm suddenly getting really emotional and it is feeling really weird."
British Columbia laughed at Manitoba and wiped away a nonexistent tear on Manitoba's face. "Probably. Sad you're little chaotic devil girls are all grown up?"
Manitoba groaned and flew onto the picnic blanket with his lips sealed in anger.
Then something exploded.
Well not something. Someone. It seemed that one of the heroes or villains of this universe had broken out in a fight.
"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" Manitoba yelled as he watched two figures rushing after eachother. Debris and explosives rang through the streets causing wreckage and destruction wherever it went. The two figures kept fighting on though, wrecking Manitoba and British Columbia's attempt at a picnic.
British Columbia was first to get up and pat off her jeans. She rolled down her shades and raised her hand for Manitoba. "Get up. We have to go and fight some people."
"Then picnic?"
"If the tea is still warm then yes."
It was a little known fact that British Columbia and Manitoba happened to be part of the well known superhero league that I had forgotten to mention earlier.
British Columbia or better known as the Pacific Sun had control over light and its various shapes and forms.
Manitoba, also known as Manitova or Manisnowba had power over what was cold and could freeze anything and everything.
So when they met up on the street to find a hero already running after criminal with quite the explosive powers they sighed a sigh of relief.
Then they realized what hero had been chasing the criminal.
Ontario, also know as the keystone. His ability allowed him to open portals into different dimensions and different places. He was highly skilled in what he did letting be an important member in the organization.
He was also the two's rival. Now thinking of it, he's the rival of basically everyone but the head honcho of the league.
So that's when the picnic turned to a competition.
"Hey! What are you two doing here! I got this under control!" Ontario yelled as he drew a portal to the vacuum of space for the explosion the criminal shot out. "Don't tell me you two want my catch?"
BC shrugged, making a golden fist around her own and rushing to grab the guy as she slid to dodge an array of flames. "Call it pay for wrecking my bust on that robbery," she said through grinded teeth.
Ontario grinded his teeth as he made a portal under him, teleporting on the light and yanking the criminal out with him. Just as he teleported off the light a flurry of icicles fired at his head.
He teleported out the way and put a portal under Manitoba's feet, making him teleport to somewhere.
"UGH! Just let me have that!"
"No! I found it first! It's my report!"
Nova Scotia tapped the papers on his desk.
He was frowning as he glared at Ontario, Manitoba and British Columbia.
"Do I need to read this aloud in front of the entire league?" He said with a sharp tone.
"No I think it's fine—"
"Over three million dollars in damages... over a measly hit and run." Nova Scotia looked it over again. "I recently learned the criminal had explosion powers but then I realized the damages included crashes and blindings from light, snow and ice, and disappearing objects and otherworldly things. Would you remind what your powers are?"
The three looked at eachother in unfiltered anger.
Prince Edward Island answered for them, "The Pacific Sun, Manisnowba and Keystone."
"SHUT UP POTATO!" Yelled British Columbia.
"THEY'RE BOMBS NOT POTATOS!" She screamed back.
Nova Scotia swiped his hand and his water bottle raised up. The water attacked the booth of them, their mouthes covered in ice. "Shut up! I don't care," he muttered. "You all will be paying for this. Equally, before you ask."
Quebec smiled at Ontario smugly as Ontario made a disgusted face.
Yukon raised her glass and tried to calm the mood of the room. "Well I was able to stop a few robberies today? That elevates me to hero status right?"
Yukon, known as the Midnight Sun was technically British Columbia's apprentice. Though to be honest she was more Northwest Territories as BC was a bit neglectful in that regard.
Nova Scotia shrugged. He was mainly known as Seabound or Bluenose. He had water powers and was older so apparently the boss of the organization decided he'd run the paperwork.
His assistant was Picture. She had the ability to catch people's thoughts and memories in pictures. She wasn't the best in combat, though that made Brunsy and Nova Scotia a team.
"Hey!" Alberta slammed on the table during the period of silence, sending electric waves through the table. "I think that calls for celebration eh? C'mon? Sask you're in right?"
The Land of the Living Skies sighed, "If this just another excuse for you to get drunk I'm going to barricade you in your room."
Alberta huffed as Saskatchewan rolled her eyes.
"Al' is finally right this time," Northwest Territories muttered. "You're a real hero now. That's a cause to celebrate."
Yukon seemed to brighten up and hugged him. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
Northwest Territories patted her on the back. "Just don't be turning evil now?" He eyed Newfoundland and Labrador.
Newfoundland rolled her eyes. She used to be a feared villain with her sister. Now she was a hero. A hero most hadn't fully accepted back into the league yet.
"Northwest, don't start that," Nova Scotia reprimanded... again.
Quebec shrugged and asked Northwest Territories, "So party at your house? Wine? Good wine?"
"Well I'll need to get the little one out first, I might have wine?"
"Great!" Alberta clapped and smiled. "Call the misses and I'll see you all at five!"
Saskatchewan soon excused herself and followed her twin. The rest of the provinces soon followed leaving Manitoba and British Columbia.
"So picnic tomorrow?" She asked him.
He nodded. "Picnic tomorrow."
1333 words
Their powers are based after their nicknames
NS - Water Control - Bluenose/Seabound Province
NB - Pictures - Picture Province
PEI - Potato looking bombs - Potatoes IDK
NFL - Earthbending - The Rock
QU - Telekinesis - I remember (motto of Quebec)
ON - Teleportation - Keystone Province
MB - Snow and Ice - Manisnowba
SK - Weather control - Land of the Living Skies
AB - Electricity - The energy province
BC - Light control - Pacific Province
YK - Shadow Control - Midnight Sun
NT - Memory/Power erasure - Canada's Northland (like how hyperthermia messes you up?)
NU - Mind reader - Our Land
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