"Wanda?" Addison calls out into the air, quietly and cautiously waiting for a response after noticing a blink of blonde hair. She waited for a few seconds, until realizing that she needed to be a little louder. Dang it. She hissed internally, her lips curled downward as her heart picked up the pace. "Wands....Hello?" She calls once more with her body tense from her head to her feet. She tilts her head to the side, waiting for a few moments until she finally spots the said girl with a wooden flute in her hand. She was sporting a belted floral-print linen midi dress, her blonde hair down below her shoulders with a choker that held a pear-colored necklace to match her pupil-less eyes.
Oh thank goodness. Addison sighs in relief before breaking into a jog.
Wanda Wells, the adopted sister of Addison Wells, spent almost two hours within the forest, playing a familiar tune that was embedded into her mind at birth. She felt at ease and swam in bliss as she listens to the song birds echo back to her. Her ears picked up the rushing water and the gentle breeze hitting her skin, until she had to stop her time in the wild until the next day. No loud noise, jarring background music or strangers lingering around her. It was perfect to her and she would never trade that for the world, which can be considered as strange by many kids her age while a few zombies would question her out of curiosity.
Wanda was spending more time in the wild than usual. She finishes her homework at school, commits to her singing in a local restaurant that was open to humans and zombies, then she rides her bike all the way to the forbidden forest. She would be out all day, but her parents did not mind...because she was focusing on life rather being stuck on her phone. Like it was mentioned before, she would not trade the life that she lived for anything else in the world, but she couldn't help but feel like something was missing. She couldn't help but feel like there was a missing piece out there...something that could possibly change her life. Oh how wonderful would that be.
What a great way to end the day after school. She smiles dreamingly to herself as she making her way back to her bike, until she hears a familiar voice call her name.
Addison? Wanda stops in her tracks with her brow cocked up in suspicion. I thought she was at cheer camp. She thought in suspicion with an inquisitive tilt of her head. She turns her head towards the voice until she sees a blip of white hair jogging over to her. Oh, okay. She shrugs internally as a smile immediately washes onto her lips. Her eyes were twinkling in happiness as she begins to make her way down towards her sister. "ADDI!" Wanda greets her sister as she casually walks down a man-made path and passing by tall, sturdy trees. The song birds echoed through the trees, almost singing a song to her, but the sight of her sister made her heart warm.
With every step that she took, her small bag on her back with a water bottle perched within it's side pocket bounced. Her keys jingling and chimed in tempo until she met Addison in the middle. She takes notice of Addison's relieved expression, while taking in her cheer sweats and jacket that had their high school logo. Hmmm...she and Bree must've been on their way home from camp, which also means that Zed tried to meet her half way. She thought with careful consideration until she came to one conclusion. He must've tried to ask her to Prawn in the typical Zed Necrodopolous fashion. She mentally face palmed, thinking that Zed maybe laying on the ground somewhere. Oi Vey.
While Wanda was briefly wondering what happened to the green-haired dope, Addison scurried over before lunging outward to pull her into a firm embrace. She buried her face into Wanda's neck, taking in her very warm body temperature. "How did you get all the way down here?" Addison questions her worriedly before pulling back, snatching the wooden flute from Wanda's hands then fishing out the flute case from her bag that was perched on her back.
Wanda arches a brow for a moment, wondering why she was so frantic until a light bulb turned on in her head. She's worried about me. Wanda's eyes soften with affection before replying softly. "I brought my bike here."
"BUT WANDS!" She protests with a hard glare, then landing a light punch to Wanda's shoulder. "The Forbidden Forest is forbidden for a reason! --" She reprimands quickly, while briefly forgetting her cheer team on the bus and looking for her boyfriend. "You can get hurt!"
Wanda smiles in reply, briefly forgetting the world around her and allowing Addison to put her flute back into her case. "Yes, mom." She replies playfully with an eye roll. "I promise I will not go beyond The Forbidden Forest."
Despite her promise, Addison raises a brow towards her and crossed her arms with a leery gaze.
Ughh...Wanda sighs as feels the intensity of her gaze. Although she tries to get her point across, Wanda knew that despite her bubbly attitude, she was protective of the people she loved. her smile slightly washing away until a serious expression was clear on her face. " I promise." She repeats with a genuine tone before glancing behind her, intending to get back on the bike . She shakes her head with a sigh as she takes a few strides away from Addison. "Now let me get my bike--" She looks up from the grassy floor and towards the large tree, only for her bike to be gone and a broken lock left on the dirt.
"Where is my bike?" Wanda asks with a now surprised gaze.
She rode her bike all the way here?! Addison questioned frantically, but decided to reprimand Wanda later by following her gaze until she noticed a large tree with a small depression in the dirt. She would always lock her bike. She thought with suspicion until she notices Wanda's now distressed expression. Her heart sinks because she knew how much Wanda loved that bike, but she had to get Wanda to safety first. "I don't know, but you can ride with me and Bree back to Seabrook." She reassures Wanda while weaving their fingers together in a firm hold. "I'm not going to let you walk home by yourself." She adds, while feeling a firm squeeze in response.
"But, I loved that bike..." Wanda mutters sadly, while leaning into Addison's embrace.
"I know, "Addison empathized, while squeezing her hand back. "But don't worry, we can ask mom and dad for another bike!" She tried to cheer up Wanda with a smile on her face, but was met with a little, dispirited one. Almost immediately, Addison lost her smile and nods in understanding to her connection with the bike. "Maybe it will turn up some how, we just have to be patient." She suggested softly, until she remembered why she ventured from the bus in the place.
Wanda looks towards her in light surprise. "Zed's in The Forbidden Forest?" She questioned while looking around briefly for a familiar, tall green headed zombie.
"Yeah, but he got hit by our bus and he flew off somewhere! Come on, we have to find him!" She prompted Wanda by strongly tugging her in the direction of the path ahead of them.
As any good sister, Wanda immediately follows Addison's lead. She scurried behind with no hesitation, yet she couldn't help but ask the obvious question. "What did he do now?" Wanda sighs, bemoaning the newest excuse that Zed could possibly come up with for his shenanigans.
Addison pouts a little,"He was going to ask me to the Prawn and--" Addison tries to explain, while tugging Wanda along until a branch ripped into her jacket. "-aah!" She hisses in pain, releasing her sister's hand and clutching onto her elbow where the tear was located.
"Addi!" Wanda calls to her in worry, moving closer to see if there was any blood from the branch. Her eyes locked onto the rip, but did not find any obvious signs of blood, which evoked a sigh of relief. "Oka-ay--no blood....Addi?" She turns quiet as she notices Addison looking the other way.
Addison ignores Wanda's call, immediately gripping her hand while looking right and left towards the sound. Her attention is at an all time high because of the sudden rustling of branches, the rapid sound of footsteps erupting against the floor and a low growl that resounded through the thick part of the forest.
Wanda's body tensed as well and her steps became slow and careful down the path. She held her sister's hand tightly, feeling afraid that she will lose that contact, but while she kept her ears open for the quiet observer...a pair of yellow eyes followed her from the shadows.
Those pair of eyes narrowed on Wanda's small form, growling towards her before one words echoed through the trees with a gruff tone.
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