A Strange Dream
~*A Strange Dream*~
Noah P.O.V
Noah: (gasp) j-just....why did I..... mmmmm
I removed the covers off my bed and tidied up. I placed teddie in the middle of my bed as I walked down the stairs and prepared myself breakfast. I didn't need much so I made myself a fruit salad. I heard the door knock to reveal eren and mikasa.
Noah: g-good morning eren, mikasa
Mikasa: Good Morning
Eren: Good Morning
Noah: I-I'm still eating so--
Eren: we can wait for you to finish eating
Mikasa nods her head as I let them inside.
It was a week after my recovery, dad made sure I was well rested before I played outside. Eren, Armin, and Mikasa always came over to play with me. I remembered when Eren explained to Armin what happened, he cried on my stomach and kept apologizing for not being there.
I only forgave him since it wasn't his fault at all.
Still, it doesn't change the fact that the four of us were inseparable.
Right now, I was eating breakfast with Eren and Mikasa who came over to my house. They wanted to play with armin and I but I need food so they offered to wait.
Noah: I-I'm done
Mikasa turned to me glaring at bit. Being confused until she grabbed a napkin and moved it towards my cheek. Wiping stuff off my face and pulling out to reveal stains on the napkin.
Mikasa: noah, you need to eat properly
Noah: a-ah (blush) s-sorry
Eren: are you done eating?
Noah: y-yeah, let me--
Eren: (grabs plate) I got it
Eren held my plate and placed it in the sink. He let the water wash off the crumbs on top and turned it off. He turned back to me and lifted me up and took me down. Eren ruffled my hair and kissed my forehead.
Eren: okay, let's go see armin
Noah: (blush) o-okay!
I went over to the front door to put my shoes on. Not noticing the glares mikasa and eren were giving each other.
'he'll be mine eren' Mikasa muttered
'not if I get the chance, mikasa' Eren muttered back
Noah: E-Eren, M-Mikasa! I'm r-ready, lets go see a-armin
'cute' eren and mikasa thought as they followed towards me and put their shoes on quickly. Taking my hand and locking the house for me. We left to go find armin, passing by alleyways and houses of our neighbors. Just as we took a turn, we spotted mean bullies hitting armin.
SleepyWolves: >:( me mad, they bully baby armin
Eren: Leave him alone!
Eren ran towards the three bullies who turned around and smirked. I chased after him to stop the bullies from hitting armin. Mikasa followed after us, three against three was no match as the bullies left. However, I got some punches and rubbed my cheek.
Armin: N-Noah, everyone, are you okay?
Noah: my cheek is swollen (; - ;)
Mikasa: let me see
Mikasa kneels down to my height, placing her hands on my cheeks as I wince in pain. Her left hand that was on my right cheek hurt from the slight touch.
Noah: o-owie (> . <')
Mikasa: sorry
Eren had done the same to armin's wounds as it was only scrapes. Applying bandages to them as the boys faced us. Very much so, they were all worried about me. Despite their worrying, I noticed a red book in armin's hands.
Noah: r-red book!
I lean over to armin who blushed, my cheek rubbing on his.
Mikasa: what is it about, armin?
Armin: my grandpa told me it was about a phoenix
Eren: pho ix?
Armin: no, sound it out like fee and then nix
Noah: P-Phoenix!
Armin: yeah, noah that's how you say it
Eren: what about phoenix's though? Does it relate to the outside?
Armin: not really, my grandpa said they are legends
Armin continues as he opens the book, letting Eren, Mikasa, and I see a picture of a majestic bird with flames around it. On the other side of the picture were words that I couldn't read and struggled to work with.
Noah: mmmm I still can't read...
Armin: i-it's fine, I can teach you how to read
Eren: Armin, tell us more
Armin: r-right! so grandpa told me that phoenix's are majestic fire birds that spread wisdom and immortality
Eren: a fire bird? won't it burn
Armin: he said not this bird cause it uses the flames as its wings
Noah: th-that sounds so c-cool! (turns to mikasa) r-right, mikasa
Mikasa: yeah
Armin: get this.... this phoenix has powers
Eren: P-Powers!?
Armin: (nods) (flips page) It can heal wounds with their tears, use the flames to attack, and get this. When a phoenix dies, it turns to ashes but...
Noah: b-but?
Mikasa: what else?
Armin: the ashes of a phoenix starts to form a new life from its own ashes. It's why a phoenix brings immortality
Mikasa, Eren, and I were shocked by what Armin said. If what he said was true from the books, then it must be true. Phoenix's.... Now that I think about it, I thought I saw one in my dream. Maybe I can find a phoenix!
Third P.O.V
Noah: H-Hey armin!
Armin: hm?
Noah: D-Do you think I-I can find a phoenix?
Eren: duh, we'll all find it
Mikasa: together
Noah smiled as the sun reflected on him. Making armin, mikasa, and eren blush.
Noah: together!
The day went on with the four of them chatting and playing until sunset. Eren, Mikasa, and Noah waved armin goodbye. Heading back to their own homes and resting back. Awaiting the many adventures with each other in shiganshina district.
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