Chapter Fifteen
The next day Harry sent an owl to Professor McGonagall to ask if she could contact the centaurs on his behalf. Apart from asking them if they knew of the stone's whereabouts, neither he nor Malfoy had any idea where to look next for the stone.
They decided to have a break from research, since they were both pretty disheartened from their failure last night. Instead, they went down to the oval after lunch for another blindfold Seekers' Run. This time they were much better at it, and Harry made sure not to be distracted any more by Malfoy's scent.
Malfoy was under the cloak and they had just managed to successfully complete a small spiral when Harry lost track of Malfoy.
"Draco?" he called hesitantly. "Sorry, I've lost you completely."
He heard a small whoosh beside him and tentatively moved his broom forward, but the noise had already disappeared.
"Draco?" he called again.
"Behind you," Malfoy's voice came from just next to his right ear.
Harry jumped and turned around. "How did you do that?" he asked. "You're so quiet."
"Thought I'd step the game up a little," came Malfoy's cocky reply. He sounded as though he were mere inches from Harry. "Unless you don't think you're ready for it?"
Harry grinned. "You wish." He waited for the sound of Malfoy taking off, but it was quiet. There wasn't even any wind to mask the noise. "Draco?" he asked, looking around uselessly.
"Still here," Malfoy said from the same position as before. His voice sounded strained, almost rasping.
"What are you waiting for?" Harry asked. He frowned slightly, wishing he could see why Malfoy had stopped.
He heard Malfoy give a small intake of breath, then something moved softly against his cheek. Like a touch.
Harry felt his stomach flip, and wished vividly that Malfoy wasn't wearing the Invisibility cloak. He couldn't see where Malfoy was looking and it made him feel naked.
Movement down near the oval caught Harry's eye. He turned and frowned. "It's Dave," he said slowly. "What's Dave doing here?"
Malfoy didn't speak. Harry turned and flew down to where Dave was wandering the outskirts of the oval, clearly unable to see them. A rush of air at his right told him Malfoy was next to him. He dismounted, dropped his broom and walked over to Dave, removing the protection spells as he went.
"Dave?" he asked.
Dave smiled and turned. "I thought you might be here," he said, still grinning. "You mentioned the oval yesterday. I thought I might catch you practicing."
"Well, yeah," Harry said, feeling suddenly awkward. He hadn't realised he had told Dave the exact location of the oval. If he hadn't been so unsettled during their conversation he never would have mentioned it.
Harry realised suddenly that Malfoy was still under the cloak. He turned to his right and frowned, but didn't say anything. Malfoy's obvious wariness was making Harry slightly edgy. Turning back to Dave, he realised that Dave still had on the strange expression from yesterday. Again, Harry felt his knees throb in remembered pain, like they had just slammed into a desk he had been trying to jump.
Or trying not to jump. Moody's face flashed into his mind and he remembered where he had seen the expression: in the classroom in fourth year, when they had been practicing the Imperius curse.
He pulled out his wand and pointed it at Dave, but Dave was faster.
Dave sneered, aiming his wand casually at the air next to Harry. "Did I guess correct?" he asked.
Harry froze, not wanting to provoke him into harming Malfoy.
"What do you want?" he asked.
"Just the cloak," Dave muttered and before Harry could react there was a whoosh of air next to him as Malfoy was blown backwards in a wordless spell and then Harry was flying back, too, stunned. Dave groped the air next to him until he had the cloak and then disapparated.
"What a kind Death Eater," Malfoy said drily when the spell wore off. "Stunning us so politely."
"I think he only cared about the cloak," Harry said, sitting up slowly. He ran his hand through his hair, looking at the ground. He felt sick. "I don't remember telling him," Harry said, looking up imploringly at Malfoy. "I swear. I would never have given away your location if I'd known. I was distracted because he was talking about the Hallows and I wanted to change the subject so we talked about quidditch. I didn't realise he was imperiused until just then when I remembered seeing the look on his face somewhere else."
Malfoy held up a hand. "It's alright, Harry," he said. "I know you didn't mean it. It's not the Gryffindor thing to do. Stampeding banshees, remember? Besides, I should have been quicker stunning him myself, but he caught me by surprise."
Harry sighed. "What do we do?"
"Better go save your boyfriend, I guess," Malfoy said, sitting back on his heels and looking slightly lost.
Harry nodded and stood up. Grabbing Malfoy's arm, he accio'd their brooms and apparated them to Dave's address.
It was midday, but the house was very quiet. Harry knocked on the door, but when no one answered he pointed his wand and let them both in.
Dave was lying on the floor of the loungeroom. Harry rushed over to him and shook him gently.
"Dave, wake up," he said frantically, hoping they weren't too late. Malfoy stood over him, his hand on his wand, ready for intruders.
Dave's eyes opened. "Harry?" he asked, blinking carefully.
Harry sat back in relief. "You're alive," he said.
"Yeah," Dave said slowly, sitting up and pushing his hair back out of his eyes. "Now, explain to me why I get the distinct impression that's a surprise."
"You were imperiused," Malfoy said bluntly. "Have a cup of tea, you'll get over it."
Dave paled. Harry glared at Malfoy before resting a hand reassuringly on Dave's leg. Dave flinched.
Harry pulled back his hand, hurt. "It feels strange now, but it will pass," he said. "What's the last thing you remember?"
"Standing with you outside your friend's house," Dave said looking confused.
"It must have been the people who attacked the Weasley's," Harry said to Malfoy. "They must have cursed Dave then." He turned back to Dave. "I'm really sorry they used you, but we're going to find them, it's okay."
Dave stared at him. "Okay?" He repeated. "Someone used an Unforgivable on your boyfriend and it's okay?"
Harry reeled back a little, surprised at the emptiness in Dave's tone.
"Well, you're not hurt," Harry said, looking Dave over. "And we'll catch them, I promise."
"You promise," Dave said slowly. "Right. Is this a common occurrence for you?"
"I'm not sure," Harry said honestly. "It was before I killed Voldemort. I don't really know what things are going to be like now."
Dave laughed without humor. "Listen, Harry, I think you're a great guy, but I'm not sure I'm cut out for this."
Harry felt like someone had punched him in the gut. It wasn't that he was in love with Dave, but he had thought they were going well. He enjoyed spending time with him. He'd hoped they might be able to get further than two dates.
"S-sure," he said, cursing himself for stammering. It had been an eventful morning. "Well, thanks for-" he realised that Dave hadn't even been the one who invited him to lunch. "Everything," he finished lamely and stood up. Dave stood up and brushed himself off.
"Whoa, there, Potter," Malfoy's sarcastic drawl suddenly cut through the air as he shoved a hand in front of Harry. "Not so fast." He turned to Dave. "'I think you're a great guy'? Really? That's what you have to say to the savior of the wizarding world?" He sneered. "You're not cut out for this. Please. If you're going to drop someone because you're a pathetic coward, at least have the decency to say so. You act like Harry personally imposed upon you, instead of you being lucky enough to only get a small taste of the kind of shit he's put up with for eighteen years."
Harry stared at Malfoy open mouthed. To his confusion, Dave didn't even look surprised.
"You done?" Dave asked, raising an eyebrow.
Malfoy glared at him.
"Maybe you should be telling him that," Dave continued, nodding his head at Harry, his voice loaded with meaning. "Now, if you'll excuse me?" He motioned to the door.
Malfoy gave one last sneer before grabbing Harry's arm and dragging him out the door. He apparated them both back to Grimmauld place before Harry could even contemplate saying goodbye.
"Told you he was an arsehole," Malfoy growled, slamming the door behind him.
"Thanks," Harry said, laughing despite himself. "That didn't feel nearly as humiliating as it actually was with you yelling at him. I think."
"Any time," Malfoy grunted.
They stood in the hallway. Malfoy seemed reluctant to move and Harry wasn't sure what to do now. He had lost the cloak. He couldn't find the stone. He had the wand, but without the other two it was just an impressive wand. It didn't do whatever the Death Eaters - presumably Twilfitt - wanted. He blew gently on his hands. It was nearly winter and cold in the house. Outside it was almost dark.
"Harry," Malfoy said.
"Yeah?" Harry asked, looking up. He was surprised to see that Malfoy was closer than he had expected, and Malfoy's face held the same strangely exasperated expression from yesterday morning, only this time there was no amusement.
"Just forget about him," Malfoy said. He shoved his hands in his pockets and leaned against the hallway wall. His face was in shadow. "He's an idiot."
Harry ran his hands through his hair and grinned ruefully. "I know," he said. "But he was right, too. Who knows what my life is going to be like from now on? There's always going to be someone out there who wants power, and I have the Elder Wand. It's pretty tempting. The people close to me are always going to risk being used against me, being hurt."
"Stampeding banshees," Malfoy said warningly.
Harry waved his hand dismissively. "It's alright, I'm not thinking nobly or sacrificially or anything. It just sucks. It's bad enough for Ron and Hermione. How can I expect to invite someone new into my life?"
"Maybe it doesn't have to be someone new," Malfoy said.
Harry shrugged. "It's still too much to expect from someone," he said. He put on a falsely bright tone. "Hi there, nice to meet you. People close to me tend to be imperiused or killed or tortured. Sorry in advance. Want to go out with me?" He sighed.
"Yes," Malfoy said.
"Huh?" Harry asked, looking up.
"Yes, I want to go out with you," Malfoy said, taking a step forward.
"W-what?" Harry stuttered, cursing his pathetic vocal chords for the second time that day. "You want to go out with me?"
Malfoy took another step closer.
"What about Zabini?" Harry took a step backward, stunned.
"We're not dating," Malfoy said, taking another step forward.
"But, in the living room," Harry stammered. "You were-"
"Demonstrating poor judgment," Malfoy said. "Father had just been given the Kiss. I wanted comfort."
"But, that's the only reason you kissed me," Harry argued, fighting for solid ground. "You said you wouldn't do that again."
Malfoy laughed, the sound low in his throat. "I lied. And it was you, not me, who said that was why I kissed you."
Harry took another step backward. His feet hit the wall. "But, why did you say you wouldn't do it again, then?"
"I didn't think you wanted me to," Malfoy said, stepping forward so that his body was pressed up against Harry's.
Harry gave an involuntary shudder, looking up into Malfoy's eyes, hidden by the dark light of the hallway. "And now?" he asked. He was surprised to hear the rough edge to his own voice.
Malfoy smirked. Instead of answering, he leaned forward and kissed Harry. It wasn't like the first time, all anger and furious energy. It was slow and soft. Malfoy's lips pressed gently against Harry's, lightly tasting without demanding. Harry gave a small moan, his lips parting, and Malfoy pressed his mouth deeper against Harry's.
Without thinking, Harry opened his mouth further, letting Malfoy's tongue slip inside and flick lightly against Harry's own. Malfoy's arms slid up Harry's sides and onto his arms, pinning him to the wall. With a shock, Harry realised that Malfoy was strong enough to hold him there. His eyes snapped open and he saw Malfoy pull back, watching him carefully.
"Is it too much?" Malfoy asked quietly, his voice husky.
Harry shook his head and grinned. Straining against Malfoy's hold, he leaned forward and sucked gently on Malfoy's lower lip. Malfoy made a small noise in the back of his throat and suddenly he slammed Harry back against the wall and pressed against him in earnest. Their mouths moved against each other, desperate for more, crossing lips and skin and neck in a feverish attempt to taste it all. Harry gasped and with it brought the smell of Malfoy's shampoo, familiar in a way that was still exciting and new. He leaned into Malfoy's neck and breathed, savoring the scent. Malfoy shuddered beneath him.
In a quick movement, Harry brought his arms underneath Malfoy's thighs and hoisted him up so that his legs were wrapped around Harry's waist. Malfoy hooked his arms around Harry's shoulders, hanging onto Harry's neck while Harry licked slowly along his collarbone. Stumbling slightly, Harry carried Malfoy into the living room and they both fell down onto the couch.
Malfoy stretched out across Harry, resting his weight on his arms on either side of Harry's chest, and came back down, his movements slowing to bring the same languid sensation they had promised in their first kiss. Harry smiled against Malfoy's mouth and brought his hands up into Malfoy's hair, holding him there gently.
Harry wasn't sure how much time passed with them laying there, but eventually they slowed and Malfoy slid down until he rested on his side between Harry and the couch. He pulled back gently from Harry and muttered, "accio blanket."
A blanket flew over from the other side of the room. Malfoy tucked them both in, coming down to rest propped up on his hand. He watched Harry with a soft smile on his face. It changed his face dramatically. Harry brought his hand up to brush aside the hair from Malfoy's forehead before pulling him back down for another soft kiss. Malfoy shifted so that his head rested next to Harry's on the cushion and closed his eyes.
Harry couldn't remember a time that he had felt this relaxed and found himself wishing stupidly that it wouldn't end. He closed his eyes and together they drifted into sleep.
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