Nate is Worried
~*Nate is Worried*~
Third P.O.V
A week had gone by and the refugees were all sent to cultivate land to secure food. But that couldn't prevent the food shortage that had to be given out to majority of the refugees. In the following year of 846, the central government launched a campaign to retake wall maria using the refugees
as Sacrifices
Armin: G-Grandpa, please stay with me!! I-I can't lose you too!!
Noah: P-Please s-stay with armin, h-he will miss you
"Kids, you know I have to go. I'm way too old and if I stay, I will only make you suffer. If I go, you will be able to eat"
Armin: B-But you'll die!!
"I know, it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make"
Armin's grandpa kneels down to Armin who has tear in his eyes. He wiped them as he hugged his grandchild.
"Armin, you have been a blessing that your parents had and I had a lot of fun reading with you and teaching you so many things. I want you to grow up with your friends, they will be your new family and you'll learn so much. I will watch you from above armin"
Armin's grandpa smiled as he looked over to me.
"Noah, thank you for being apart of my grandchild's life. He never had friends before so when he came home telling me he made friends was the happiest moment of my life. You made so many memories with him and I want you to continue that with him. Please take care of him"
Noah: I-I (cries) o-okay
"I must go now, goodbye armin, noah"
Armin: b-b-bye grand-pa
Armin's grandpa gave the children one last smile as he placed his hat on armin's hand. Leaving off with the other refugees. The government had planned out that 250,000 refugees including some soldiers went out the walls to fight the titans.
However, only about a hundred survived. Not even Armin's grandpa made it which made armin even worst as Noah comforted him in those times. With their sacrifice, the food shortage has improved a little, for those who survived.
Armin stared at the hat his grandpa left him. His tears did not dare to fall down as he clutched the hat near him. Noah comforting him by rubbing his back as eren leaned against the wall. Mikasa was off to the side staring the the three boys 2 feet away from her.
Eren: the titans are to blame. if only we could defeat them, we would regain our place in this world (hunches down) Armin, Noah, I'm applying for military training next year
Noah: you mean.... you're joining the survey corps?
Eren: yeah! I'll train and I'll become strong enough to fight them.
Armin: me too...
Eren: Armin
Armin: ME TOO!!
Mikasa: I'll join you too
Eren: Mikasa? you don't have to! You said survival is the most important thing.
Mikasa: Yes, and I will be there ensuring your safety
Noah: I'm coming t-too!
Eren: N-Noah?!
Mikasa: you don't have to--
Noah: N-NO!!
The three were shocked from Noah's outburst. When it was silent for a minute, he gripped teddie tight as he stared up in the night sky.
Noah: The titans d-destroyed our home, took inn-innocent lives, e-even made my f-friends cry. I w-want to join to b-bring hope to others that we can w-win. H-Humanity will win against t-titans
The three stared in shock of what noah said. Though, they never denied he couldn't come. Just worried over his safety since he was like a second baby compared to armin.
Mikasa: that means I have to protect you as well
Noah, Armin, Mikasa, and Eren heard Noah's name be called. Turning their heads to see a familiar face they all knew and remembered.
Noah: DAD!!
Noah rushed over to his dad and hugged him, the others following along as Nate smiled and brought them into the hug.
Nate: oh thank the walls (hugs them) you're all okay! when I tried to find you guys, those soldiers didn't help me at all. So I did my best to try and find you. I even had to call my friend to help me out
Noah: your friend?
Nate: yeah, come over dan. This is who I was looking for
From beyond the shadows was a tall man at six feet with black hair with bangs parted near the right. He wore a tight black suit with a blue tie tied near the collar. His shoes cleaned off as Eren glared at him. Already disliking the man before him.
"Nice job, after a whole day of searching. We find them in the place I told you to look first but you insisted that they were at the other side"
Nate: H-HEY! what's done is done and I found the kids
Eren: Mr. Stone, why did you come here?
Nate: I came to check up on you all. When I heard that shiganshina fell, I worried over your safety and my son. I didn't know if you were well or dead. I just had to confirm and took my boss with me to find you. I am so glad I found you all
Noah: Is this guy the boss of all the mail!!
Nate: ahahahaha yeah mail son. Lots and Lots of mail
Mikasa: you're lying Mr. Stone
Nate: I'll tell you when we get there
Eren: Where?
Nate: To wall rose, I'll take you home where we will stay with my friend
Eren: We have no home, Mr. Nate
Armin: Eren...
Silence befell on them as Nate found it a bit akward, pulling his collar off to let some air and let go. Staring at the kids who seen hell, even he couldn't relate to them because he went to his job in wall rose.
Nate: I believe you kids had been through enough for today, let's go. The next carriage will arrive and we shouldn't miss it
Noah: O-Okay, come on guys
Nate and his friend led the kids away from the other surviving refugees who stayed. The others glanced over and looked away, looking straight ahead until they saw the carriage arrive. The coachman noticed Nate's friend waving over as they came over.
Coachman: Ride for 5 I presume?
"yes, please take us over to............"
Coachman: alright, head on in and I'll take you there
Everyone headed inside the carriage as it took off once the door was closed. Seeing the refugee camp slowly close away from view. Eren glanced out the window as Noah leaned over on his shoulder clutching Teddie. Armin and Mikasa glanced out the other window as the two adults glanced at the kids.
Dan: Hey, I should introduce myself so I don't feel like a stranger. The name is Dan foyer. If you got any questions for me, hit me up
Eren did what he said and punched him in the leg. Dan winced in pain as he held his leg.
Nate: E-Eren!?
Eren: He said to hit him so I did
Nate: It's just a metaphor, you don't physically hit him. You ask him questions
Eren: He should have phrased it better
Dan: O-Okay, well now ASK me questions
Noah: U-Um where do you work mr. foyer
Dan: just call me dan and I work at a mmmmm
Dan stopped when he noticed Nate glaring at him. Quickly, he coughed and cleared his throat.
Dan: Like your dad said, I own the world mail company which sends out mail that delivers to people's homes
Armin: H-How old are you?
Dan: I'm 36, same as Nate
Eren: Where are we going?
Dan: To my house, I thought Nate said this already. We'll be staying there for a while, I think you guys had enough of asking me. What are your names?
Eren: Eren Jeager
Armin: Armin Arlet, Mr. Foyer sir
Mikasa: mikasa ackerman
Noah: Noah Stone! Nice to meet you Mr. Foyer
Dan: Nice to meet you Eren, Armin, Mikasa, and Noah. How about your ages? How old are you all?
Eren: Mikasa, Armin, and I are all 10 years old. Noah is 9 so he's the youngest of us
Dan: That's nice, How about hobbies or what you would like to do when you're older
Eren: All four of us are planning to join the military to kill those damn titans
Silence befell on them as it got silent. Nate was shocked as he looked at his son who looked away.
Nate: Noah? is this true?
Noah: I'm sorry dad but, I want to do this! I want to protect you and everyone!
Dan: Kids, I don't think you know how dangerous it is joining the military. It would kill you to--
Armin: Mr. Foyer we understand the consequences and what we will face. But what you and Mr. Stone did not see was madness and what we loss... what I loss was.....
Armin didn't finish as he gripped the hat. Mikasa rubbed his back to comfort him as the adults looked away in guilt. They messed up and knew they hadn't seen what happened in Shiganshina district. Especially Noah, knowing that his friends were killed without him knowing.
It made him feel worst inside. He noticed the sun began to rise as the ride continued on. That was until the carriage stopped.
Coachman: We arrived, the cost is a bit high this time considering this was at night time
Dan: its no problem, how much
As Dan paid off the coachman, Nate looked at the kids and his own before him. Inside, he felt fear grow inside knowing that his son may die if he joins. Then again, he remembered what he said. No matter what he becomes, he always wanted him to come home.
And he intends to make that promise.
Taking a deep breath in, he kneeled down to the kids who noticed his action.
Eren: Mr. Stone, don't--
Nate: I know what you'll say. I shouldn't stop you guys from going to the military. That isn't what I wanted to say. I said this to noah before and I'll say it again. I don't care what you become, as long as you come home (hugs them) I'll be ever so proud that you made it this far
The kids were shocked as they smile and lean into his touch. Hugging Mr. Stone / Dad. Dan noticed and smiled as he clapped his hands, sadly to ruin the reunion.
Dan: It's very sweet but we should head inside. Welcome to my love and beloved home
Dan pointed to the house in the distance that felt two stories tall and was decorated with vines and flowers around. A small area beside the shed was workout equipment tied to a tree or laid around it. A shed was there with two stallions looking out as they noticed Dan.
As they admired the house, Eren felt like throwing as he covered his mouth. Mikasa noticed and walked over to rub his back.
Eren:.....i feel
Mikasa hugs eren's side as he cries a bit. Nate notices and hugs them as the others felt overwhelmed. Even new things can bring bad memories. Especially the good ones that were tormented by the titans.
Noah: Dan, what are those?
Dan: they're horses. The one on the left is shelly and the other one is Stan
Noah: c-can I pet their mane?
Dan: yes but be careful, they aren't--
Too late, Noah headed over to the horses where shelly and Stan was. Noah smiled as Dan shrieked in fear. The others noticing his fear. Nate looked over to his son and shrieked as well.
Noah: huh?
Noah didn't hear as he went over to shelly and stan. Petting them as they licked his hands to which he laughed. They tugged his sleeves over and easily lifted him over the fence. Shocking the others as Mikasa's instincts went over and broke the hole in the horse fence.
Nate: MIKASA!!!
Mikasa broke the fence revealing noah sitting on the ground with the horses laying down with him and licking his face. Noah smiled as Mikasa had a glaring contest with the horses. Seeing as none moved, arminw went over and grabbed Noah out of the shed.
Dan: Nice strength mikasa but I just paid the coachman at least $100 for the ride and now I have to pay $1000 just to fix the hole
Mikasa: sorry mr. foyer
Dan: let me see your hands
Mikasa was hesitant but showed her hands to reveal Dan which revealed her cuts from breaking the wood. Nate sighed as he pulled out a small bottle of alcohol from his back pocket and placed a few drops on her hands. Mikasa flinched when the alcohol touched her wounds as Nate wiped it off and placed bandages over her wounds.
Nate: Mikasa, I may not be your dad but your safety is my concern just as much as Noah's is. Speaking of Noah
Noah: Y-Yes dad
Noah flinched as he felt his scary aura on him. Quickly, Noah was lifted off the ground as he called out his friends for help. They were too scared to help as he was sent inside the house to clean up the horse saliva on him.
Dan sighed as he looked over to Eren who was staring at the punching bag. Glaring as he reeled himself back and punched. Which sent the bag a few feet but it swayed back in place. Seeing as eren continued to do the motion as he sighed and kneeled down to eren.
Dan: if you really want to pack a punch, have your thumb outside. If you do it the other way, you could break some of your bones and that won't be good. Now try it again
Eren did it again with his thumb outside and landed a punch. Just like dan said, it landed a large punch and it was better to the previous ones he had made. Eren smiled as he continued to do it. Dan smiled until he felt a tug on his shirt, looking down to see her glaring at him.
'd-did I do something wrong?' Dan thought as he glanced away which didn't help much.
Dan: D-Did you want to try it too, mikasa?
She nodded as Dan called off eren to let mikasa try. He obliged as he moved aside for mikasa to take a shot. Easily doing a correct punch and correct form easily had the punching bag go over the branch. However, because it was being sent back to Mikasa, Dan pulled her out of the way as the bag swayed around.
Eren, Armin, and Dan were in shock of this.
Dan: Mikasa, you have amazing strength but that strength can kill you. Try to not use so much force into a punch too. Save it so you can many multiple attacks on an enemy.
Mikasa nodded as she walked over to eren as they practiced hitting the punching bag together. It was nice until he noticed armin glancing at them. He did the correct fist form but from how he punched the air. He knew his lack of muscle along with experience was there.
Dan: Make sure you make your feet stay on the ground. When you punch, lift only the leg that you throw like this
Dan showed as Armin did the same thing. Which was well but it wasn't good enough. Still it was a good try.
Nate: Dan, Armin, Eren, Mikasa!! Food is ready, come inside
Dan: Right, coming babe!
Nate: (blush) y-you, I'M NOT YOUR BABE!!
Dan: got it, I got it (turns to the trio) come on kids, food is ready
They nodded as they followed Dan inside the house. They see Noah in a big shirt as they blush. Dan noticed and chuckled, shuffling them inside as they sat around the table. On the table, was a basket full of delicious sandwiches. Each of the kids took the sandwich and took a delicious bite into it.
4 kids: thank you nate!
Nate: no problem
Eren: thank you dan, I'm sorry for being rude
Dan: it's fine, its normal to be suspicious and mean at first. Trust me, Nate was the first
Nate: that was a long time ago
Noah: thank you dan taking us into your home. Thank you
Dan: It's no problem. enjoy it, we'll be here for you guys
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