Chapter 8
Dillan walked out to the garden,the smell of flowers making him at ease.
He sat on a bench and sighed"is this seat open?"Dillan looked up and saw Victoria,he almost had a heart attack"s-sure."
Victoria sat down,she wore a plain white dress that faded into many sunset colors.
Her dark black hair was tied in a side braid as her ember eyes looked sad and distant,Dillan could see smile wrinkles from her old age marking a time where she was truly happy.
"Why did you hurt him?"he blurted out"Xander?"she mumbled"it's a long story,boy."Dillan looked up at her hesitantly"I have time to listen."Victoria sighed"well.."
Victoria ran through the forest,tears running down her face.
She couldn't believe what she'd done,she'd lost control just as her parents warned her and now they were gone.
The small 12 year old girl tripped on a log as she fell on the ground,she groaned and looked behind her.
In her trail was small fires for footprints,where she laid a fire started"not again!"Victoria stood up and began to run again.
Victoria then found a castle,she ran to the door but hesitated to touch the wooden door"hello."she yelped and turned to see a small boy,his shaggy brown hair covered in dirt and his green eyes seeming to glow in the dark.
"Are you lost?"the boy asked,Victoria tried to stomp out the fire at her feet"technically."she muttered"I just want to run away from what I did,please help me."she pleaded.
The boy looked to the girl with wild black hair that grew to her calves and ember eyes that seemed frantic and wild like the fires at her feet,a wool coat covering her rags for clothes with burned holes.
"Of course,I'm David by the way.i live in this castle!"he informed,the girl smiled"my name is Victoria,Victoria Ranger."
Victoria sighed as she pressed her body against the stone walls,they were one of the few things that didn't catch on fire.
She'd lived at the castle as a handmaiden for David for two years,and he'd promise to make her outfits that wouldn't set on fire when she got nervous.
Victoria quickly stomped out another flame,she'd learned to channel her emotions into her powers but they slipped through at times.
"Come in,Vicky!"David called from in his room,Victoria smiled and walked inside.
The boy prince smiled and showed her a small dress"do you like it,Vicky?isn't red your color?"Victoria giggled"I love it Davey!"she then pecked David's cheek.
Steam came off of the place she touched him making him flinch"oh,sorry David!I'll just put on the dress."she then ran off.
David smirked as she left,rubbing the place he was slightly burned.
Another two years went by,the king had died of a sickness making David the youngest prince in the kingdom's history!
When he was handed the crown he made Victoria his advisor,she still was confused of why"why did you make me your advisor?i was happy bring your handmaiden!"
David smiled as he took Victoria's hands,Victoria had learned to not burn him but his hands still had scars"because your so much more then a handmaiden,Victoria!your powers are amazing,you should let them out and not be afraid!"
Victoria pulled her hands away,she knew she might accidentally burn him thinking about that night"but I got people hurt because of them!"
"How?"Victoria sighed"I lost control,my parents were going to make me move because of my powers.i freaked out and my powers burnt everything,the parents.."Victoria tried to hold back a sob.
"I killed them David!I'm a monster!"Victoria hid her face in David's chest"it's ok Vicky,at least you can control them better."
"But people still got hurt."Victoria sobbed,David held her face and wiped away her tears"hey,hey.beautiful people like you don't cry about the past,they look to the future.and your future is so bright it's blinding!"
Victoria smiled softly"beautiful?"David chuckled"you're beautiful,don't let anyone tell you different Vicky."he then gave her a small kiss.
Victoria sighed,she was a idiot!
It had been a couple years later,she couldn't decide her feelings for David but it was clear he liked her.
But now she was stuck with his unborn children,she wanted to shout or scream but knew she could burn down the castle if she did.
She could barely ever feel mad,she was a doormat because of her powers and David and walked over her just like everyone else.
Victoria looked to the ceiling"I need to tell him.."she mumbled"tell me what?"Victoria flinched as she saw David in the doorway.
"What's wrong,Vicky?"Victoria growled"don't call me Vicky,that was before you-you-ugh!"David steppes back"Victoria,I just want to help."
"You want to help?how can you help with your mistake?I'm stuck with your children you dumbass!"Victoria yelled,fire dancing at her feet.
"Oh.."David looked her up and down"Victoria I'm so.."Victoria made fists"don't even say it!"Victoria sighed as she turned and closed her bag.
"What's that?"David asked"I need to have some air,I'll be back in a few months."Victoria growled.
Victoria groaned as she placed a drink at a woman's table,she was a bit on the old side with glasses and short light hair.
Victoria turned to walk away but the woman grabbed her wrist"ma'am-"
"My name is Sagie,I'm a future seer."Victoria pulled her arm away"I don't want to pay you to read my palm."she growled.
Sagie smiled"just heed my warning:you will give birth to a baby boy and girl,you need to bring the baby boy to this address or who knows what will happen."
Sagie then handed Victoria a piece of paper"why would I listen to you?"Sagie smiled"because it shows David some justice,as long as you play it off as only having a daughter."
Victoria looked to the paper and nodded"ok."
Victoria looked into the crib where two babies stared up at her,one a boy and one a girl.
The girl reminded her of a young David with elfish features and a crooked smile,Victoria hummed and looked to the baby boy.
He had almost bright blue eyes had the same effect his father's did,them glowing slighting in the dark.
Victoria smiled and picked up the baby boy,the boy then giggled like someone so familiar"oh you have grandpa's laugh don't you?"she purred.
"You know what?I'll name you after your grandpa Xandis,Xander."Victoria decided before looking to the window"I guess we have to go,don't we?"
Dillan looked to the ground"wow..but why did you knock him out?"Victoria gave a sad smile"I just wanted my baby boy to come home."
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