Father figures kinda suck
Nova Scotia grabbed the bottle from Ontario.
NS: My idea, my spin
ON: Fine, spin it then!
Nova Scotia spun the bottle.
NT: Me?
AB: Yeah who else? C'mon North you have to have something! I mean you could talk about how you changed your name-
NT: I literally watched Rupert crumble to dust in front of me. You know what I'll tell you all a story from where Rupert was alive!
(Northwest Territories POV 1814)
"Brother, don't I look stupid in this. I mean the trousers don't fit me." I sighed, looking at my small self. I was only around eight years old then.
My big brother who was much older then me laughed. "Oh little Northwest that doesn't really matter right now, you must look good for the easterners and your younger siblings. Guess what they might even be taking us on a vacation down south if we're nice enough."
I looked at my worn shoes and overly layered outfit. I had been living alone with Rupert since I... was born? Became into existence? I honestly don't know. "Please can you just go... I don't want to talk to lower and upper, they're quite mean and-"
Rupert sighed grabbing my arm, yanking it to the cartridge out in the yard. I whined as he sat me in the back, muttering something under his breath probably about me. He then shut the back door to head the prison like house which Lower and Upper lived in. I hated that place, it was cold and the candles were barely lighting. United kingdom had some woman there to watch over the kids and the war with America and she matched the house perfectly, dark and spiteful.
I rubbed my red arm, Rupert didn't exactly like me. I don't know why but he definitely thought I'd steal his land, or ruin his company. I didn't want to do any of that. I just wanted him to like me.
The trip east is quite long, but I don't think I'll elaborate on the trip, it was painfully boring.
Eventually the carriage pulled onto a sad looking house. One side had french embroidery the other a more english style. Together it looked mismatched and bad. Rupert's land opened the door for me to get out, I hopped out accidently falling on the ground and scraping my knees. Stupid layers.
I picked myself up and followed pursuit of Rupert.
The halls were empty only filled with portraits of two boys and a pair of siblings. Some of the paintings of a British colony which had not yet been formed, a few that were him and his brother were ripped and torn to shreds. At the end was a large painting of Great Britain in all his glory, crown and all.
Under the painting was a large door which lead to a large meeting room to discuss issues like war,language, religion and other stupid things. Rupert opened the door and walked in. From what I glimpsed everyone from the paintings sat there and then two more one with braids the other with black hair that looked Scottish.
"Stay out here, don't do anything stupid or else." He said, closing the doors and leaving me in the sad lifeless hall.
Alone, again.
But I knew something like this would happen, it always does. I walked over to a door with a lion inscribed on the handle and entered, upper Canada's side.
The room was polished and looked brand new. Combs and hair ties sat on a dresser and a various amount of suits. I sat down by the closet and laid a sheet on the floor, I opened my bag and took out a wood block and chisel.
Rupert never made me toys so I had to be on my own for that. I could make a bit of uncomplicated stuff, a duck for example. Or maybe a evil Canada goose.
Nah I think I'll keep the duck.
I took the chisel and got to work tracing the overall shape before going in and rounding out the large edges. Then it was the small details like the beak or eyes. A duck can't be a duck if it can't see.
Wait blind ducks... forget I said that.
Eventually the duck looked like a duck just as the meeting on the other side got really really loud. They were screaming about a victory of some sort, that they'd capture the capital and teach those darn democratic demons to shove... you know I'm not going to continue that.
I heard footsteps coming out of the room and immediately grabbed my stuff and rushed out. I sat down by a painting to appear I had just been sitting all the meeting.
The few colonies and empire came out with smiling faces. Except for the boy with the ripped paintings, he seemed to hate the idea of whatever they had planned. Just then I realized how young most of the colonies were there, they couldn't be much older then me.
"Northwest Territories let's go! We're heading south for a light show." Rupert smiled the most sinister of smiles.
"Aren't you fighting down south-" Rupert gave me a look and I went quiet. He took my hand and guided me outside to our carriage which was one for the few set out. I sat down in the seat, a nervous feeling wrapped in my stomach.
NU: Your big brother doesn't sound very nice.
NT: He was a businessman at heart, he was basically just the HBC. He wasn't made for parenting so-
AB: NORTH! Don't you dare load us with hat garbage! You weren't made to be a parent either but you ended up raising... Sask?
SK: Literally all of the western provinces
AB; YEAH! He was probably just super mean and uncool!
NU: Yeah! Nuthin like big brother!
NT: Thanks, I really appreciate that
"That's father to you. Don't be disrespectful like your mother or him."
"S-sorry. Father do we have to hurt brother- I mean America that way? Seems stupid and mean."
"No, It would be mean to recolonize that brat and unify the British North America."
The boy looked to his father nervously. "What if I didn't want to unify... what if I just wanted to be friends with-"
"Don't say such nonsense! You're a colony of the great British empire, he invaded part of your land yet you wish to befriend him? Child, remember what happened to the french empire when he-"
"Beheaded and in a state of anarchy. I know, that nothing like that can happen in the glorious empire. But I just..."
The father was beginning to get impatient "You know what! That's just your French side with all these bloody buts and ifs."
"No it's-"
"Oh look we're here! Time for the fun part." The father cut him off.
The colony and colonizer left the carriage to a sad sight. Washington DC had erupted into chaos, redcoats were scattered across the city fighting random soldiers and pillaging civilians. The two just walked across the chaos one with a scared almost fainted face, the other with a smile like it was music to his ears.
They eventually arrived at a large building, large pillars and a slick white painting which seemed to be new. The boy stopped dead in his tracks as the taller figure took two torch's from a red coat.
"Father, no we can't! It's a staple of his country! It's like burning Big Ben!"
"Oh please, he doesn't have a country! It's a sad show with nothing but a sour ending. If he gave up his capital so easy it'll be so refreshing to see him crumble at the hands of a foe more powerful. Now let's hurry before the lights go out." The father squeezed his hand harder and the boy yelped in slight pain biting down tears.
They walked to the entrance, first the father, the colonizer threw in the fire. He was joined by a wave of red coats. The fire consuming the white paint.
The boy, looked more concerned. In a protest he hesitated. This would hurt his brother, hurt there relation, make him regret the childhood he had with him.
But he had to impress his father.
He couldn't be a failure.
So what if a few die? His father was always right anyway!
1400 words
Childhood ✨TRaUmA✨
Also the last part isn't told to any of the provinces, I just added it in there for some spice and uh... so you can kinda understand how he acted in that letter.
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