24. The Shift
This will be the last mature content warning. Lets be honest you knew what you signed up for :)
Saying the next week was uncomfortable would've been an understatement. McLaggen was right about one thing: she was so lonely. She'd avoided the trio like the plague and anytime she had the misfortune of locking eyes with them all she received was a tight lip or narrowed eyes. Anyone even remotely close to the trio kept their distance too: Ginny, Neville––even Luna seemed hesitant to approach her.
Violet hadn't spoken to Malfoy since the whole thing with McLaggen. It's not like she didn't want to, in an odd turn of events Malfoy seemed to be the only thing comforting in Violet's life. Comforting and Malfoy didn't sound like perfect synonyms, yet somehow he just was.
Either way he'd made himself scarce over the past week. The most she'd seen of him was a flash of blonde in a corridor or a bowed head at dinner.
The rest of her week was spent in the library finalising her notes for her next meeting with Lance. Occasionally she would find a book on wandless magic, skimming the pages and seeing if she possessed any of the talents written about. From what she'd read the sensation of wandless magic was your emotions melting down through your arm and out of your hand, but she was sure hers was different.
For her it only ever seemed to happen when she was enraged. It wasn't a melting of emotions per say, more of a tingling heat at her fingertips. As if anything she touched would just set alight.
She hadn't done enough reading to fully understand so instead pushed it to the back of her mind and focused on building her case.
Wednesday approached at a sluggish rate, so when dawn finally broke Violet wasted no time in changing into her blazer and skirt before leaving the dorm. Her satchel was slung over her shoulder packed to the brim with notes, book excerpts, questions and witness accounts.
The pace of her steps down the corridor caused her ponytail to occasionally swing in front of her face and a curl would brush her cheek. She slowed when she neared McGonagall's office, realising she probably wasn't expecting her quite so early.
The light of dawn had barely reached the windows, casting pale shadows across the corridor. Violet stepped towards one of the ceiling high windows and looked out across the lake. The Hogwarts grounds were beautiful, the sunlight reflected off of windows and the orange light of morning against the cold stone buildings gave it a heavenly look.
Her trance was broken by footsteps patting down the adjacent corridor. Violet's curiosity got the better of her and she ghosted her fingers over the top of her wand, which was tucked into the waistband of her skirt. Taking delicate, soundless steps she turned the corner and saw a flash of black whip around the far end of the corridor.
Violet broke into a small jog and when she'd reached a jutted out piece of wall pressed her back to it and peered round once more.
It was Malfoy. He was in his all black suit and he seemed to be leaving somewhere––his steps lacked purpose or direction. Violet pondered approaching him, she wanted to know what he was doing out at this hour and she hadn't really seen him in so long. Her body ached for him.
But what if he started asking questions she couldn't answer? She couldn't tell him why she was out at this hour either, nor why she was dressed so formally once again.
Her situation with Malfoy only worked because neither of them asked questions. They didn't snoop, they both accepted there were things neither party could divulge––it's the only way it could ever work. The truth would shatter everything.
Yet Violet was so desperate to know what he was up to. She knew it would be something to do with You-Know-Who, perhaps something for him. If Malfoy was in danger Violet was sure she wanted to know about it. Still, he would never tell her.
Despite the vicious bite of curiosity in the back of her mind she let Malfoy go.
She lingered by the wall for a moment until the footsteps faded, before turning on her heel and walking back towards McGonagall's office.
"Out for a morning stroll, are we?"
Violet hesitantly turned back to find Malfoy stood at the opposite end of the corridor. He hadn't quite left.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" she smirked. Malfoy was smarter than to let her flirt her way out of this but she could always try.
He strode towards her with his piercing gaze scanning her body. "You're dressed––like that again."
"Observant" her arms crossed over her front and she shifted her weight so that she was leaning into her hip.
He stopped in front of her and they were arms length apart. "What are you doing out?"
The dark circles under his eyes were prominent in the morning glow. He looked undeniably sharp. His features had been hollowed out from lack of nutrition and his eyes held their familiar ice.
"Morning stroll. Like you said" she tried to keep her expression plain. Believable.
He quirked an eyebrow as if to say That's a load of shit.
"Have you slept at all?" She reached forward to cup his cheek but he caught her hand.
The contact of their skin caused her to inhale sharply. Images of the last time they touched rushed to the forefront of Violet's mind. The light and shade of their relationship was unbearable. Violet never knew where she stood with him and it was utterly exhausting.
"Don't" his voice cut through her with it's blunt edges.
His jaw clenched and she searched his eyes. Violet knew she wouldn't get an answer from him but she desperately tried to decipher whether it was something he couldn't or wouldn't tell her.
There was a fine line between the two. That's where they were––the small grey space in between.
She brought his hand to her lips and placed a kiss to his knuckles as she felt his grip tighten briefly. His expression softened as he watched their hands hang intertwined between the two of them.
The soft expression was quickly concealed by an indifferent mask. He removed his hand from hers and took a step back.
"See you later, Gardner"
Violet watched as he turned on his heel and left the corridor. She let out an exasperated groan as she walked back to McGonagall's office.
Why did he shut off like that? After everything that's happened, why now?
These thoughts would undoubtedly rattle around her mind for the rest of the day.
Violet wasted no time with her questions once she entered Lance's cell. She skipped the pleasantries and instantly delved into her notebook which was bursting at the seams with information.
"So I read you were involved in three major attacks?"
"Yes. Three muggle attacks. I never harmed another wizard" he clarified.
"Of course you weren't alone––who were you with for each of these attacks?"
"Well the Dark Lord has us in these squadrons. The attacks were always alongside the same people. I was with Rabastan Lestrange, Crabbe, Dolohov, Jerome Jugson and um... Igor Karkaroff"
Violet shuddered at the thought that the latter had been roaming the halls of Hogwarts not two years ago.
"Why were you placed in a squadron with such high ranking Death Eaters?" she tried to keep her tone soft so as to not sound too accusing.
"I'm not sure. I think, maybe, because father was a part of The Dark Lord's inner circle that trust was extended to me too." His face was thoughtful for a moment, "It wasn't because I was a talented killer––if that's what you're suggesting"
"No, no of course not. I just need to know all the details" she scribbled a few more notes into her notebook and pushed a piece of hair behind her ear that had fallen from her ponytail.
"Did you ever use an Unforgivable Curse?"
His face furrowed for a moment before revealing the answer, "Yes, once. I was forced though. I used the Cruciatus Curse once––only for a moment. Dolohov finished off the job."
Lance's face became one of despair. She could see how deeply regretted it as he avoided eye contact and fiddled with some straw on the floor of the cell.
Violet swallowed in an attempt to steady her voice. "Well according to what I've read it's a life sentence for use of an Unforgivable which is usually fifteen to twenty years. You've already served fifteen and for such a minor offence it shouldn't cause an issue"
She hated how casually she had to throw about the usage of an Unforgivable but it all had to be put into perspective. She was doing this for Lance. She was doing it for her mum.
"What was it like being a part of the Death Eaters? Was You-Know-Who... forceful? Did you have mandatory training or were you just expected to get on with it?"
This is what Violet was dreading asking. Whatever Lance answered would potentially be what Malfoy was currently going through and she couldn't bear to think about it.
"Forceful is an understatement. The marks control us to a certain extent, they make sure we never stray too far. However The Dark Lord is particularly fond of punishment and very creative might I add. He uses the Cruciatus when he feels he's been disrespected; Tardiness was punished by a slash to the skin. Failure to complete a task is usually the Killing Curse. So yeah, you could say he was forceful"
An icy terror spiralled up Violet's spine.
Was this what was happening to Malfoy? Has he ever had the Cruciatus Curse used on him?
"In terms of training, we all had to learn occlumency. We would usually be trained by a more senior Death Eater. I was lucky, Dad trained me, he only used occlumency"
"What do you mean only used occlumency?"
"Well some people were crucio-d whilst learning. It was supposed to make you more talented. So that incase you were captured you could withhold The Dark Lord's plans while being tortured."
Violet visibly cringed.
If this is what's happening to Malfoy. No wonder he's retracted into himself over the past few months. It sounds unbearable.
"That's all I need for now" she clasped her notebook shut and slid it back into her bag, "Could I ask you something?"
"Of course Vi, anything" he sat up and moved closer towards the glass.
"Something strange has been happening recently, to me. When I've been feeling an overwhelming amount of... emotions, usually anger, I've been able to... well... move things?"
Lance's interest peaked. He stood up and started to pace his cell, "Move things?"
"Not just things, people. I can heal things too. The other day I picked some petals from a flower and then reattached them. Do you know anything about it?"
His eyes widened, "You're telekinetic?"
"No! Things just... move. I wondered if our family have history with being particularly talented in wandless magic"
"You're telekinetic! I can't believe it." a grin broke out across his features and he was practically vibrating with excitement, "He's going to be so pleased"
Violet's head tilted as her brows furrowed, "Who?"
Lance froze and turned to face her. His smile still lingered but it seemed frozen to his features, as though the emotion had long gone.
"Me. I'm so pleased. You're going to be so... useful Vi"
"Useful? Lance I don't understand" she turned to look at the security guards behind her, who both looked as confused as she was.
He stood very still, facing the glass. His unwavering grin started to scare Violet as his eyes became empty.
"Miss Gardner it's time to go" a third security guard appeared from behind the door.
"No not yet-"
Before she could say anymore she was being ushered from the room. She took one last look at Lance who was still stood smiling to himself in the middle of the cell.
Violet had almost forgotten her mandatory counselling sessions. The bland room made her nauseous and the woman sat opposite even more so. She had offered tea just like last time but Violet refused. She would keep a tighter lip this time around.
"Let's pick up where we left off shall we. So you mentioned Draco Malfoy?"
Nosy cow.
"I don't recall" Violet clasped her hands together and produced a sickly sweet smile.
"I do. Do you know Draco well?"
"Not at all"
"Oh come now Violet. Everything in between these walls is completely between you and I" her smile mirrored Violet's, leading her to believe there was no way it was real.
"I don't see how my interactions with Malfoy has anything to do with my psyche. That is what you're meant to be evaluating after all?" she raised a malicious eyebrow.
"Draco is the son of an imprisoned Death Eater Violet. Any interaction between the two of you is something I need to know about"
"I. Don't. Know. Malfoy" she seethed, her smile never faltering.
Aria huffed and flipped her notebook. "I understand your mother passed last month?"
Subtle much.
"That's why I'm in this situation after all"
"How has that affected you?"
Violet choked on a laugh, "How has it affected me? You're joking right?"
"I'm just trying to understand you Violet"
"No, you're putting words in my mouth" she retorted.
Aria started scribbling in her notebook, "Hostile" she mumbled as she wrote.
"I would like to try an exercise with you, Violet" she licked her finger and flipped the page of her notebook.
Everything this woman did seemed to aggravate Violet.
"Not planning on drugging me this time?"
Aria ignored the comment and carried on, "We're going to do some word association. So I'll say a word and just say the first thing that-"
"I know how word association works" she spat.
Violet stayed quiet for a while as she thought.
"You're not meant to think about-"
Violet's eyes narrowed as she stared at Aria and chose her words purposefully, "Innocent"
Again her words were purposeful, Aria didn't need to know about their drift, "Friend"
She wasn't subtle in her attempt to goade the answer 'Draco' from her lips, "Sadness"
Aria had stopped concealing her efforts and outright said it. Violet shot her a pointed look.
"Fine. That'll be all, you may go" Aria huffed as she clasped her notebook shut.
Violet grabbed her bag and fled quickly from the room.
When Violet returned to her dorm that evening she changed into jeans and Malfoy's jumper. She wrote a note to Malfoy to meet her at the Astronomy Tower at eleven and sent it off with her owl, Polaris.
The note promptly returned with:
Fifth years using it
Meet in the Library instead.
Violet considered the trouble she would get in, should she get caught in the library after hours. Although she would get in just as much trouble for being caught in the Astronomy Tower and thought no more of it.
She carried on reading tales of Camelot while she waited for the clock to strike eleven. Hermione returned in that time but Violet had drawn the curtains on her bed to avoid any awkward encounters. Hermione promptly fell asleep and Violet left the dorm.
The corridors were laced with a chill that seeped through the stone walls from the winter night beyond. Violet hugged her arms around her body and finally reached the library.
It was pitch black bar the light of a singular lantern in the far corner which she hastily approached.
Malfoy was leaning against a desk that was hidden behind a bookshelf beside a large window. She felt a shiver of anticipation every time she saw him. Violet approached slowly and took in his appearance in full.
The warm glow of the candlelight softened his features. His expression was... dazed? His eyes were glossy and he didn't seem to be focusing on anything in particular.
He was drunk.
His eyes met hers and a lazy smile spread across his face.
"Ah, my lady. You called?"
"You're drunk" she was in no place to judge, considering the state she was in when they slept together.
"You're not going to tell on me are you?"
"Never" she smiled and stepped closer.
She was almost relieved he was drunk. She might be able to get a straight answer from him now without him closing off.
"Why did you want to meet?"
"I just... I haven't seen you in a while"
"Did you miss me?" he mocked.
"Well I wouldn't go that far" she closed the gap and interlocked their fingers, "I need to ask you something about..." her fingers ghosted over the place of his mark.
"No" he seemed as though he was trying to put up his mask but the alcohol caused it to falter.
Violet knew now it must be occlumency. That's how he shut people out with such ease. He refused to feel certain things.
"It's not that" she cupped his cheek and stroked the pad of her thumb along his cheekbone, "Has anyone ever used the Cruciatus Curse on you?"
The thought had plagued her all day and considering his state she didn't feel the need to beat around the bush.
His eyes widened and flicked between hers. The movement was so slight she almost missed it but his head dipped slightly in a nod.
Violet felt something rip through her. She was sure it wasn't pity––anger, maybe.
"I'm so sorry" she whispered.
"It's not your fault"
"I know but I-"
"Look don't worry about it" he removed her hand from his cheek and brushed past her.
"I can't––I can't not worry if someone's hurting you"
His fists balled at his sides as he looked at her.
"It's none of your concern"
Violet closed the gap once again and raised one of his balled fists. She pulled his fingers open and placed his hand against her cheek.
"Then make it my concern. Don't you get it? I care"
Malfoy turned his head away from her and towards the bookshelf. She gently pressed her fingertips to his jaw and brought his face back to hers.
"I care about you" she flicked her eyes between his and wet her lips. "Draco"
His name carried a certain weight. A certain commitment. Like a promise.
Violet thought for a moment that he was going to push her away and leave. Instead he pulled her face forward and slanted his lips over hers.
The kiss was slow and sultry. Violet laced her fingers through his soft hair and he flipped them around so that she was pressed up against the bookshelf. His hand held the side of her throat and used his grip to tilt her face upwards towards him.
He pulled back slightly and dragged his thumb down her plump bottom lip.
"I care" his voice was hardly a whisper. He dipped his head back down and reconnected their lips.
Violet hummed into the kiss and moved her hands to his chest as she fisted the fabric of his shirt. She was desperate to get him closer and slightly grinded her hips forward to meet his.
His hands slid down her hips and settled at the back of her thighs. He lifted her from the ground and pressed her back firmly into the bookcase as her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist. Violet sighed into his mouth and he started to trail kisses across her jaw.
Violet moaned as he nipped at the skin of her neck and ran his tongue along the tortured flesh. She started to claw desperately at his shirt and felt him smirk against her skin. Her fingers dragged down his chest while fiddling with the shirt buttons and eventually slid it off of his back.
Violet went to remove the jumper when Draco stopped her, "Keep it on. I want to fuck you in my clothes"
She looked down at him and brushed a piece of hair from his face and watched as his pupils dilated from behind the glassy surface of his eyes. He reconnected their lips and his hand slipped below the hem of the jumper.
The cold surface of his fingertips trailed up her stomach and Violet's breath caught in her throat. He reached the cotton of her bra and slid his fingers underneath. Draco bit down on her lip as his hand flattened against Violet's breast and his thumb circled her nipple.
Violet arched her back towards him and placed her hands either side of his face. "Please, please. I want you now"
Draco's fingers retreated from her jumper and she fumbled with his belt. Violet placed a chaste kiss against his lips as he cast the contraceptive charm then tossed his wand aside. Her mind was so clouded she didn't even notice when he removed her jeans and undergarments.
Without warning Draco thrust into Violet and a moan rippled through her and her face fell into the crook of his neck. Her back collided with the bookshelf with each thrust but she was too sedated by pleasure to register the pain.
His fingers wrapped around her chin and brought her gaze to his.
"Say it again" Violet's mind was too awash with lust to register his request, "Say my name again"
She leant forward and slanted her lips against his, "Draco" her voice was breathy and drawn out.
Her lips moved down his neck as she started to form hickeys of her own against his skin. "Draco"
She repeated his name like an incantation between each kiss. It was as though she was coaxing both of them further to the edge with each syllable.
Before long his thrusts grew sloppy and he cursed profanities against her lips. He studied her from beneath hooded eyes and brushed his thumb against her cheek.
"You're so fucking perfect and you're––all––fucking––mine" he breathed between thrusts.
Violet was sure he was mistaken. With his hair draped over his forehead and his lips slightly parted, emitting low curses, she was sure he was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. His eyes were filled with nothing but adoration for her.
She was his.
That thought tightened the coil inside of her to breaking point and flashes of white crossed her vision as her head fell back. Draco fucked her through the high, seeking his own release and eventually dropped his head to her neck and shuddered inside of her.
The two stayed in place for a while, just holding each other.
Once Draco raised his head and the pair's eyes connected they felt a shift between them.
As though neither had the power to leave. Not anymore.
Thank you for 20k reads you're insane!!
I'm so sorry the updates have been irregular, I've got a two week break now so I'm going to try my best to write more for you :)
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