Movies, strings attached
///(Late 1950s, NATO headquarters)///
America slammed open the door to Canada's office and looked downright mad. Canada slowly turned around in his chair with a fake smile. "America, why are you here?"
America slammed down a photograph on his desk. "Ahem, who is this?"
"Cuba? Why are you so angry?"
"Maple man, do not play games with me! You know she's like my number one enemy!"
Canada turned and continued to type on his computer. "America, the USSR is your number one enemy."
"YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!" America grumbled and massaged his head. "A little birdie told me you were seeing her! I thought you were on my side dude!"
"I am on your side, Ame. I've liked her since we were kids, this shouldn't be a surprise. I mean we've been dating since WW2."
"YOU'VE BEEN DATING THAT LONG AND NEVER TOLD ME!" America leaned on Canada and sighed. "Mexico didn't tell me that! Augh... I swear to god you can be the absolute worse."
Canada patted America's hand. "I suppose, but you're stuck with me aren't 'cha?"
///(Modern day)///
British Columbia hung upside down on the sofa looking desperately at her phone. Manitoba sat down beside her and looked over at the screen. "What's wrong sis?"
BC huffed and dropped to the cushions. "My favourite series got canceled on Netflix. Now all I have are fan fictions and a void in my soul."
Manitoba awkwardly patted his sister on the back as she looked dramatically distraught. "What was it about?"
"There were like cool chefs with super backstories in a cooking competition. It got only one season and could really use a movie to end it's plot..." BC stuffed her head into the cushions.
"C'mon Victoria, we can easily just recreate it. With your camera skills and prop design everything should go just smoothly!"
"So you'll make my show? No iffs, ands or buts?"
BC dove outta of the sofa with a sneaky grin and golden eyes. She grabbed him off the couch and towards the halls. "HAHA! You fell for my bluff! Now you have to make a show with me! You get my camera, I have to get the cast."
Ontario slid by the counter just avoiding a pan to the face. He grabbed some flour and chucked it at his attacker's eyes.
New york wiped the flour from his eyes and grumbled as Ontario picked up a spatula. "Really? That's your weapon?"
"What? It's just a flatter wooden spoon."
"What is wrong with you?"
"Didn't know you were my therapist yankee."
New York bonked Ontario's head with the pot and he fell into the sink. Ontario rolled back out and proceeded to swordfight New York.
BC leaned her camera down and grumbled. "Where is Quebec and Louisiana? They've got to be here for the opening tournament scene! I can't have a cooking tourney without the other team!"
The Canuck and Yankee both immediately dropped their utensils. "TEAM?!"
"Well yeah? Did you guys not read the script. Two childhood friends turned enemies have to work together in a cooking competition and learn to become closer together. So much so that when it's time for the last match they agree to work together." British Columbia walked up and shoved the scripts in their faces. "I thought you two said you were good actors!"
"Vicky! Maybe if you're movie idea wasn't so... fan fictiony?" Manitoba asked as he set up the camera.
"Ahem, Mani. You promised me you would help me make my movie anyway I want."
Manitoba grunted. "Because you lied to me."
"Oh please, how else was I going to get you to bend to my will? Anyways take 5 everyone." BC smiled walking back to the camera.
"Your sister is quite the person." New York grumbled.
Ontario scoffed, "Yeah, so is your sister, blue cheese."
"Which one, wannabe NYC?"
"For our cooking contestants today we have, North and Hali, Mist and Brunsy, Louie and Becca-"
"Call me Que instead!" Quebec yelled out to BC.
"Why? Your still a dude you know? What about Bex?" British Columbia grumbled from behind the camera.
Quebec looked away, "No and I don't wanna talk about it! Que is just better ok?"
British shrugged and told Nova Scotia to repeat. "Uh.. ok? For our cooking contestants today we have, North and Hali, Mist and Brunsy, Louie and Que and finally Yuri and Rio."
The duos walked through the large doors and seemed quite excited at the sight of lights, kitchenets and timers. One duo stood out like a sore thumb.
"Just because I'm in this competition with you doesn't mean we're friends ok? I just need to save my restaurant." Yuri, or New York grumbled as they walked to the 4th kitchen.
Rio nodded, "I'm not stupid you know. " Rio leaned against the fridge as the announcer came up to the mic.
"We have three team rounds, one for appetizers, one for main meal and one for dessert. Then we will have our final single elimination round on a surprise meal. You all have an hour and thirty minutes for each round. After that I and the other judges, Tex, Calla and Prince will taste test your food. I wish you all the best of luck!"
The timer began to go down and the contastenats began to run to the pantry. "YURI! We haven't even decided what to cook!"
"I have, spring vegetable soup." Yuri shrugged as he quickly turned to the vegetable isle.
Rio rolled his eyes. "Oh woah, you're still as stubborn as I remember."
"Can you stop looking over my shoulder and actually get some stuff? Pasta is somewhere that way." Yuri pointed at the flour isle. Rio sighed and stomped over, muttering insults under his breath.
"Could this soup cook any slower!" yelled Yuri, standing over the pot.
Rio rolled his eyes and took out four small bowls. "Haven't you ever learnt not to watch the time when waiting for something?" Rio squeezed in some lemon juice as Yuri stir it in along with some spices. It simmered a little before Yuri took a little sip out of a spoon, "See now it's somewhat done."
Yuri mumbled and Rio gave a smug smile. He cut up a loaf of bread as Yuri poured the soup in the bowls. Rio put up the food on the display as Yuri hit the small button signaling they were done. Near the same time, group 4 hit their button. Fluffy pancakes and fruit, Que and Louie gave a little high five as they finished.
"Good job Que!" Rio yelled out and waved to his friend. Que gave a little wave back.
"You seem to be doing well yourself. Who's that guy with you?"
Rio side glanced Yuri who was busy cleaning up. "Yuri, my friend from before culinary school. My old dormmate before he dropped out."
"You guys are all doing really well. Glad to see you guys actually read the script." British Columbia cheered, throwing water bottles to everyone.
"Don't you think the names are a bit easy to catch? I mean I'm just called my province's short form." New Brunswick reasoned. Mississippi or Mist nodded.
"At least all of you get a name! The entire script doesn't give me a mention!" Nova Scotia grumbled.
"I sound Slavic." New york said, scrolling through his phone.
"Yeah, apparently York isn't that cool of a name." British Columbia said. "Any more questions before we get back to work?"
Manitoba walked up to her. "Actually yes, I was wondering if we could add-"
"Now that's the end of our break. Let's get back to work!"
Yuri tapped his foot impatiently as Tex looked over the namino bars and cheesecake. Rio bumped his shoulder and whispered for him to calm down. "You shouldn't worry so much dude, we are making into that final death round."
Yuri looked down to the ground, "Easy for you to say."
"What does that mean?"
"Doesn't matter."
Calla (California) took a few bites and seemed to like it. Tex voted against it because he wanted to spite Calla. Prince gave an absolute silent thumb up. The unnamed judge absolutely loved it.
Rio looked to Que, his eyes seemed to be trained on his waffle dessert. The tension in the room you could cut with a knife. Yuri and him were just as nervous as Que and Louie.
Rio found himself slightly leaning on his friend... no enemy. Yuri was still his enemy, his rival. They had sworn against friendship ever since that fight four years ago, today was no difference. But something in Rio told him that was wrong, but he'd rather believe his head then gut.
"Well the judges have thought it over and they've finally come to an agreement. Right guys?"
Calla and Tex shoved each other a bit before standing professionally in front of the chefs.Prince rolled her eyes and stepped in front of them. "Yes we have. The winner of this competition is..." Rio's heart raced as Yuri seemed to shiver. Rio looked at the other chefs, especially Que as Prince took out the large check. "Rio and Yuri!"
"YES! WE DID IT RIO!" Yuri hugged him and he hugged him back.
Rio smiled, "We sure as hell did."
Nova Scotia handed the two the fake check with a big smile. "Good job you two. Spend the money well." He then walked over to the second place winners and handed them a slightly less big check. "You two are doing very well yourselves as well. Thank you both for coming to the show! That'll be all."
Yuri and Rio walked almost completely quiet outside the building. That was until Yuri broke the silence. "So... are we still enemies? Go back to never talking ever again?"
Rio stopped and thought for a moment. "Depends... do you have a space open in your restaurant?"
Yuri laughed a little, "Welcome to the team Rio."
"CUT!" British Columbia came out of a bush with her camera. She leaned onto Ontario with big eyes. "You guys are like, pretty ok at acting. Maybe you should join more movie projects with me."
Manitoba walked out with a second camera. "That is great but I am done with this movie."
BC walked over to him with a sly smile, "You forgot about editing didn't 'cha?"
Manitoba went wide eyed as BC began to drag him, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-"
"She wasn't wrong y'know." Ontario patted New York on the back. "You were pretty good."
New York responded by kicking him in the gut. "You still are a bit of a copycat. A okay acting, copy cat."
"MMMHM! That's just great." Ontario groaned on the fallen grass.
1722 words
Yuri and Rio's relationship is not based on NY and ON but actually two charecters that are the entire basis of this ark.
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