///(1940, Pearl Harbour)///
Canada sat by his brother, wiping some blood off of his various cuts and bruises. America looked down, covered head to toe in debris and explosion burns. "You shouldn't be here, It's not safe."
"I'm not going to leave my big brother while your covered in blood and dirt." Canada wrapped some bandages around Ame's bigger wounds. "Stupid woman, playing her stupid war games."
America glanced back at the disgusting rubble, glass and blood that now dotted the once serene beaches of Hawaii. He felt sick to his stomach.
"Hey look at me!" Canada turned his brother's head away from the destruction. "We're declaring war on her and... and we'll make her wish she didn't ever touch you."
America looked to his little brother and laughed, "When did you worry about me? I swear just a few years ago you swore off talking with me."
"Well things change." He pulled the bandage harder, "People change. Your my brother even if you are the worst human scum on earth some times."
"Ow! Don't pull that bandage so hard."
America stretched, getting up. "Now Can-Can, we have a genocidal manic to declare war on, and beat the hell out of. You in?"
Canada broke a smile and looped his arm around the injured American. "Brothers?"
//(Modern day)//
"America what are you doing here?" Canada asked as he flipped over some pancakes.
America hung up his coat and walked into the room. "Well due to our agreement- wait are you wearing a kiss the cook apron?"
Canada turned hot red and grumbled. "I can't control what my girlfriend buys me. Plus this is the only clean apron I have."
America laughed a little and grabbed a finished pancake. "Always Canada and the weirdest things. Anyways, I got us some fire works and burgers for a finishing celebration before we all leave."
Canada put the last pancake on the plate and started to take it out to the table with some syrup. "Good, we need something to do. CAN SOMEONE PUT OUT CALIFORNIA AND BC PLEASE!"
A fire extinguisher fired out white gas just as Canada placed down the food. America grabbed the bacon and slid it on both sides of the table. A few states grumbled and greeted their dad as a few provinces waved at their uncle. "Sooooo you want me to take 'em this morning, this afternoon, tomorrow?"
Canada shrugged, "Eh, how does tonight work?"
America nodded and rolled some maple syrup across the table before jumping by Canada's seat at head of table.
"So kiddos! Today ends the whole being forced to live together. Maple man and I have planned a big firework party to end off the day. I expect all of you packed up and ready to leave 'round 8." America looked down at his watch before smiling back at the group of young adults. They seemed rather... bored.
"I suggest you get packing. I'm locking this place shut after 8. Now if you don't mind I need to get my documents in order, I'll be in my study if you need me." Canada twirled the keys to the house in his fingers as he walked over to his office. The subdivisions, with this threat, sped through through their meals and rushed out the door. America stood blankly in the now empty room.
"So... wanna do anything before you leave?"
Quebec stopped stuffing stuff in his duffel bag. "No. This place is more dead to me then Ontario's face."
"HEY!" Ontario grumbled, "That was uncool."
Quebec rolled his eyes as Pennsylvania held in a giggle. She finished brushing her hair and stuffed the brush into her bag. "Well I'd like to see a few more rooms."
"Penny, we've been through this a hundred times before." New York grunted. "We've seen this house top to bottom plenty of times-"
"Dummy, I'm not talking about those rooms. I'm talking about the rooms no one is letting us in to." She stuffed the finishing items in her backpack. "Like the study, you two's old rooms, the nursery, apparently there was even a room for our dad."
"Of course there was. There is a room for Canada in Ame's old house." New York rolled his eyes. Pennsylvania looked to him in wide eyes. "What? Did you not check his house top to bottom when we became a country?"
"Uh no? That's kinda creepy."
"I need to know I can trust my new leader."
Ontario finished up his suitcase and slowly neared the door. "I mean... me and Quefbec over here have this place on the back of our palms. If you want we-"
"No, Rio and I are not showing you two around." Grumbed Quebec.
Ontario rolled his eye. "Oh please, they just want a little tour. It's not that big of a deal Quebexico."
"It is, and you know it. Plus all of those doors are locked shut."
Pennsylvania thought for a moment before looking back at the crew. "Don't you guys have some girl who breaks into stuff?"
The two provinces shared a look.
"Can't believe I'm working with you of all people."
"The feeling's mutual. I don't wanna even be near a snowflake like you."
"I feel like we're really having a bonding moment here as siblings!" Florida hugged Texas and California in a awkward hug. Texas gave Cali a smug smile as she grumbled.
"Shut up you three. God feel like I'm doing all the work here." Grunted New York as he struggled with a key.
"Don't use the-"
The states threw themselves against the wall and went dead silent as the sound of army boots and dress boots cluttered the hallway. It was quickly followed by a mutter of voices, chatting about fireworks, or maybe a girl. The foot steps quickly disaperred down a hall, most likely the study.
"Well that was lucky." Pennsylvania opened the now unlocked door. She was met with a run down conference room. It was sad and covered in rot and dust. She was thrown quickly into a coughing fit by the air. "Welp, this is absolutely disgusting."
The five walked around for a bit, taking glances around the room. It was a small table with eight seats. California blew off some dust and found little name plates strung along the seats. "Upper Canada? Rupert's land?"
"Look! A door!"
"Florida, we're kind of working on a room by room basis?" She grumbled.
Texas walked over to Florida and leaned by the door frame, "Well this room is boring. Plus 2v1 right pal?" Florida nodded crazily to the Texan's statement. California rolled her eyes and kicked the next door down.
"You could've found any state to help us and you choose the redneck, crazyman and basic girl?" New York grumbled.
She smiled, "Yes, because this will give a nice movie to watch as we wait."
The next room was kept in much better condition, though that's not much of a complement. It was a long hallway caked in dust and a deteriorating carpet. It led to three doors, one on either side of the hall with lion and lily embroidery respectfully. At the end of the hall led to a door which had been drywalled to nothing but a wall. Above were nails and loose strings, Pennsylvania could only bet were old paintings. She opened the door with the lions to find an almost empty room. A flush bed, closet, night table and little wood chips embedded in the carpet. It was quite boring so Penny slammed the door and looked to the other side. "Nothing much here."
"Yeah this place is quite embarrassingly blank, really girly too."
She sighed, ready to leave when she spotted a stash hid away behind a dresser. She crept down and pulled it out.
"Whatcha find?" California asked, leaning down.
The Pennsylvanian rubbed her hand against the portrait, "It's destroyed."
New York grabbed it and looked at the painting carefully. He then flipped it over and read the back. "For my two handsome sons, May they forever obey the empire's glory -Father. Well that's a unique way to give a present, and I thought Florida was weird."
"York, the painting is ripped though. Someone must have got angry and-"
"Ripped it to shreds? Well our dad's face does look like kinda destroyed in this photo." California mumbled.
"Ya think?"
Texas rolled his eyes and put his phone down. "I was chatting with Alberta, not you. You're so self centred. Anyways get your stuff put back, the firework show is starting."
Florida bolted out of the room immediately, "AHHHH I DIDN'T PACK MY ALLIGATOR-"
"You brought an alligator?!"
The sky was pitch black, hints of ivy blue mixing in. The grass and small field flowers were unkempt and fluttering through the yard. Alberta, Ontario, Louisiana and Nebraska were struggling to get fireworks to fire, Pennsylvania and British Columbia were laying blankets, Quebec, California and New York were on the Barbecue and the rest were either packing or putting things away.
Nova Scotia shook a bit looking at the fireworks as he put his suitcase in the marintine's van. "How long will the fireworks be?"
"Eh, probably an half hour or so," muttered Texas. "What, you scared?"
Nova Scotia was about to say something but New Brunswick put a hand to his mouth. "Will be sitting this one out, no further questions." Texas was about to open his mouth but Brunswick used her other hand to shush his. "No further questions! Maine isn't this annoying- actually I take that back."
Canada and America looked over their children as the first few fireworks took flight. "FLORIDA DO NOT RIDE THE FIREWORK! Anywho, thanks for taking care of my lil' guys. I know they can be.... A bit much."
"Haha, that's a bit of an understatement don't you think? Taking care of all these chaos goblins have been so tiring especially since she's-" Canada caught himself for a moment. "Not... here."
America looked to his brother and held him slightly. "She's okay."
"Don't be, we've all been there."
"You haven't had a girlfriend for a few hundred years-"
"You never change Ame."
America snorted and Canada wrapped him in a hug. The sky erupted into colour, the sound erupted through the wind.
"Geography Has Made Us Neighbours, History Has Made Us Friends, Economics Has Made Us Partners And Necessity Has Made Us Allies. Those Whom Nature Hath So loined, Let No Man Put Asunder" - John. F. Kennedy addressing the Canadian parliament.
1569 words
The 1yr anniversary of Province stories is coming up and I want to do something special. I'm thinking either a QnA or a special AU writing spurt-
Or both?
Anyways if you want to ask any questions for any sub divisions or countries feel free to!
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