Siblings, Parents and what's in-between
//(1812, Lower Canada-America border)//
"America? What are you doing here?" Canada squinted his eyes, was he really back?
America still had blue hair, one side covering his left eye with stars all over it. That was new. "Yeah I'm back little bro! I've come to free you from our father!"
Canada blinked at him. "What do you mean free? You left me for 37 years just to come back to free me?"
"Yep." He cheerfully walked up to him. "I promised you 37 years ago that when I was stronger I would come back and rescue from Britain. Plus UK is kind of being jerk and you're a bit of an easy target." He was now right in front of Canada and grabbed his wrist.
Canada ripped his wrist away as America began to try and tow him back to his side of the border. "What the hell! You came to my land just to piss off father?"
"Well not entirely-"
"I don't care! I'm never going with you, I can't disappoint father. Have a good life America, sorry I can't be in it." Canada turned away and walked back to his fort.
He was caught off guard when he was dragged to the ground by his wrist. He grunted as he picked himself off the ground. He elbowed America right in the chest and America stumbled. He picked up Canada by his collar. "That wasn't a question. I don't wanna hurt you more then I have to."
Canada spat in his face. "You didn't have to come here at all- ACK!" Canada fell to the ground and bit his tongue to prevent crying. His hand was laced with burns which spotted out from his red skin. America stomped down on a fiery match to snuff it out. "You... you monster."
"Canada... I'm sorry. But I...I-" In instinct, he leaned down to comfort his little brother but was slapped away.
"GET AWAY FROM ME! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" Canada got up from the dirty ground and between tears pushed America, hard. America fell with a clear fud as Canada made an escape back to his fort. "Britain was right, he does hate me."
///(1870, Province house)///
"See this is your room, right by the kitchen. Pretty lucky I'd say, I have to run up and down the stairs." Northwest said opening the door to Manitoba's room.
Manitoba clutched his small handbag. "I don't want to be here, can I just go home with my big sister."
Northwest shook his head. "No, but Brunsy, Prince or maybe Quebec could be your big sisters."
"No, you're not my family. You murdered Rupert and you all want my sister hung. My real sister." Manitoba entered the room and slammed the door behind him. Northwest Territories stood infront of the door and silently swore to himself.
"He'll come around eventually, North."
"Maybe, but he doesn't need to talk about Rupert. I lost him too." Northwest bit his lips to prevent tearing up. "Let's just go and get the rest of the new province stuff done, BC is coming soon and I don't need to be swamped with paperwork."
Manitoba sat on his concrete bed and hugged his knees. It was cold and his blanket wasn't helping. His room was simple so he could leave at any time, a pillow, a blanket, a dream catcher, two flags for the respective fur trading companies, and his beacon of it all. A framed photograph of him and his big sister having fun. She was so pretty with her green braided hair and skin. She had a unique flag with a shamrock and harp on the sides with a fluer-de-lis in the middle.
He hoped his sister wouldn't worry too much about him, he'd visit her soon.
A bell rang through the house and Manitoba grumbled at the sound. It was quickly followed by shouting, "GUYS FOOD IS READY! HURRY THE HELL UP!"
Manitoba shrugged off his blanket and left the room to the dining room. It was quite grand, with a chandelier, long table and fancy chairs. A boy with red hair and a flag like his sat right by the main chair. By him say someone with long blue hair and a catholic necklace. On the other side of the table was a boy with black hair and his sister with red hair. The guy who showed him around before tapped a seat by him, also happening to be the last none used seat either then the main one at the front.
He begrudgingly sat by the guy and scrunched up on the chair. He tried burying his face into his knees but he could tell everyone was looking at him. Or more accurately, his right eye.
"Hey, don't look at him like that. He's nervous, right little guy?" Northwest asked him, he nodded slightly. Northwest death stared the rest of the table and they slowly looked away. He whispered, "Better?"
"It's better I guess."
Northwest smiled a little before turning to his food frowning at the other provinces.
The sound of British combat boots echoed through the room. A tall, young country with red skin and red curly hair sat down at the head of the table. He wore an eyepatch over his right eye and a casual suit over his shoulders. No doubt was this the dominion of Canada. Manitoba got an bad feeling as he sat down. He looked down to Manitoba with a stare Northwest would probably look away from. Manitoba refused to look away, his sister would be disappointed in him.
Canada seemed to cheer up a bit and finally opened his mouth to speak, "First order of business, Manitoba has become a province, which is lovely. You'll start school tomorrow. British Columbia has opened negotiations for her joining the union so if she comes to visit with her caretaker I except you all to be... well... not like you usually are."
A few of the provinces chuckled a little before quietly going back to eating. Manitoba waited awhile before taking a bite, he was still unsure of whether or not to trust them.
Seemingly reading the little boy's mind Northwest looked and gave Manitoba a little smile. "Don't worry, you're going to be fine here."
Maybe he'd trust Northwest, but just him! That guy with the similar flag as him was getting on his nerves.
///(modern day)///
"So this is the only part of the house that took the test of time?" Alaska asked, gazing at the chandelier.
Yukon shrugged, "No, but we, and certainly you, aren't allowed there."
The provinces, territories and states all took seats and exchanged pleasantries and insults. Food was laid on the table, a regular roast feast. Everyone was scooping it all up and laughing.
"So did you guys eat here often?" Illinois asked.
Manitoba thought for a moment, "Every dinner and breakfast we'd eat here and Canada would talk about the plans of the day. After Yukon came in it slowed to just supper, then with the twins it almost never got used."
"Except for holidays! Mani remember the first Christmas I had?" British Columbia smiled bright. "Northwest dressed up as Santa Claus and gave us presents."
Manitoba dug in his shirt and took out a small locket. "After my picture was wrecked North made me this locket for Christmas, said it was from Santa. I knew it was him though."
"Who's picture did you put inside?"
"Someone special." Manitoba put the locket back and started to eat his food.
"Wait... are you saying Santa is just big brother in a suit?" Nunavut looked up to the two in what looked like tears.
"No... uh... he's-"
"Of course not. I had to dress up as Santa for those two because they were naughty and he never visited them." Northwest laughed, Nunavut giggled a little. North then looked to the two with a death stare as Nunavut walked away to Hawaii. "You are so lucky there are witnesses in this room right now."
"Lovely to know you never change North." Yukon laughed bumping North's shoulder. He rolled his eyes.
1366 words
I know this doesn't have anything to do with the states but I'm going to have my goddamn wholesome found family moments and you can not stop me.
Also who's Manitoba's 'real' sister? You'll never know ;)
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