Chapter Ten
When they arrived home there was an owl from Shacklebolt waiting for them.
Please examine the attached memory and advise any new identifications.
Harry plucked the vial of silver liquid from the letter and held it up to the light.
"I told Shacklebolt I had a Pensieve," Malfoy said, watching the vial with an expression of distaste. "So perhaps this is his way of confirming I won't need to go into the Ministry as often. He might let me just look at them all here."
"Sounds as though he wants us both to look at this one," Harry said, glancing at Malfoy to see if that was alright with him. He didn't want to push in on something that Malfoy might want to experience alone.
Malfoy nodded. "Shall we get it over with?" He set the floating pile of books down on the coffee table and walked upstairs.
Harry followed, wondering if Malfoy would prefer he ignored the apprehension on Malfoy's face, or if he should say something.
"Well, come on then, Potter," Malfoy turned around and snapped.
Harry realised he had been slowing down to think, and quickly caught up to Malfoy in the sitting room with the Pensieve. The chest snapped at him, but he avoided it smoothly and sat down.
Malfoy poured the memory in and leaned over without waiting for Harry.
Harry leaned over the Pensieve and found himself suddenly back in Malfoy Manor. Malfoy stood next to him, watching something intently. Harry turned to see two Death Eaters talking. One was reclined lazily on one of Malfoy's armchairs, while the other stood in front of the fire, prodding it. Several other Death Eaters stood around, looking aloof or relaxed - it was obviously one of their memories they were witnessing, since most of them were in Azkaban. It all reminded Harry strangely of the Slytherin common room, when he had seen it during their investigations in second year.
"That's Twilfitt," Malfoy said, crossing his arms and nodding to the man in front of the fire. "And I've never seen the man on the couch."
"But you know everyone else in the room?" Harry asked.
"Yeah, Malfoy said without looking. His voice sounded bitter. "You don't know the man?" he asked Harry.
Harry shook his head.
Malfoy shrugged. "Let's get out of here then." He made to leave.
"Hang on," Harry said, holding a hand out to stop him. "What if Twilfitt says something about the wand?"
Malfoy sneered. "He isn't about to say anything in a room full of Death Eaters, Potter. Use your head. They're competition. You know, I think you were lying when you said the hat wanted to put you in Slytherin. You don't have an ounce of cunning in you. It was your unbridled jealousy of me that made you say something so stupid - It's alright, I understand." He patted Harry comfortingly on the back.
"Of the two of us, I'm the only one to have foiled an evil wizard," Harry said, shooting a glare at Malfoy. "So if I say that we should pay attention, we should pay attention."
Malfoy rolled his eyes. "Fine, Savior. What are they talking about?"
Harry listened closely.
The nameless man was shaking his head. "Couldn't find him," he said.
"Where did you look?" Twilfitt asked, his expression unimpressed.
"The usual hideouts," the man replied, his thick eyebrows knitting together fiercely. "No one there."
"I still don't understand why The Dark Lord picked you," Twilfitt muttered, levitating a small stick and hurling it into the fire. "I know him. It's my field. I know who he might contact for refuge."
Nameless smirked. "You don't have The Dark Lord's trust," he said smugly. "Doesn't matter if you swapped sewing spells."
Twilfitt glared at him. Before he could speak, the memory dissolved and Harry and Malfoy ricocheted back into their seats.
"Learn anything useful, oh foiler of dastardly plots?" Malfoy taunted. He leaned back in his chair and rested his fingers on his temples.
"Yes, actually," Harry said, enjoying the look of surprise on Malfoy's face. "Unless Voldemort made a habit of chasing down seamstresses?"
"He recruited anyone of worth," Malfoy said, eying Harry suspiciously. "So it wouldn't be that abnormal if they were useful to him in some way, regardless of occupation." His eyes suddenly widened in understanding. "You think he was after the cloak?"
"Makes sense," Harry said. "And Twilfitt was clearly sticking his nose in. What if he found out? That's two out of three Hallows that Twilfitt could have known about."
Malfoy made a face. "You're stretching things a bit, Potter," he said. "Don't get too excited. It fits, but there could be any number of reasons why The Dark Lord was chasing this mystery person." Malfoy closed his eyes. "I might just sit here a while," he said, his voice sounding suddenly drained.
Harry watched him. "Why do you do it, if it affects you this badly?"
Malfoy's eyes slid open, so that he was watching Harry through small slits. "Why do you care?" he asked. "I've given you the answer. You just laughed."
Harry paused. "Well, it seems more plausible now," he said finally.
Malfoy continued to watch him. After a few moments, he said "I do it because I think it's the right thing to do, and because I like to make my own decisions on what is right and wrong."
Harry frowned. "You followed Voldemort," he said. "He was kind of big on dictating what was wrong."
Malfoy sneered. "No, my father followed Voldemort. My father also never had one thought of his own. That might be forgivable as a teenager, but not as a grown man." He shrugged. "I'm not saying I thought he was wrong. I've said it before, the evidence is there. Muggles have never liked us. But the fact remains that my father willingly let someone else rule his life and make his decisions. So did every other Death Eater. They let one wizard rule them, and stood back while he dictated the terms of his rule with terror and violence. Tell me, why should I bow to anyone, Potter?" Malfoy looked him in the eye, his gaze unwavering.
Harry didn't have an answer. "So, you'll put yourself through hell, ostracize yourself from everyone you love, all so that you can be in charge of your own decisions?" he asked finally.
Malfoy's lip quirked. "I love no one, Potter," he said, his voice thick with something like amusement. "I loved my father, but he was dead to me before the Kiss. I love my mother, but I can't free her. I would have done anything for my family. I would have done anything to save them, but now they're gone. There is no one else. Only me."
Harry remembered Malfoy from the first Pensieve memories, trying to divert Voldemort's headquarters from his family home. Now he had no family and he wasn't safe in his home. Harry would have thought that when Malfoy had nothing left, he would run like a coward. Now it seemed that without his family, there was no one left to be scared for and no need to run. He wondered when it was that Malfoy had changed from being afraid for himself to being afraid for his family, and why Harry had never realised that Malfoy was so defined by loyalty and pride. It was a strange kind of bravery. It wasn't noble, but he stood for something. He stood for himself, and was happy to stand alone if that's what it meant.
For the first time, Harry found himself admiring Malfoy. He wondered vaguely if he should ask Ginny to check his temperature.
As if summoned by thought, Ginny's owl flew in the open door.
"Oh no," Harry muttered involuntarily, reading Ginny's short message. He could probably more accurately call it a summons.
"What is it?" Malfoy asked, looking delighted.
"You're invited," Harry said, shooting him a grin.
Malfoy's face fell. "Oh no. What is it?" He asked, his tone suddenly horrified.
"Double date," Harry said with a groan. "Well, triple technically. Ginny wants to try bowling tonight. It's a Muggle thing. She thought it wouldn't be as fun with four people, so you're invited to bring a date. That's a bit presumptuous of her," he muttered. "How does she think you can get a date so quickly?"
Malfoy looked offended. "What makes you think I can't, Potter?" he said, lifting his nose into the air. He paused. "Only, assuming that your own date is of the male persuasion, it would involve someone else knowing your secret."
Harry was oddly touched that Malfoy would overlook his apparent hatred of Harry's date to acknowledge that Harry wasn't openly dating. He considered what Malfoy had said.
"No," he said slowly. "That's okay. It's not like anyone you bring will be likely to tell any of my friends, and even if they did they'd all assume they were lying. So I don't think it matters at the moment."
"Done. Where are we meeting?" Malfoy asked.
Harry told him the address and Malfoy left to send an owl. Edgar still wasn't back, so Harry tied his message to Ginny's owl, thankful that he was familiar enough for the owl to listen to, and then tied a second message for Ginny, agreeing to a seven o'clock meeting.
Looking at the clock, he realised that really wasn't very far away. He hoped that it wasn't too late notice for Dave, because otherwise he would be the only one without a date. Harry cast a longing glance at the pile of books, thinking it was absolutely ridiculous that they were the preferred option, and went upstairs to change.
Dave said yes, and he and Malfoy ended up leaving on time to meet Ginny outside the Muggle bowling alley.
"Where are your dates?" Ginny asked, looking concerned as they walked over to her.
"Meeting outside," Harry said. "Where's yours?"
"Same," Ginny said, looking at her watch. Shouldn't be far. "There she is!" Ginny smiled and waved at the tall blonde Harry recognised from the speed dating night.
Ginny gave her a kiss on the cheek and guided her over to Harry and Malfoy.
"Christa, this is Harry and Draco," she said with a smile.
Harry mumbled a "nice to meet you", while Draco stuck out his hand and gave a winning smile. Harry mentally kicked him in the shins for being a slimy git and coming off better than Harry.
"Harry," a warm voice said with obvious pleasure. Harry turned around to see Dave walking over. Before Harry could say anything, Dave leaned down to give him a kiss on the cheek before coming to stand next to Harry with his hand resting lightly on Harry's back. Harry blinked in surprise and tried to cover it by quickly introducing him to the group.
He noticed Malfoy stiffened, but said nothing.
Then Malfoy's date apparated and walked over.
"Zabini?" Harry and Ginny both said in shock.
"Weasley, Potter," Blaise Zabini said with a nod to each, a grimace on his face.
Malfoy smirked and introduced him to the others since Harry and Ginny had both become temporarily useless. Harry felt Dave stiffen in surprise, but he was too busy looking at Zabini to think about why.
"But you hate blood-traitors," he said dumbly. He, Ginny and Malfoy were all technically in that category. He would have thought that Zabini would have been one of the people who would have turned their back on Malfoy, but here he was at a Muggle venue as Malfoy's date.
"Zabini's parents were never Death Eaters," Malfoy said lightly, a subtle explanation on his opinion of Malfoy at least.
Zabini sneered. "My parents have recently decided it would be a good idea for me to broaden my horizons since the war," he said. "It would seem that the future is clear, whether we like it or not."
Harry couldn't help but laugh at the expression on Zabini's face. "Whatever works for you," he said, shaking his head.
"Shall we go in?" Ginny asked, looking equally amused.
They filed in, but Dave pulled Harry back gently. In a smooth movement, he swept the hair back from Harry's face. Harry felt slightly uncomfortable at the tender gesture, until he realised that Dave was looking intently at Harry's forehead. He hadn't even thought to hide his scar tonight.
"Harry Potter," he said quietly. He smiled, looking surprised and pleased. "When would you have told me that?"
To Harry's amazement, he found himself smiling, almost flirting. "Third date?" he suggested lightly.
Dave laughed. Harry realised that Dave's hand was still resting on his head. He coughed awkwardly and stepped back. "Shall we go inside?" he asked.
Dave nodded and they joined the others. They were already putting on their shoes, Ginny and Christa looking very dubious, while Malfoy inspected a bowling ball with interest.
"So, you throw it?" he asked, turning it over.
"Down the aisle, yes," Ginny said.
"Any aisle?" Malfoy asked.
"I'm not sure," Ginny said, frowning.
"No," Harry said firmly. "Only your own aisle."
Malfoy looked disappointed.
Harry and Dave put on their shoes and they split into two teams, dates versus dates.
As the only person who had every bowled before, Harry went first, demonstrating as best he could how to throw the ball correctly. He got a strike and Ginny clapped hysterically. "Go Harry!"
He grinned and stepped back so that Christa could try. Christa rolled an immediate gutter-ball. She stepped back looking upset. Ginny swooped forward and gave her a big kiss on the cheek.
Harry stared in astonishment, thinking it must be ridiculously easy for women to date women, since their relationships were already so touchy-feely.
Ginny stepped up and rolled what Harry suspected was a deliberate gutter-ball, considering how good he knew she was at sports. Then Dave rolled a strike and whooped. Harry grinned and clapped when Dave caught his eye, but he felt a little awkward and unsure if he should do something more. Zabini looked his way and smirked.
Malfoy picked up the ball and stepped up. Harry thought how strange it was to see him dressed in his impeccable dark jeans and black shirt, his hair swept back and dyed, and then to see the bright orange bowling shoes. His lip quirked as he looked him up and down.
He saw Dave turn to look at him and he immediately dropped his gaze from Malfoy to the lane, watching intently as Malfoy rolled the ball. The ball looked like it was about to skim the edge before making a wide curve and coming in for a strike.
Harry eyed Malfoy suspiciously.
"Pure skill," Malfoy said airily while Zabini snorted.
Christa and Ginny got the hang of it, and they were soon engaged in a full blown competition. Harry thought that the consistency of strikes was distinctly suspicious, but no one brought it up.
"Potter, you're doing it all wrong," Malfoy called out when Harry moved up to throw.
Harry snorted and turned back to Malfoy. "What, and you'd know in the grand total of twenty minutes you've spent playing?"
Malfoy made a show of mock despair. "I didn't choose greatness," he proclaimed. He stood up and walked over to Harry. Harry was alarmed to realise how much Malfoy's walk resembled a predatory strut. "Here, Potter, you need to hold it like this," he said. "We're never going to win if you let down the team like this."
Malfoy slid his hand over Harry's to readjust his grip. Harry flinched. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Dave move to stand up. But he would never know what Dave was about to do, because at that moment surprised shouts filled the air and they saw a small silver rabbit hopping madly over to them.
Harry calmly obliviated anyone he could see while the patronus came to a stop in front of Ginny.
"There's someone in the house. Your father's been attacked!" the rabbit whispered in Molly Weasley's voice before disappearing in a puff of smoke.
Harry stiffened. The words sent a chill through him, although he knew that the situation was different now and an attack shouldn't mean what it used to. But it could. They ran outside, abandoning their game. Ginny and her date apparated immediately, leaving the others behind.
"I have to go and make sure they're okay," Harry said to Dave. "But you don't have to. I'm sorry to call it short."
Dave shook his head. "I'll come," he said. "If that's alright," he added.
Harry hesitated, but nodded. There was no reason anymore to keep the Burrow hidden.
"I'd better go with him," Malfoy said to Zabini, jerking his head at Harry. "Long story."
Zabini made a face. "Count me out. This is as much culture shock as I can take in one night." He nodded to Harry and Dave before turning back to Malfoy. "Wasn't too bad," he said, smirking. "Owl me again. Glad you're alright."
Malfoy nodded before Zabini apparated.
"I'll follow," he said curtly. "I know where it is."
Harry nodded and turned on the spot, taking Dave with him to the Burrow.
The house was in chaos. He found Ginny in the living room, hovering over Mr Weasley who was resting in an armchair. Furniture and possessions were strewn across every walk space, and George was running in and out of the rooms, his wand raised, looking for intruders.
He spotted Malfoy and slid to a halt. "Don't move," he said, his voice containing a vicious edge Harry had never heard before.
Harry held up his hand. "He's with me," he said.
"Oh, right, I forgot. Sorry, Harry," he said. "Can I hex him anyway? For practice?"
Harry laughed, but George had already run on, too distracted to pay attention.
Dave looked around in concern. Before he could say anything, Mrs Weasley launched herself onto Harry, smothering him with a hug. "Thank heavens you're alright!" she burst out, her voice breaking. "They were looking for something, and they obviously didn't find it. And what could they possibly be looking for here? So I knew they must be after you and I knew you were with Ginny, and I'm so glad they didn't find you."
Harry gently extracted himself from Mrs Weasleys bear hug and tried to soothe her. "It's okay," he said. "It was probably just a random robbery. If it wasn't, they would have come looking for us, wouldn't they? Is Mr Weasley okay?"
"He's fine, just a little shaken," Mrs Weasley said, waving her hand. "They were still here when we came home, and that's when I sent the patronus to warn you, but I think they've gone now. They only stunned him. I thought it was worse, but he'll be fine." She bustled off, sweeping Ginny into a massive hug and saying the same things she had said to Harry.
Harry shot Malfoy a look. Malfoy's expression told him that he was thinking the same thing: the Elder wand. Dave watched them but didn't say anything.
"I might help George," Harry said. "Make sure the place is clear, and then I think we'll leave them." Dave and Malfoy nodded, moving to search the place, but Mrs Weasley's gasp stopped them in their tracks.
They whirled around, wands raised, to see her standing with her hands over her mouth. Christa was holding Ginny close, their body language unmistakable.
Ginny lifted her head, still in Christa's arms, and sighed. She gently stepped back. Harry immediately moved forward, he didn't even think. He rested his hand on her shoulder.
"I'm gay," she said. She looked at Harry.
Harry's lip quirked. He couldn't believe the timing of this, but he had promised Ginny to stand with her when it happened. They hadn't expected to have their dates standing to the side, but, after all, their dates could be temporary. Ginny needed someone who would be with her for the long term to support her. "Me too," he said, unable to help from pulling a face. Ginny grinned.
Mrs Weasley looked back and forth between them, her hands over her mouth. Mr Weasley struggled into a sitting position.
"But, but you two," she looked between them. Then she looked at Christa. She looked back at Ginny. She dropped her hands. After an agonizing wait, she finally said "I'm going to have two daughters?" Then she squealed and pulled Ginny into a hug. Somehow she managed to make the hug include Harry and Christa, before she stood back and looked at Malfoy and Dave.
"So, then, Harry?" she asked, mopping her eyes.
"Er, this is Dave," he said, standing beside Dave.
Mrs Weasley stepped up and immediately swept him into a hug. "It's wonderful to meet you," she said. "I'm sorry it isn't under better circumstances."
Mr Weasley stood up and shook his hand, looking distinctly less peaky.
When Harry, Malfoy and Dave finally managed to say their goodbyes and make their way down the path, Harry was feeling considerably lighter.
"That has to be one of the best coming-out conversations I've ever seen," Dave said with a grin. "What on earth were you worried for?"
Harry shrugged. "Well," he trailed off. "I don't know. I suppose they aren't actually that conventional, are they?"
Dave laughed. They reached the end of the gate and Malfoy bent down to admire the Weasley letterbox. Harry was confused until he realised Malfoy was being remarkably tactful.
"Thank you for one of the most interesting nights I've had in a while," Dave said with a grin, eying the house. "I feel privileged to have witnessed that, although I hope the attacker doesn't come back."
Harry rubbed the back of his neck. "Thank you for staying," he said with a grin.
Dave smiled at him. Before Harry could realise what was happening, Dave had bent down and brushed his lips lightly against Harry's. Dave smiled without moving away, his breath soft against Harry's skin.
Harry was acutely aware of Malfoy kneeling three metres behind them, but then he remembered that they had resolved whatever it was that had happened between he and Malfoy, and he brought his hands up to Dave's face and kissed him back. Dave's lips were softer than Malfoy's, and there wasn't that same furious anger challenging the kiss. It was sweet and pleasant. Harry drew back with a smile.
"Good time to mention I have to cancel tomorrow?" Dave said, still smiling. "But I'll owl you."
Harry nodded and Dave apparated after another quick kiss.
Harry turned to see that Malfoy had stood up and was watching him, but it was too dark for Harry to see his expression. Neither of them spoke for a few moments.
"Come on," Malfoy said, holding out his arm to Harry. His voice was slightly rough. "I'm cold."
Harry took his arm and they apparated home.
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