And so many other feelings was going through Wanda's body, after being held so intimately by the mysterious Wyatt. She hasn't seen his face, but he has seen hers which made her frown in frustration. His voice, his body and his swagger made her feel a strange feeling of longing and desire.
Yet, she hasn't met him yet.
We will see each other again.
She thinks back to his promise to her, before leaving a kiss that delightfully warms her skin. It left warmth, embers of want marking the surface, yet she couldn't tell if this feeling is one she should embrace or run away from.
She couldn't really tell, but the only that she spoke from her mind was..."I hope so."
Wanda muttered those three words to herself before releasing a disappointed sigh. It was almost like that voice ruined that moment between her and Wyatt but-- wait. That voice?
It took a few seconds of trying to distinguish that voice, until a lightbulb turned on in her head.
"Addi?" Wanda wondered as she hears her sister's voice in the distance. She turned towards the left, then tilted her head to try and spot a familiar white head of hair. "I thought she was at cheer camp," She muttered in confusion before she replied.
"ADDI! Is that you?" She called back as loud as she could, before she began to walk towards the direction that her sister's voice called her from.
Addison was trekking through the forest, after her boyfriend got hit by the bus and landed who knows where. From the sound of the collision, the bus hit him pretty hard, which caused him to fly a very far distance, but despite him being a zombie, she couldn't help but be worried for him.
Dang it, where is he? She wondered with a frown on her face.
Her teammates, besides Bucky and the Aceys, were waiting patiently on the bus while she was in the depths of the bushes by herself. Her feet slowly and carefully led her down a trail, while her eyes took in the natural beauty of the Forbidden Forest. "Beside the situation at hand, the forest is very beautiful." She remarked softly to herself, until she heard a shout.
"ADDI! Is that you?"
Her eyes widened in surprise, while her body stilled at the sound of her voice. Wanda? She wondered internally before turning her head towards the sound of her sister's gentle voice. "What is she doing in the Forbidden Forest?" She uttered softly before remembering why and answering her own question.
"Right, she rides her bike through here after school every day." She nods a little, before resuming her walk down the trail with a newfound determination to touch bases with Wanda before finding her boyfriend.
"WANDA!" She calls out loudly, waiting for a response from her sister. However, she received only a symphony of song birds chirping in the wind and the rush of the leaves dancing along.
"Wanda?" Addison calls out into the air again, quietly and cautiously waiting for a response until she notices a dot of blonde hair. Yet, she had to be sure that was her sister. She waited for a few seconds with her eyes squinting to sharpen her vision, until realizing that she needed to be a little louder. Dang it. She hissed internally, her lips curled downward as her heart picked up the pace.
"Wands....Hello?" She again with her body tense from her head to her feet. She tilts her head to the side, waiting for a few moments until she finally spots the said girl with a wooden flute in her hand. She was sporting a belted floral-print linen midi dress, her blonde hair down below her shoulders with a choker that held a pear-colored necklace to match her pupil-less eyes.
Oh thank goodness. Addison sighs in relief before breaking into a jog.
“Addison?” Wanda stops in her tracks as she hears her sister once more, but this time she was able to see a sharper image.
She turns her head towards the voice until she sees a blip of white hair jogging over to her. Oh, I guess cheer camp is over then. She shrugs internally before a smile washes onto her lips. Her eyes were now twinkling in happiness as she resumes her way down towards her.
"ADDI!" Wanda greets her sister as she casually walks down a man-made path and passing by tall, sturdy trees. The song birds echoed through the trees, almost singing a song to her, but the sight of her sister made her heart warm. With every step that she took, her small bag on her back with a water bottle perched within it's side pocket bounced. Her keys jingling and chimed in tempo until she met Addison in the middle.
She takes notice of Addison's relieved expression, while taking in her cheer sweats and jacket that had their high school logo. Hmmm...she and Bree must've been on their way home from camp, which also means that Zed tried to meet her half way. She theorized until she came to one conclusion. He must've tried to ask her to Prawn in the typical Zed Necrodopolous fashion. She mentally face palmed, thinking that Zed maybe laying on the ground somewhere. Oi Vey.
While Wanda was briefly wondering what happened to the green-haired dope, Addison scurried over before lunging outward to pull her into a firm embrace. She buried her face into Wanda's neck, taking in her very warm body temperature. "How did you get all the way down here?" Addison questions her worriedly before pulling back, snatching the wooden flute from Wanda's hands then fishing out the flute case from her bag that was perched on her back.
Wanda arches a brow for a moment, wondering why she was so frantic until a light bulb turned on in her head. She's worried about me. Wanda's eyes soften with affection before replying softly. "I brought my bike here."
"BUT WANDS!" She protests with a hard glare, then landing a light punch to Wanda's shoulder. "The Forbidden Forest is forbidden for a reason! --" She reprimands quickly, while briefly forgetting her cheer team on the bus and looking for her boyfriend. "I still can’t understand why you ride your bike here so often, you can get hurt!"
Wanda smiles in reply, briefly forgetting the world around her and allowing Addison to put her flute back into her case. "Yes, mom." She replies playfully with an eye roll. "I promise I will not go beyond The Forbidden Forest."
Despite her promise, Addison raises a brow towards her and crossed her arms with a leery gaze.
Ughh...Wanda sighs as feels the intensity of her gaze. Although she tries to get her point across, Wanda knew that despite her bubbly attitude, she was protective of the people she loved. Her smile slightly washing away until a serious expression was clear on her face.
" I promise." She repeats with a genuine tone before glancing behind her, intending to get back on the bike . She shakes her head with a sigh as she takes a few strides away from Addison. "Now let me get my bike--" She looks up from the grassy floor and towards the large tree, only for her bike to be gone and a broken lock left on the dirt.
"Where is my bike?" Wanda asks with a now surprised gaze.
She rode her bike all the way here?! Addison questioned frantically, but decided to reprimand Wanda later by following her gaze until she noticed a large tree with a small depression in the dirt.
She would always lock her bike. She thought with suspicion until she notices Wanda's now distressed expression. Her heart sinks because she knew how much Wanda loved that bike, but she had to get Wanda to safety first. "I don't know, but you can ride with me and Bree back to Seabrook." She reassures Wanda while weaving their fingers together in a firm hold. "I'm not going to let you walk home by yourself." She adds, while feeling a firm squeeze in response.
"But, I loved that bike..." Wanda mutters sadly, while leaning into Addison's embrace.
"I know, "Addison empathized, while squeezing her hand back. "But don't worry, we can ask mom and dad for another bike!" She tried to cheer up Wanda with a smile on her face, but was met with a little, dispirited one. Almost immediately, Addison lost her smile and nods in understanding to her connection with the bike. "Maybe it will turn up some how, we just have to be patient." She suggested softly, until she remembered why she ventured from the bus in the place.
Wanda looks towards her in light surprise. "Zed's actually in The Forbidden Forest?" She questioned while looking around briefly for a familiar, tall green headed zombie.
"Yeah, but he got hit by our bus and he flew off somewhere! Come on, we have to find him!" She prompted Wanda by strongly tugging her in the direction of the path ahead of them.
As any good sister would, Wanda immediately follows Addison's lead. She scurried behind with no hesitation, yet she couldn't help but ask the obvious question. "What did he do now?" Wanda sighs, bemoaning the newest excuse that Zed could possibly come up with for his shenanigans.
Addison pouts a little, “He was going to ask me to the Prawn and--" Addison tries to explain, while tugging Wanda along until a branch ripped into her jacket. "-aah!" She hisses in pain, releasing her sister's hand and clutching onto her elbow where the tear was located.
"Addi!" Wanda calls to her in worry, moving closer to see if there was any blood from the branch. Her eyes locked onto the rip, but did not find any obvious signs of blood, which evoked a sigh of relief. "Oka-ay--no blood....Addi?" She turns quiet as she notices Addison looking the other way.
Addison ignores Wanda's call, immediately gripping her hand while looking right and left towards the sound. Her attention is at an all time high because of the sudden rustling of branches, the rapid sound of footsteps erupting against the floor and a low growl that resounded through the thick part of the forest.
Wanda's body tensed as well and her steps became slow and careful down the path.
She held her sister's hand tightly, feeling afraid that she will lose that contact, but while she kept her ears open for the quiet observer...a pair of yellow eyes followed her from the shadows.
Those pair of eyes belonged to Wyatt as they narrowed on Wanda's small, yet pretty form, growling towards her in longing before words of possessiveness echoed through the trees with a gruff tone.
"You are mine Wanda...."
"Wyatt?" Wanda whispered to herself, as she heard a voice say her name. What does he mean, i'm his? She wondered as she secretly turned her head towards the direction of his voice, but was interrupted by a tug of her hand.
Hmmm? Wanda thought to herself, before she shook herself out of her dazed stupor from Wyatt's influence. She blinked a few times to regain consciousness before resuming her way down the trail behind Addison.
They scurried down the trail with the intent on finding by Zed, until they heard a quick rustle of the bushes that came from behind them. The sound almost made Wanda believe that it was a person making that noise, until another rustle resounded to the left of them, only to make them stop in a spot that wasn't covered by the trees and the sky was overhead. Whispers toppled over each other, as if it was calling for her until it roped her in with no attempts of letting her go.
"Wanda...." Wyatt's voice called to her again, coaxing her to move forward, but it triggered a spark within her where her pupil-less eyes began to glow. Her heart began to pound in response to his voice, but the pull was interrupted by her hand being squeezed.
"Whose there?!" Addison demanded, trying to find the person responsible for making those noises until she felt Wanda stop in place. "ZED?!"
"Come on, Addie.." Wanda tried to direct her, while listening for verbal response from another possible visitor...only to receive a rustle of bushes passing behind her.
The sudden movement elicited a shiver up her spine, feeling only discomfort within the pit of her stomach.
Is Wyatt still watching me? Wanda thought to herself, while she gulped softly to herself. Her eyes were looking around, hoping to find something familiar or related to his touch...but she did not find what she truly desired. And she also remembered one important thing.
Wanda, you never saw his face! How could you possibly find him?
The sound made her jump.
Her eyes widened in alarm, while trying to find out who was circling them and if there were more than one...all the while reaching out to grab Addison's hand. "Come on, Addi.." She softly and nervously told Addison as her heart started to race within her chest. She further attempted to avert Addison's attention by gently tugging on her wrist and trying to pull her from away from the open area.
The pull of her hand yanked Addison from her trance, successfully bringing her back to the present and directing her attention towards Wanda whose gaze was clear in concern. "H-uh? Oh! Y-yeah..." Addison replied absentmindedly, but followed her sister anyways so they stuck together like they did when they were kids.
"Whose there?" Addison calls out in a much softer tone, but was only met with a rumbling growl in the distance and from the corner of her eye, she notices a pair of feet and hands bound through the dirt as a way to circle the two.
The sound was also caught by Wanda as she turned towards the sound, yet the sound of feet was replaced by another growl…Yet, instead of a threatening one, it was a growl that called to her, and was curious of her.
Wanda wasn’t sure how she could tell, because she was more of a visual learner, but something in her heart told her so, which unnerved her. It affected her so much that Wanda slowly back towards Addison for comfort. "Someone is watching us...." Wanda’s voice wavered a little in nervousness.
"How do you know...?" Addison questioned her as the growl became layered with another, then another, then another.
"Just a feeling." Wanda tried to say it as nonchalant as possible, but another waver rippled through, as if saying that she was anything but nonchalant. She was nervous, and being alone in the woods did not help to ease that feeling.
“Wanda...” A voice called to her in clear longing, then following it with a low growl. It was low, airy, but just enough to send a chill down her spine and hitting places it shouldn’t hit (not what some of you are thinking, you perverts XD). The intent was clear, and despite the source of that call was out of her line of sight, she could almost imagine it behind her and breathing down her neck.
Ghost-like, and tempting to the point where she could almost feel herself bound to that call, until that source pulled her out of it.But, with a few tugs, it was Addison who pulled her out of that trance.
"Hello? Can anybody hear me?" Addison called nervously, which prompted her to pull Wanda even more…yet the sound that answered back was another growl.
“Wanda...” The voice called her name again, but it became familiar with the tonality, and the youth that dripped within that call of her name. It followed with a much louder growl that was almost desperate to reach to her and pull her within it’s embrace. But instead of capturing it like a predator towards his or her prey, it was more like soulmates separated for a long period of time, only for them to reunite within a place they’ve called their home.
Wanda felt chills ripple up and down her spine, feeling heat spread throughout her body to the point, where she should (like any normal human being) should feel scared, but instead of scared, she found herself wanting to reach towards that feeling, and that feeling only brought her to one name that the voice could belong to.
"Wyatt?" Wanda whispers curiously, before noticing a figure in the distance. It was down the dirt path but it was a manner that meant a warning, which caused her to huddle closer to Addison in hopes to ease her of her fears. Yet, with the two being the only ones in the silent forest, the efforts to ease their nerves did not come to fruition.
It only made their nerves even more frantic by the second.
Addison felt Wanda huddle close to her, which automatically made her embrace the other’s body. She held Wanda tight as they looked around to find a group of wolves surrounding her, snarling from a distance as their gazes burned into their clothes.
One, two, three, four wolves watched her, especially Wanda as they tilted their gazes toward the pupil-less girl who did not extremely cower in fear, but was cautious by their presence. They watched Addison as well, judging them to be outsiders in the thick of their domain.
“Werewolves...” Wanda whispered nervously towards Addison, which earned a shaky nod until a female wolf, whom Wanda assumed to be the Alpha in front of the four who watched them, stepped on the edge of the curved rock.
She stared them down with a chilling stare before she tilted her head up to release a long howl within the forest.
Her howl echoed through the forest, and shot into the sky where the sun has not set, but instead the moon in its full phase hovering above them.
Wanda looked up curiously to also notice the moon, which startled her, but what added to that shock was when the girl on the rock’s eyes glowed a wild, gold hue. Her gaze did not change as it moved from the sky, then back to them, and finally landing on Wanda for a brief moment as the wolves around her followed her howl.
Their howls bounced off the walls, one following the other, and topping over each other before they mysteriously disappeared from their sight. The sudden disappearance made Wanda jump suddenly, making her look back and forth with a stunned expression.
Addison followed Wanda’s lead, wondering where the werewolves disappeared to, until she felt a hand on her shoulder which lead her to automatically do this.“AHH” Addison screamed in fright before turning to punch whoever grabbed her, only to realize that it was Zed, who groaned in pain and held his nose where he was punched.
Wanda, on the other hand, jumped again in surprise, only to see Zed as well, which made her instantly sigh in relief.
“ZED!” Addison smiled brightly with a laugh before bringing ZED into her embrace.
He chuckled warmly before returning the hug. “I miss you too.” Zed replied before turning towards the pupil-less girl, who stood next to her.
“Hey ZED!” Wanda greeted with a grin and an enthusiastic wave.
“Hey Wands!” Zed greeted back with a smile and gave her a brief, yet gentle hug, due to the difference in strength between the two of them.
After he released her, Wanda then poked his nose teasingly. “Are you okay?” She questions before did Addi hit you too hard?” Wanda questions the zombie after he released her from his embrace.
Zed blinked before shaking his head. “Oh, no! I’m good, --” He assured with a good-natured grin. “--it was as hard as yours the last time I surprised you!”
Addison’s eyes instantly widened. “You punched Zed?” She questioned Wanda, wondering how that came to be, but was met with a shrug by the two of them.
“Long story.” Wanda and Zed explained at the same time before noticing a collection of feet approaching them.
“There they are!” A voice called out, and the cheer squad followed in tow as they now were relieved that the two, along with ZED were safe. However, ZED did not come alone.
Without a moment wasted, Zoe, who is Zed’s little sister appears by his side.
Addison then turns to the little zombie. “Zoey, we’re not alone.” She tells the latter cautiously. “We’re surrounded by werewolves.” She reveals as her voice then goes down to a whisper.
However, instead of responding with fear, Zoey jumped with glee. “COOL!”
Oh Zoey. Wanda wanted to laugh, but was interrupted by three friends, whom Addison informed her to be a part of Bucky’s posse, called the...Acey’s?
“What wolves?!”
“Here wolves?!”
They all shouted in shock before pulling out their phones and furiously typed away, while the group behind them were muttering amongst each other in caution and growing fear that a new species of monsters may exist in the Forbidden Forest.
While Wanda was silent and trying to calm her beating heart, Zed simply scoffed and tried to be calm about the possibility of a new group of monsters existing.
“Nobody’s going to believe this.” He remarked.
“I am not so sure about that.” Wanda disagrees with a long sigh, before using a hand to push her long locks from her face, after a somewhat “eventful” moment in the forest…which meant that things will go from peaceful to not so peaceful, in the matter of seconds. Yet, the more time passes by while in the forest, the more she seems that things will go back to normal.
It was just another change in how society accepts monsters.
And if society can accept Zombies, then why not werewolves? Wanda questioned before the clutter of chatter around her, after the moment of panic, decided to go back to the bus and head back to Seabrook.
Wanda was pulled back into the what-if’s of the situation, but as she slowly began to follow behind the group, and noticing the distance growing between them, she heard one last growl that pulled her attention once again.
Being the curious person that she is, she turned towards the sound and saw a group watching her from a distance.
It was a small group simply watching her on a boulder, with one of them close to the top. The group on the bottom curiously watched her, wondering what is so special about her that the one on top insists on keeping his focus on her.
Why are they watching me? She wondered internally, while looking back at them in equal curiosity.
She couldn’t properly distinguish their faces, besides only seeing streaks of white and purple, but as the one above the group slowly trekked down the rock, passing through the group below him, she couldn’t help but move her eyes toward him.
Her gaze solidified with an undeniable energy sparking within her, to the point where her eyes began to glow again.
It was that warmth again, and it made her feel safe (as cliché as that sounds) to the point where she craved it. But as her eyes unknowingly glowed, the figure in front of the group stopped and simply watched her. The group soon turned their attention away from her and were conversing with each other, for a reason she didn’t know…but her focus was on the figure above as he watched her and almost to the point where the other’s gaze could burn into her skin.
Yet, she didn’t care, and would gladly burn for the person who stood before her.
Her hand, as if going on autopilot slowly moved in front of her in hopes to reach out to whoever stood in front of her.
The figure then slowly moved a few steps and he mirrored her actions, as if feeling the same way she did, but was interrupted as a familiar voice called her name.
Wanda almost immediately snapped out of her trance once again. Her eyes going back to normal, and her mind regaining consciousness of the world around her.
She blinked a few times, almost immediately realizing that Addison probably noticed that Wanda didn’t follow them…but she turned to look in front of her again, only for the group, including that figure to be gone.
“What are you doing?! Everyone is on the bus waiting!” Addison chided her, while looking towards her with a worried gaze.
Wanda blinked a few times, turning silent at the weird experiences that she had hours before she ran into Addison, but with the fact that she had no bike, and she had to get home somehow, she nodded silently.
“Okay…sorry.” She muttered a little before following Addison, as the former pulled onto her hand and lead her towards the bus.
Maybe after they get home, she could make sense of what just happened.
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