"Wanda Wells." He speaks under his breath after watching the girl walk away to find the group once more.
Wanda Wells.
The girl with the pupil-less eyes, olive-toned skin, blonde hair, eye-catching features and a slender physique.
She might as well add a halo on top of her head, because to him, she was like an angel with no wings. Her looks pushed him to have an out-of-body experience, where he felt the world around him ceased to exist. And as if nothing else mattered, but the timing to find her...was, inconvenient to say the least.
From a distance, he watched as his pack mates circled around her, and they keenly noticed the instant connection he had to her. However, as he was this close to having her in his arms, the white-haired girl, whom he was convinced to be the Great Alpha, calls to her...thus breaking their connection, and pushing him to leave before he exposed himself.
But, before he pulled away from the warmth he craved, he left a gentle kiss on her skin as a promise. It was a promise for more times that they could be alone, and possibly know each other on a much more intimate level. But the singular drive to ensare her within his grasp made him pause....and think.
Seriously...this quickly?
He thinks back, recalling to how he was teetering from right and wrong on his training, and how he carried himself around her. He was daring, a little careless and carnal, which made him almost want to kick himself for almost losing his composure. But, due to his inner wolf calling out to her, and her energy reaching out to him, he couldn't help it.
He was a teenage boy, yes, but he was also a wolf. He was a hunter who protected his own, he stood strong against his enemies, and he also loved. He loved his sisters, he loved his packmates, and his family. He loved those who were close to him...but now, all he feels is desire. A desire to have a partner, a lover to be vulnerable to and to also be empowered by their presence.
His human side wasn't completely certain, but his inner wolf definitely saw it in Wanda. He wanted that with Wanda, but he had to learn how to control himself if they were truly fated to be together.
He knew that she was raised in human society, so he just had to meet her on her level when that time came. However, until that time came, he had to control his thoughts, and one of those thoughts included him gripping her throat and marking her as his, with a broken dress strap.
His body was getting warm, and that made him freeze in shock before turning around and shaking his head, as if scolding himself for thinking that way. The fact that I am having these thoughts about you Wanda, should be shameful...!
He chided himself harshly, but as he was beating himself down from these hormonal thoughts, he felt her heart beating in time, before her voice echoed within the forest again.
He heard her mutter softly, and almost dazedly, while her eyes darkened only slightly before she consciously returned to a normal state. She was feeling the tension as well, and despite his thoughts being inappropriate, he received a positive reaction. She wasn't feeling uncomfortable, and due to the heat emitting from her body, she was experiencing the same "crisis" as well. She couldn't speak after that, but the fact that her body moved towards him spoke enough for her. And that...made Wyatt growl in want.
I rendered you speechless, my pretty girl. His lips curled slightly into a pleased smirk before resuming back to watching her.
He watched as Wanda returned to a conscious state, then turned left then right as if trying to find him again, which made him hopeful of their connection being real.
It has to be. He silently convinced himself as his smirk turned into a hopeful smile before the white-haired girl finds Wanda and they embrace in a firm hug. He took note of their expressions that sparked relief, and worry (mostly) towards Wanda, only to be met with gentle reassurance because apparently, from one of his pack mates, Wanda frequents the Forbidden Forest on her bike.
Oh jeez.
The fact alone instantly worried him, because he knew that his kind weren't the only species that roamed the woods. She could've met an unfortunate end before they've had a chance to meet, yet the electric feeling within him told him that she was no ordinary girl.
She belongs here.
His inner wolf growled, and his human side realized that he needed to do that as well, but his heart hoped that if the Moon Goddess was right, she could belong with him and stand by his side as his mate.
She could be mine. He thought with a now hopeful tone, while the possibility of having Wanda made his inner wolf growl in longing. But before he could fall into the web that Wanda unknowingly wove, he shook himself out of the daze and pulled himself back to his main priority, which was to find the Great Alpha and the Moonstone.
He knew he had to focus on their mission, yet he couldn't help but let his mind wander to their first interaction with each other. The first song that they've shared together and the moment he first heard her voice.
Take my hand.
He remembered singing with her, as they wandered the forest together like it was only theirs to roam.
Take my whole life too.
Her voice called to him instantly, which was rare, due to the fact that many of his female pack mates failed to get his attention.
For I can't help falling in love with you.
The seamlessly harmony of their voices made his heart warm. Her gentle voice laced with his smooth, but firm like it was supposed to. He felt her curiosity towards him, her eagerness to see his face, while listening to his voice, and that moment he was so close to holding her in his embrace...and do "other things" with her.
Damn it. He cursed, but the sensation of her body against his returned as if she never left...and the images of them together in such an intimate way returned to him as well. His slender, yet muscled chest against her back, where he knew that he bested her in height and her body was smaller in comparison to his. His hand completely wrapped around her delicate throat in a borderline possessive manner. Her submissively leaning her head to the side to expose a bare spot for him to mark her.
Those blissful sighs, and her eyes completely closed as if giving him permission to have his way with her. In every way possible.
My pretty girl, what are you doing to me? He thought as he remembered how his inner wolf slowly teetered towards his feral state.
"Do you swear to me?" He remembered whispering to her under the shade made by the trees.
His inner wolf was screaming at him, pressuring him to cross the line between "holy" and "unholy" when it comes to intimacy, yet he made sure to reel himself in and to maintain his restraint. And despite, his teenage hormones pushing him to indulge in the temptation. He knew that he had to hold back as the pack's second-in-command.
He was about to lose himself to the urges, thanks to Wanda, but their moment was interrupted which only allowed him to brand his lips onto her neck.
Her soft, delicate neck.
Wanda. He internally called her name, following with a sad whine from his inner wolf. His animal self was growing desperate, and those intimate touches did not help to sate those urges and desires. And that brought him back to the moment where he actually touched her skin with his.
Wyatt hummed as his fingertips went to his mouth, pressing them against the surface, recalling the warmth of her skin and the carnal desire for him to use his tongue, and his canines coming out to pierce her skin and mark her. But that window of opportunity was cut short, and as he thought back...he knew that if he acted on instinct, he could've possibly scared her off. And he didn't want that.
So, he sadly had to put the act of finding her again on the back burner.
However, with the label of Seabrook being ripped from the white-haired girl's jacket, and seeing how they were wearing similar colors, he realized that the two were from the same area. So, maybe this won't be so hard.
"Hmmm...two birds with one stone." Wyatt wanted to smirk to himself, but a bell ringed him out of his thoughts, making him turn to the sound only to find out that one of his pack mates took her bike. The bike that she clearly loved.
The discovery made him growl in annoyance. "Really?! You take her bike!?" He stared the two down as they rubbed the back of their necks sheepishly. However, before he began his rant towards them, his eyes noticed a pin that laced into the woven basket on her bike.
It was the same label that came from the white-haired girls' jacket, which meant that they were both in the same town and they go to the same school, so maybe things will work out in the end with Wanda's bike, at least he had an excuse to return it to her.
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