Chapter 7
Chris and Jewel were with the newcomers,Soren couldn't attend and Chris couldn't find Xander anywhere.
"So let me get this straight.."Jewel began"Cahira is a prophet,Ceto won't tell us her gift and Mel doesn't believe he has one or at least is lying about it."
The two in question wanted to object but thought better"well yes."Cahira answered"shouldn't we try to be more open about this topic?we've all been through it."Chris glanced at Jewel"no offense."Jewel sighed"it's not a offense."
"Chris,you need to understand that we only met you a few days ago.why should we trust you?"Ceto pointed out"Ceto,they are important to the prophecies that will come to play.none of my visions have seen them as a harm."
Ceto sighed"fine,I guess I'll tag along on whatever trust exercises we'll be doing."Mel nodded"I guess I will too."Cahira smiled"then it's settled,let's begin!"
"Alright,since Mel seems to be the only one small enough to trust fall then that scratches that out."Jewel decided"blind fold?"Chris suggested.
"That could work,Cahira?"Cahira nodded and handed Jewel her bandanna"who's going first?"Cahira looked to Ceto expectantly.
Ceto sighed"ok,put it on."Jewel out the bandanna over the taller's eyes"now who wants to sight her?"the group looked between each other.
"I'll go."Soren suggested,Chris and Jewel glared at him,a rock shard sprouting out the ground near Chris"or not."Xander stood up"guys,give Soren a chance.please?"Xander asked not so politely.
Chris and Jewel sighed,to be honest Xander was scary when he said please"fine,come sight her."
Soren walked over and took Ceto's arm in his happily"now you have to direct her through the obstacles."Chris extended his arms and boulders erupted around the camp.
Soren gulped what if I fail?Ceto won't trust them and I already have a bad reputation!he then looked to Xander,his boyfriend sneaked a small smile of encouragement making him feel better.
Soren then began to direct Ceto,she looked around nervously and muttered small questions like"you're not leading me into a tree,right?"Soren would shake his head and reply"no,not even close to one!"
Then they were at the end,Soren then took off the bandanna"see?you're safe to trust us!"he looked to Chris and Jewel seeking approval,they just acknowledged him with a nod is that good or bad!?
Soren then walked back and sat by Xander,when Chris and Jewel weren't looking Xander leaned in a whispered"you did good,babe."
Soren smiled"thanks,love."he whispered back,he was so glad to have Xander.
Chris smiled"who's next?"Cahira smiled down at Mel,he nervously looked to the ground"umm.."
"I'll sight you,Mel!"Molly stated,raising her hand.
Mel smiled"o-ok!"Molly then grabbed the bandanna and put it over his eyes"you ready?"Mel nodded"please don't slam me into a rock."
Molly chuckled and grabbed Mel's shoulders,directing him through the rocks"we're almost there..."
At the end Mel took off the bandanna and looked at the rocks before smiling at Molly"thanks for helping,Molls!"Molly giggled"any time Mel."
Jewel nodded"and next is Cahira,Xander can spot you!"Cahira looked to Xander as he walked over,she blinked rapidly and backed away"I-I'd rather not."
Ceto glared over Cahira's shoulder at Xander protectively"no it's fine,Cahira!Xander is very trustworthy!"Cahira crossed her arms and looked back to Xander,she obviously saw something.
"Maybe you'd want me to Sight you?"Cahira looked to Jewel,trying to decide wether she was dangerous"ok."
She got the bandanna and started to get guided through the rocks,Cahira continued to look over her shoulder anxiously.
Ceto glared at Xander"what's your intentions?"she growled"intentions?i have none besides trying to get you guys to trust me!"Ceto scrunched her nose"Cahira sees things,and she sees that you are a danger."
Mel walked over"Ceto,I don't think Xander will-"Ceto looked to Mel"you defy Cahira's gift?"she challenged"n-no of course not!"
"I'm not dangerous,I don't know what Cahira saw!"Xander objected,Soren walked to Xander's side defensively.
Before the argument could get heated a rock shard shot up between the two group,the looked to Chris who had a pissed off look with Jewel and Cahira beside him"this exercise is over."he growled.
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